Monday, April 14, 2014

My blog twice get in Google Sandbox

My blog twice get in Google Sandbox
My blog twice get in Google Sandbox
My blog twice get in Google Sandbox. This is with different blog, 2 blog. Somehow these events also happen again, since the last annual 2, my first blog also got the Google sandbox. First because I was too much keyword stuffing, in one article. Then the ratio between article I wrote with the key words much more the keywords, e.g. I wrote just one paragraph, I enter the key words in that article can be more than 2 to 5 paragraphs. These keywords directly I put in the post, tags or labels, and descriptions of the keywords. 32 countries that is pass to fifa world cup 2014 Brazil.

And for the blog lately, in fact I've changed all the writing style and how to give key words for better. I've not put keywords in my article again, I've reduced the share of the regular keywords in use in searches on search engines. Whether in tags or labels, and descriptions. I also pointing on the blog is how to make an article that reaches the search value 85% to 100%. If you want to see the value or score an article is good or not, it is still the original or not, we can use online services, there are many available, either free or paid.

For blog with WP premium, could use a pluggin easy wp **o. I used to learn how to raise the value of an article to be good and go to page 1 of the search by using the pluggin.

The fate of that reoccur with the same reason, it was my negligence as a man who did not escape the forgotten and wrong. And from now on, I promise to be better and more careful in posting an article. And of course in accordance with the rules of search engines. What about all of you, has anyone experienced anything similar ? Whether it be out of Goolge sandbox ? When you've made it out of google snadbox, how to get out from google sandbox directly ?

However, sharing is wonderful and a blessing.

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