Thursday, July 11, 2013

Spoon and fork, not only a tool for Lunch

Illustration of Spoon and fork
Spoon and fork, not only a tool for Lunch. Who does not ever use a spoon and fork ? It feels impossible there are people who have never used this tool second. In each household, the second device it is always there.

Versatile Tool

Spoon has long been known in the history of human civilization. Even based on the research results, spoon have been there since time paleoliticum. Since the first form is not even gone through many changes. Tip rounded tablespoon or somewhat oval. The center of the concave shaped. Another tip only works as a grip. Materials spoon makers experienced growth over time. Originally made of spoon just a shell, but leaves the tree bark. Probably in ancient times the spoon is used as food get fueled gravy. Ancient Greeks named the spoon, which means cohclea spiral-shaped shells. Anglo-Saxon was named a spoon, which means sponge fragments or pieces of wood. Most likely word in the English language to refer spoon in words.

Spoon change
Over time, the material undergoes many changes spoon maker. Spoon made from bone, horn, ceramic, porcelain, crystal, metal, silver, even gold. Functions not only as a tool even eat alone. Spoon even play a role in the social life of the community. The aristocratic collect silver or gold spoon to show their social class. Currently spoon also changed the form, function and material manufacturer. Based on differences in form and function, split spoon for spoon, vegetable spoon, tea spoon, rice spoon, and others. Based on the ingredients, spoon now also made of disposable plastic material. Disposable practical use. Unfortunately this results in a hard plastic waste pollution destroyed.

Spoon Loyal Friend

Spoon and fork can be said is a loyal friend. They were always present together with complementary tasks. Some cultures recognize the use of a spoon in his right hand and fork in the left hand. Their job compliment each other. Fork has a mild form of the form 'branch' spired. Its function is to pierce and help hold the food. Like spoon, fork already has a long history of human civilization. 5 branched fork was used in the Middle East since the VII century banquets of the nobility. Just do not fork laid on the table, but is given in each room of the show. Fork used to hold meat cut. Once cut, the meat is fed to the mouth with hands. Like spoon, fork it changed form, function and material manufacturer. Fork branched 2,3 or 5 adapted to its function.

Together with a spoon, fork role in the social strata ranking nobles. Even in the Dutch colonial era, how to eat using a spoon and fork acted nobles. The aim is to distinguish the normal way people eat using hands. Now spoon and fork are always loyal co-present in our lives.

Unique name demitasse spoon

Slightly forget the fork, I want to explain to you the presence of uniquely named demitasse spoon. Before discussing demitasse spoon, let's understand the term "demitasse". Demitasse is a French word that means 'half cup' where 'order' is half and 'tasse' is a cup. Demitasse spoon is used to serve strong black coffee without milk and sugar or just espresso. All those who enjoy the pure taste and aroma of espresso coffee is a fan and not want to ruin taste authentic coffee with milk and sugar supplements usually enjoy a hot drink strong espresso and bitter mentioned!

Demitasse espresso drinkers will see a small measuring cup. To serve a small amount of strong coffee is the purpose behind their serve in demitasse cups as espressos are acid and consume in large amounts or large cup is of course not good for health. Now that we are clear with the concept of demitasse, can you guess what demitasse spoon? A clue can help, small is the generic word for second and demitasse spoon. Assuming that you have already guessed it right, so that means a small spoon or a true technically is part of the cup and saucer arrangement.

When the bitter taste of espresso does not always suit everyone's palette, sugar and coffee shops offer equivalent or at the side one can see a small spoon, used for mixing sugar in coffee. Remember ? Well, the small spoon called demitasse spoon.

Using demitasse Spoon

The main aim is to raise the spoon of sugar, cream or milk for every hot beverage or drink and just espresso, but also tea, chai and other varieties of coffee such as cappuccino, etc. Also use it to beat, it is also sometimes used as a dessert to scoop ice cream, gelato, custard, etc.. In addition to practical use, the spoon is also a popular souvenir and something that many who love collecting. Anyway you wonder why there are people who want to collect a spoon ? Well, that's one of the best parts of cutlery with large designs and patterns carved on it, so we can understand why and become collectibles and especially, antique demitasse spoon.

Type demitasse Spoon

Usually, a spoon made of metal and come in stainless steel and very fine gold and silver. Although sterling silver spoon is a popular choice so kind carrying standard, plastic spoons are also good to use and also a lot of practical use. Except for the design on the handle, the size and shape of a bowl and spoon measurements are about the same, usually measuring up to 3 to 4 inches and sometimes even a little more than 4 inches. The deal comes in various designs and patterns to look more beautiful and one of the most decorated cutlery on the table.

I hope this article has helped you understand the characteristics of a spoon that makes it different from other spoon or other piece of cutlery in this case. As mentioned previously, demitasse spoon comes in various types, whereas the ordinary can be used regularly or daily, such as a spoon vintage rare edition that comes with an intricate design can be used on special occasions. And besides use it, demitasse spoon is a great attraction for those who are on the look out for some authentic home decor items and for those who like to collect souvenirs. Demitasse spoon available in the individual market or in a single set and the type also comes in a good set as part of a tea cup and saucer set or as part of a collection of spoon and fork, fork hey nah mean there demitasse? Yup we consider only there, as part of this demitasse spoon.

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