Monday, April 1, 2013

Tips for Creating a Smart Child

Small Business School - Tips for Creating a Smart Child. Every parent would want their children to grow up to be a Smart Child. Intelligence is genetically obtained by children was a gift from his parents. But the genetic factors that influence children to be intelligent is ranged between 40-80 per cent. The rest can be obtained from the surrounding environment.

There is no right size to state exactly what percentage of that intelligence passed down from parents to their children. Beyond genetic trait, the child's intelligence can be created through the stimulation or stimulation from the outside as well as the intake of nutritious food. To make the smart kids do not have to give him milk and food are expensive. There are many foods that are cheap and easily available that can help us, the parents, making our children a bright child.

Smart - Smart Food Supporting Children

Nourishment in children from an early age to help children grow up to be an intelligent boy. In this stage of growth from infancy to age five, children in desperate need of a lot of protein, carbohydrates, and fat to help it grow properly. Good growth in children is what will shape a child into a smart and healthy.

Other foods that help improve children's intelligence, which is eating enough fish, exclusive breastfeeding, and the fulfillment of the needs of vitamins and minerals. All types of food are the primary support for the brain development of children so that the children grow up to be a smart, genius, creative, and smart.
Follow Environment Shaping Smart Kids

Try not limiting a child's play. The more varied the environment the better the child's brain development in children smart. Wide range of colors, the atmosphere is different, people are different kinds of properties will stimulate the child's brain and make it more intelligent because there are many things that can be learned.

Moreover, if parents provide a rich environment for the game, it will be more rapid brain development. They are guided by their curiosity to observe, try, and train their creativity.

Children who are smart, creative kids. They have a thousand and one reason that might have never been suspected by their parents. Therefore, try to always change the order of colors in the house in a certain period of time, change the order of furniture, and decorate a child's room with a variety of things to hone creative thinking smart for their brain development.

Often a child to enjoy a variety of different views. Lots of scenery, such as mountains, hills, beaches, valleys, deserts and even stimulating the child's brain to think and analyze what he saw. Variations diverse environment helps speed connect nerve cells in the brains of intelligent boy.

Improving Emotional Intelligence Experience
Bright child must have more emotional experience than children who are not too smart. Emotional experience is formed between the ages of 0-7 years in which patience, self-control, cooperation, empathy, and other emotional experiences can be embedded firmly in the child's brain.

Planting early emotion in children makes children more intelligent in responding to various things that involve emotion. And today's research also states that emotional maturity is more critical to the success of children in the day compared to just rely on intelligence. The children in the future will be more intelligent in numeracy and use of advanced technologies such as computers and game play.

Stimulation Right Smart Kids

Something new, challenging, and full of meaning often make children more interested. Basically, the smart kids are often bored if they just do the same thing over and over again. However, by giving new things that have not been found to make them quicker to learn. Hence, it often provides a new vocabulary, a different counting techniques, conduct small experiments, even playing origami can also help the child grow smart.

New things are often encountered by smart kids can stimulate the brain to grow more rapidly. Attention to the little things, details, especially the shape, color, smell can help nerve connections better. Intelligent child is a child who has attention than most other children.

Intelligent Child Has a High Physical Activity
Smart Child has more activities than other children. Activity does affect brain development in children in three ways, namely to increase blood circulation to the brain, affecting hormone production, and stimulates the production of dopamine, which greatly affects the child's mood. The more often a child's physical activity then it will grow more intelligent brain and also himself.

Food Makes Kids Smart
Children being smart is not always based on what is learned and knew. Many factors affect smart kids or not, one of which is food intake. What type of food that can increase the intelligence of children? Here are some foods that can educate children.
  1. Salmon. Fish salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in the growth and development of the child's brain function. Those who consume omega 3 will have a sharper mind and become more intelligent.
  2. Peanut Butter. Peanut butter contains vitamin E which is an antioxidant protective membranes of nerve cells. Together with vitamins and thiamine, vitamin E will help the brain and nervous system in the body to produce energy.
  3. Eggs. Eggs are a cheap source of protein. Part yolks contain choline substances that can help the development of memory and recall. Smart kids have memory and memory is very strong so they can remember more of what they have learned.
  4. Berry. Colored fruits if the stronger the color, the more nutrients that at birth to the formation of intelligent boy. Berry including strawberry, cherry, blueberry, and blackberry contains high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C that works to prevent cancer. Even the seeds in the berries also contain omega-3 fats that help improve memory function in children smart.
  5. Pure Wheat. The ability of the wheat is to assist the release of glucose in the body and mengandum B vitamins are useful for maintaining the body's nervous system in children.
  6. Colored Vegetables. Colored vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, red spinach, and tomatoes are vegetables that have a high nutritional and rich in antioxidants that help strengthen brain cells. Brain cells strong will help the smart kids to think and remember things he had learned.
  7. Milk. In four of five perfectly healthy that we often hear, milk plays a very important role in meeting the needs of protein and B vitamins for children. Protein and vitamin B are very instrumental in the growth of brain tissue as well as the energy source for the brain.
  8. Without Beef Fat. Lean beef is a good source of iron that is essential to provide additional energy to the child so that the child becomes easier to concentrate.

With the above description it was not difficult for parents who want their children to grow up smart. Anyone can now create Smart Child, when in reality, parents do not have high intelligence.

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