Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Proposal Making Good and True

Proposal Making Good and True - A organization that when will organize activities must take proposals. Proposal of activities arranged so that an action plan is to be understood by others and can be run in conjunction with others. In addition, approval is also required from the authorities, so the proposal is needed to understand the other side will and known activities we organized so that the permit would be easy as we can.

Understanding Proposal

Literally based dictionary Indonesian language, the proposal is a plan of work outlined in draft form. Means proposal is a plan set forth in the form of work to succeed blue print a activity or event. Many people sometimes forget the importance of a proposal. From the sense we know that the proposal made vision, mission, and goals of the event could have conveyed to others. Still we often see some organizations in making the proposal simply paste (copy and paste).

Copy paste many roads taken by them because they are lazy to make again or even too short a time. So, the quickest and easiest way is
Copy paste. For another, usually because they do not understand in developing a proposal that is happening is Copy paste others such proposal with the idea of the song changed some things stay necessary.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for people who made the proposal when asked about the small picture of the activity can not explain the feeling to others. In fact, one purpose of making this proposal is that what we mean can be conveyed to others. If we do not understand the proposal we have made to how others can understand the proposal we will ask.

Given the importance of the proposal, the following forms and stages in making a proposal. Shape each proposal is not the same, but the point is hardly much different. Namely, conveys the intent of the creator of the proposal activities. Here's just one example of the proposal form.

Cover Page

Cover page of the proposal usually contains about the theme of the event activities. As for the design the creativity of each.

Contents Page

In this proposal, the contents page contains some of the following.

1. Preliminary

In sub preliminary proposals contained in the overview and background on the importance of the event referred to in the proposal to be held.

In writing it is expected not too long-winded or elaborate. But it also does not require us to write directly perpendicular towards the main point. Use a language easily understood in accordance with the goals that we will give this proposal.

Do not use language that is difficult to understand by those who would we addressed this proposal to him. Is not the purpose of this proposal is that the intent and purpose of the event can be conveyed to others ? So, it is not relevant if we mean not delivered even though we have made the proposal because of the language we use is difficult to understand.

It is expected also to be coherent writing for people who read the proposals could follow the flow and not too tired to read. As an essay, introductory paragraph can consist of opening, contents, and closing.

2. Basis Motion

The foundation consists of the ground motion used by organizations to create a show that is in the proposal. The foundation of motion may contain more than one point, it all depends on what the basis used by the organization.

3. Destination

Contains about the purpose to be achieved when the events referred to in the proposal could be implemented smoothly. For writing can simply be written per point or can be modeled as a paragraph. However, most preferred in the form of direct per-point.

This is done considering the number of goals to be achieved in the event referred to in the proposal. It is recommended to write directly per-point destination system to make it easier for people to read our proposal later.

4. Target

Contains provisions concerning limits to be achieved in an event referred to in the proposal. Write down the target line with what you are targeting. Do not forget to write it in accordance with the reality. Avoid writing goals short of expectations that might be accomplished.

5. Target

Contains about something which is the goal of the event referred to in the proposal. The purpose is more to the object or objects that were targeted in the event the proposal is written. For example, separate events recalled SMPN 1 Wonosobo, the target could have students SMPN 1 Wonosobo.

6. Event Name

Surely the subtitles in this proposal contains the name of the activity to be carried out. Try to make the name of the activity carried out in accordance with the event and use the right choice of words as well. For example, the name of the following activities.

This activity is called'' Toward GPA (Islam, Achievement and Lecture) Cumlaude "with the theme" In Islam And We're Back get achievement Glory "

7. Time and Place

Contains the time and place of the activity carried out. Please write down the time and place in accordance with the plans that have been agreed within the organization, although the possibility of a change in the field later that we do not really want.

8. Form Activity

Contains about the order of events or activities that will take place later. Preparation in accordance with the order of events that will be used in the future.

9. Composition of Committee

Contains about the arrangement committee involved in success event referred to in the proposal. Or model constituent writing are usually arranged in hierarki from executive chairman to members.

Keep the same name does not hold two jobs in the makeup of the committee. It'll look more focused and professional separately succeed in carrying out their duties in the event that a proposal intended activity.

The composition of the committee should not be directly written here, it could be placed on a sheet attached appendix after closing.

10. Budget Plan

It contains estimates of the costs to be incurred in the event success intended in the proposal. Usually for operating costs to include in the proposal a slight increase. This is to anticipate the occurrence of any estimate or price spikes that occur during the process of success event.

Budget Plan please arranged as detailed particulars and match the reality on the ground there. It is necessary to reduce false detail that could happen in the event success activities referred to in the proposal.

11. Cover

Contains concluding remarks are commonly used. It also contains an invitation to those who read the proposal to participate in the success of the event is in the proposal.

After concluding words, under no date and place of manufacture and name proposals bright and alert hand from executive chairman and secretary. Writing executive chairman and secretary placed parallel, but the secretary is on the right while the chief executive is on the left.

Once the contents of the page is completed, the next page is usually appendices. Attachments can contain composition of the committee itself, budget plan, and the format of cooperation.

All of it depends on your policy to make proposals to make it look as attractive and easy as possible for others to read the intent of what we want can be achieved to others.

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