Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Non-private in Indonesia country

Non-private in Indonesia country - What's on your mind about the state ? Yes. Of course. SOE is a non-private entity owned by the government. Further SOE Know. Literally, SOE is a state-owned company, either the company or business entity owned by the government. There are so many features of the company's non-private. The characteristics are as follows.
  1. Business entity controlled or owned by the government.
  2. Hierarchical and functional supervision by the government.
  3. Policies in all business activities are set by the government.
  4. All of the risks posed, the responsibility of the government completely.
  5. To keep private authorities are not doing monopoly business.
  6. The place to serve the public interest and community service.
  7. As a place to fill state coffers. The treasury is one source of income for the country.
  8. As one of the nation's economy stabilizers.
  9. Government borrowing in the form of bonds.
  10. State capital is owned in full by the state.
  11. Economic institutions whose primary purpose is not for profit, but rather seeking profits.
  12. Be able to increase productivity, efficiency, and security of all economic principles.
  13. Act as shareholders. If the shares are owned by the community, the amount is not more than 49 percent, while less than 51 per cent of its shares owned by the state.
  14. Having the help of capital from abroad.
  15. Advantages exploited for the welfare of the community.
  16. To borrow money can apply to the bank or non-bank financial institutions.
Since 2001, the management of SOEs coordinated by minister state headed by a Minister of SOEs. There are many different companies that are under state, there is a public corporation, company, or department. The three companies have a difference, not only in terms of names, but also characterize and duties.
1. Limited company

Company Limited or PT is one of the "product" state whose capital is divided into shares. A total of at least 51% of shares owned by the government on behalf of the state. The shares were aiming for profit.
There are also the characteristics of the company, as follows.
  1. Establishment of national state is a result of the proposal submitted to the minister president.
  2. PT status and stance set out in the legislation.
  3. Having the capital in shares.
  4. Its establishment was made by the minister in accordance with the law. Minister appointed a shareholder-owned government.
  5. The official "organ" in the company is the AGM (highest power), directors, and commissioners.
  6. Directors have a duty as a leader.
  7. If all the shares are owned by the state or government, ministers served also as the AGM. If part of it, is a limited liability company shareholders.
  8. Ratification of the annual report made by the AGM.
  9. Company Limited did not get state facilities.
  10. Although CF is one of the "product" state that in fact non-private, employee status as private employees.
  11. All relations with the outside world is so arranged in civil law.

GMS is the highest position in a limited company. The function of the AGM is held all authority within the company. In addition, the AGM authorized the board of directors or replace if necessary.

Meanwhile, the directors have a duty to be responsible for all maintenance of national state, in and put in the court. Appointment of directors and stop positions determined by the AGM, while the commissioners job is to oversee the performance of the national state and report to the AGM.

There are some limited company changed ownership by the government into a public company whose shares are held by the public. One example of such company is PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom).

Open Persero have given privatization policy of the government. The purpose of privatization is the sale of a portion would also whole national state to the other party to improve. Even so, not all limited company could be privatized. Persero that has elements of competitive enterprises and rapid technological changes are allowed.

While it can not be changed persero shape, among others, that the national state laws have shaped state, has a duty to the public interest, is engaged in the defense or state, is engaged in the Natural Resources as given unequivocal prohibition by law to privatized.

2. Public Company

Public company's capital owned by the state or the Public Corporation is not divided into shares. Housing has the aim of providing high quality goods and services. In addition, the Public Corporation is also pursuing profits by the management company.

The Company generally has characteristics among others, serve the public interest, the directors / director is a leader, has a wealth of its own in a private company and so are free to make contracts with all parties, but it is managed by a separate government capital from the country's wealth.

In addition, all employees is a private company employee, be allowed to raise funds from other parties, aims to foster profits are used to fill the state treasury, and capital can be in the form of stocks or bonds for companies that go public.

3. Bureau Company (Testament)

The company has a department that comes from the state capital. Capital is determined through the budget. There are also the characteristics of the corporate office, such as providing service to the community. Testament is part of a government department, the leader is a responsibility of a chief minister would be given directly to any director general of the department concerned, and the status of its employees are civil servants.

State the status of covenant now no longer exists because the status has turned into a legal entity or other business. There is a covenant that changes a limited company as Railway Testament. Perjan the Public Corporation, among others, covenants first mortgage but have now changed the status of a limited company.

Perjan the public service agency there are many, for example Perjan Children's Hospital and Maternity Harapan Kita Hospital, Dr. Madura, Hospital Dr. Kariadi, Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Hospital Dr. Sardjito, Hospital Dr. M. Djamil, Hospital Dr. Mohammad Hoesin, Hospital Cardiovascular Harapan Kita, Sanglah Hospital, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Fatmawati Hospital, Friendship Hospital and Cancer Hospital Dharmais.

There is also a covenant which changed its status to a public broadcaster like Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) and Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI).

Regional-Owned Enterprises

Regional Owned or ROE is also part of the state. Just like other business entities that have been mentioned above, enterprises also has its own characteristics.

These characteristics include the Regional Owned holders of all the wealth and the business is local government. Local governments also have a position as a shareholder in the company's capital, overseeing the use of complementary tools of the state. In addition to for-profit enterprises are also on duty to serve the public interest, has the authority to set company policy.

No lag, enterprises are also used as a stabilizer for the welfare of the people's economy, the country's revenue sources. Responsible for the local enterprises are directors, as well as most of the capital is owned by the state.

The establishment of enterprises also have the same goal together for the benefit of all people. There is also the goal is to contribute to the national economy, making money, meeting the needs of everyone's life, a pioneer for all sorts of business activities, and providing assistance to small businesses.

It was information about one of the private non-SOEs. With the enterprise is certainly expected that the Indonesian people are able to accept the result of the performance of SOEs. The work of both maximum and that support the entire life of society.

May be useful !

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