Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Educational Institutions is very Important

Educational Institutions is very Important. Educational Institutions is important in the course of human life. There, humans obtain knowledge from many fields. Because it is, education has been given since the man was young. Another important role of education as forming the human personality itself. Talking about education official, educational institutions are things you can not be kept. Educational institutions into facilities and infrastructure for people to get their education. Both want any formally informal.

Enrichment educational institutions also became a priority for the government of any country. The goal is of course to create a society of educated people, that would be useful to advance the state.

In fact, when a country feel they have a qualified educational institution, a person with extraordinary talent intelligence, will be facilitated to continue their education in overseas educational institutions for this is considered much better. With hope, when smart people came back, he would be able to help advance the country.

In general, educational institutions can be divided into two. Institutions are formal and informal. Both institutions were essentially offer the same thing, education. Both types of education are trying to make the Indonesian people become more intelligent.

Formal Institutions

Institutions of formal education is an education that deliberately set up to facilitate people to get education. Formal institutions are divided into two, the formal public and private institutions. The difference between the two is stewardship.

Formal education institutions existed under state stewardship education department of the government. The agency also received a special budget from the government. While the formal status of private education institutions, is owned by a foundation that is built on the initiative of individual persons.

In the term, formal education institutions is an educational body that has clearly education. Starting from the bottom, middle, top, up to a high level. Formal educational institutions commonly called the school. The process of learning is done systematically, based on the official rules that are specified by the relevant parties, such as government.

Here is a relatively formal educational institutions. Starting from the basic level to high.

1. Kindergarten

Kindergarten or Kindergarten is usually abbreviated formal education institutions that are at the bottom level. Kindergarten is for children ages 4 to 6 years. In educational institutions, the teaching methods used generally messing around. Because this age, most powerful way to teach children is to play.

In these institutions, humans begin to learn how to interact with others outside the family. Taught to be active, confident and courageous. They are intended to be represented in the form of teaching that are more feature side. The children were asked to sing in front of the class and so forth.

2. Elementary School

New elementary school levels could be explored after graduating kindergarten children. Primary schools are within 6 years. At the start of grade 1 to grade 6. Here, kids get more specific lessons. Fundamentals of science began to be introduced. Generally, children ages 7 to 12 years are elementary school students.

In year 6, children are required to take a final exam. The final exam is the path which led to the higher education level, the Junior High School.

3. Junior High School

Junior High School is a continuation of the elementary school level. Time taken to complete this level of education is 3 years old. The institution is a bridge before heading higher education.

School Children First are those who reach the age Teenagers, between 13 to 15 years. At the end of the third year, students and junior high school students are required to take the test to proceed to senior secondary level.

4. High School

High School is a formal education required after the escape from the high school or junior high school. Just like junior high school or high school is required within three years. This is the last level course children wear uniforms to go to school.

High school students are those who have started growing up, between 16 and 18 years old. Educational institutions are not included in the educational institutions that must be taken. At the end of the third year, the student and the student must attend the final exam in order to graduate from this level. Then, they can choose to continue to pursue higher education or work.

5. College

Higher Education is an advanced level of high school. The institute is divided into institutes, colleges, polytechnics, universities and high schools. Education program was divided into D3 (Diploma), S1 (Bachelor), S2 (Master), and S3 (Doctorate).

Education institutions presents many scientific majors. Like the Economy, Livestock, Agriculture, Literature, Medicine, Political Science, Marine, Law, and so forth. These tracks will produce experts in the field.

In general, the time spent to take this level is 4 years old. There are 8 semesters, one semester can within 6 months. However, it is not possible also taken up more than 4 years. However, for the State Universities, the time limit of 7 years is the maximum a person to go through the level, if more than that, students will dropout.

Informal Institutions

Informal educational institutions are educational path that is outside of formal educational institutions. Nonetheless, informal or non-formal educational institutions is still being done on a regular basis, there are levels and structures are made to be obeyed.

Informal Institutions deliberately organized to supplement or complement the education obtained from formal education. Just like formal education, informal education aims to provide lessons, forming smart people in the field of science and help shape the personality.

Type of informal education includes education about life skills, early childhood education, education on youth, women's empowerment education, literacy education, vocational education and job training.

There is also a kind of education appointed by the government in an effort to equalize for those who can not receive education in formal education bench. As Educational Institutions equality includes Package A, Package B and Package C Also the institutions that is designed to further develop skills through training them directly, such as institutions learn dance, language courses, computer, and so on.

Educational institutions to be part of infrastructure building a village, city, and state. There are many views out there about whether or not an important part of the educational institutions. Given the teaching-learning system applied in the country was assessed to no avail, especially by critics.

Giving lessons or materials that may not be liked by children are considered not good for development. Coupled with tasks that accumulate. School eventually became something that sucks. Such assumptions not only in Indonesia, was the same abroad.

Because the application is wrong, rules are made by the school with the aim of disciplining students, the last will just look like limit. Essentially limiting the creative power of children.

The view that a smart kid is a great kid in particular subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology are already attached. That is the reason why the child to master the lesson outside subjects feel insignificant and smart.

Though, that need to be realized by any educational institution in Indonesia it is the intelligence of children can be divided into several kinds. And every child must be created with the power of reason, perception, and the different interests of a lesson.

Improvements in educational institutions in Indonesia seems to still need to be improved. Not just for the basic level, the college level also needs improvement. So there is no longer a term studying abroad more cool than to study in their own country.

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