Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bandung Institute of Technology, Laboratory blossoming of Science, Science, Engineering, Politics, and the Arts

Bandung Institute of Technology, Laboratory blossoming of Science, Science, Engineering, Politics, and the Arts - Even in Indonesia there are a number of engineering college of the country. If you held a survey about what the name of the famous technical university in Indonesia ? The answer must Bandung Institute of Technology or we are familiar with the ITB. In addition to having the faculty of engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung has also Faculty of Art and Design.

There is an anecdote among young students of the Institute of Technology Bandung that ITB child knows all things except their own department. That is, most of the students / student ITB actually works or works outside the department. Inventors yielding rice varieties said SRI was the son ITB password. Alternative treatment methodologies leech bite suck blood found by children ITB. This treatment method used by comedians Pepeng and successfully recovered.

Then we see the late Harry Roesli that develop contemporary ethnic music and won numerous awards. Or Soejiwo Tedjo the beginning was the reporter and eventually became a Humanist. And many more. Should not children ITB was developed in accordance with their science department.
Brief Profile of Bandung Institute of Technology

Bandung Institute of Technology [ITB] established July 3, 1920 with the name as it "Technische Hooge School [THS]. One direction Just have just de Afdeeling der Weg en Waterbouw. Indonesia's first president, Sukarno engineer degree in Engineering Civil. Architecture ITB campus buildings currently still partly preserved old buildings with a distinctive roof shape by architect Henri Maclaine Pont. addition to rooms used for lectures, labs, studios.

Bandung Institute of Technology has given the art gallery name is Soemardja, a number of sports facilities, and the Campus Center. Bandung Institute of Technology has historic mosques always visited the mosque its name Salman. Then, there is a reading garden shaded by leafy trees. Then adaperpustakaan ITB has 150,000 books and 1000 journal titles. Then there is a sports center Sasana Culture Ganesha, Language Center, Computer Center [ComLabs] Bosscha Observatory.

In the 1990s, Bandung Institute of Technology has 26 Department Undergraduate Program, Department of Sosioteknologi, 34 S2/Magister Study Program and three Field of Study S3/Doktor include elements of science, technology, art, business and humanities. No wonder the Bandung Institute of Technology blossoming into a center of science, technology, and art. Bandung Institute of Technology has a program Ganesha Prize award for their achievement.

Based on the THE-QS survey from the UK, Bandung Institute of Technology topped 80 world rating for Engineering and IT fields of study. It is the only university in Indonesia translucent top 100. Today Bandung Institute of Technology headed by a rector Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka 2010-2014.
Faculty of Educational Studies Program and the Institute of Technology Bandung

The course of study at ITB is very diverse and many. Here is the full list :

  1. Mining Engineering [A]
  2. Petroleum Engineering [TM]
  3. Engineering Geophysics [TG]
  4. Metallurgical Engineering [MG]
  5. School of Business and Management [SBM]
  6. Management [MB]
  7. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences [Faculty]
  8. Mathematics [MA]
  9. Physics [FI]
  10. Chemistry [KI]
  11. Astronomy [AS]
  12. School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development [SAPPK]
  13. Architecture [AR]
  14. Regional and City Planning [PL]
  15. School of Biological Science and Technology [SITH]
  16. Biology [BI]
  17. Microbiology [BM]
  18. Biological Engineering [BE]
  19. Faculty of Industrial Technology [FTI]
  20. Chemical Engineering [TK]
  21. Engineering Physics [TF]
  22. Industrial Engineering [IT]
  23. Industrial Engineering Management [MR]
  24. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering [FTSL]
  25. Civil Engineering [SI]
  26. Environmental Engineering [TL]
  27. Marine Engineering [KL]
  28. Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering [FTMD]
  29. Mechanical Engineering [MS]
  30. Aeronautics and Astronautics [AE]
  31. Engineering Materials [MT]
  32. School of Pharmacy [SF]
  33. Pharmaceutical Science and Technology [FA]
  34. Clinical and Community Pharmacy [FK])
  35. Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology [FITB]
  36. Engineering Geology [GL]
  37. Meteorology [ME]
  38. Oceanography [OS]
  39. Geodesy and Geomatics [GD]
  40. School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology [FITB]
  41. Electrical Engineering [EL]
  42. Informatics [IF]
  43. Mechanical Power [EP]
  44. Telecommunication Engineering [ET]
  45. Systems and Information Technology [II]
  46. Faculty of Art and Design [FSRD]
  47. Arts [SR]
  48. Kria [KR]
  49. Visual Communication Design [DK]
  50. Interior Design [IN]
  51. Product Design [DP]
  52. Faculty of Mining and Petroleum [FTTM]
Faculty called education unit has a number of study programs at undergraduate, masters, and doctoral degrees. While the school is an educational unit that has a course. Close scientific limit. In addition to a varied program of study. Bandung Institute of Technology has educational unit, the unit sports, arts unit, Department Student Association.

Education Unit Bandung Institute of Technology

  1. ITB Student Press
  2. Student Regiment Battalion I / ITB
  3. Entrepreneurship Development Unit Student "UPKM"
  4. Student Welfare Cooperative "KOKESMA"
  5. Tabloid Students Boulevard
  6. Salman ITB
  7. Unit Study Group Economic and Capital Market
  8. ITB Students Scientific Study of Collaboration
  9. Study Group on Economic and Political History
  10. GaneshaTV
  11. Madani Student Movement Study Circle
  12. Red Cross Volunteer Corps Indonesia
  13. Institute for Democracy and Praxis
  14. Group Islam Strategic Analysis and Communications
  15. Mass Communication Studies ITB
  16. Study Group on Economic and Capital Market ITB
  17. League Student Film "LFM" ITB
  18. Ideological Islamic Studies Unit ITB HEART
  19. PSIK - ITB
  20. Unit Mathematics and Linguistics
  21. Scout
  22. Entrepreneur Club ITB
  23. Campus Radio - ITB community radio
  24. Amateur Radio Club ITB - ITB ARC
  25. Students Islamic Family "GAMAIS"
  26. Catholic Students Family "KMK"
  27. Fellowship of Christian Students "FMD"
  28. Hindu Student Family "KMH"
  29. Family Student Buddhist "Dhammanano"
  30. Blood Donor Families ITB "KDD"
  31. Society for Social Studies "PSIK"
  32. Student English Forum "SEF"
  33. Family Student Nature Lovers Ganesha "KMPA"
  34. ITB Scholar
  35. ITB Internet Community
  36. Online Game Research Group
  37. Study of Modern Visual Culture Group
  38. U-green ITB

Art Unit Bandung Institute of Technology

  1. Arts Unit of North Sumatra
  2. Gotra Maha Ganesha
  3. Society of Dance & Karawitan Java-ITB
  4. Arts Society of East Java
  5. Art Unit South Sulawesi
  6. Family Alloys Angklung
  7. Marching Band Waditra Ganesha
  8. Student Choir
  9. Family Alloys Angklung ITB
  10. Japanese Culture Unit
  11. Theatre Studies Students
  12. Aceh Cultural Unit
  13. Sundanese art environment
  14. Minangkabau Arts Unit
  15. Malay Culture Unit
  16. Apres ITB Unit
  17. Group Aspresiasi Literature ITB "GAS-ITB"
  18. Lampung Cultural Arts Unit
  19. Borneo Art Unit
  20. Betawi Culture Unit
  21. Culture Irian Jaya
  22. Students Earth Srivijaya
  23. Family Student Jambi - Siginjai
  24. ITB Students Ochestra
  25. ITB jazz
Bandung Institute of Technology Sports Unit

  1. Unit Bridge
  2. Tennis ITB Unit
  3. Unit Activity Table Tennis ITB
  4. Unit Volleyball
  5. Unit Badminton
  6. Unity Kempo Martial Indonesia
  7. Satria Nusantara
  8. Shield Yourself
  9. Tae Kwon Do
  10. Kendo ITB
  11. Karate ITB Unit
  12. Kyokushinkai
  13. Yudo ITB Unit
  14. Pencak Silat Association Indonesian Workers
  15. Capoeira Quizumba ITB Unit
  16. Units Pool and Water Polo
  17. Chess Unit
  18. Hockey Unit
  19. Unit Basket "GANESHA"
  20. Football Association ITB
  21. Padma Pendawa
  22. Units Soft Ball
  23. Wanadri
  24. Ray White
  25. Archery
  26. Tri Dharma Eka Margaluyu "313"
  27. Fighting Drajat
  28. Martial Hikmatul Faith
  29. Bridge
  30. Aikido
  31. Aerokreasi
  32. Ganesha Bicycler

Student Association Department of Bandung Institute of Technology
  5. HME ITB
  6. IMG ITB
  8. HMT ITB
  9. HMS ITB
  11. HMME "Atmosphaira"
  12. HMO "TRITON"
  13. ITB HMTL
  15. MTI ITB
  18. IMA-G
  19. HMM ITB
  20. KMPN ITB
  21. MTM ITB
  22. HMF
  23. HIMASITH "Nymphaea" ITB
  25. KMSR ITB
  26. HMTG "GEA" ITB
  27. -KM SBM ITB
  28. IMMG ITB
  29. HMTG "GEA" ITB
  30. KMKL ITB

The atmosphere in Around Campus Bandung Institute of Technology
If once your vacation to Bandung. You will find lots of interesting things like a walk along Ganesha street. In this way the atmosphere calm and romantic. Large trees and lush. The sun shines softly. Drizzle fall with the leaves. The birds fly around the air and occasionally perched on a limb. Be careful about the bird droppings often.

Then, if you want to take a family vacation to Bandung Zoo. The place is also adjacent to the campus of Bandung Institute of Technology. For those who like the computer software. Around the Bandung Institute of Technology who sell a lot of DVDs from which to learn program to which to play games.

Bandung Institute of Technology campus near with factory also outlets for shopping for clothes and shoes. Do not fail to miss the typical culinary Bandung Lead rice, salted fish sambal bread, colenak, bajigur, and others. And do not worry if suddenly when traveling for example in case of disaster and hopefully not to. Hospitals St. Borromeo close to the Bandung Institute of Technology campus.

Then a number of other special places like Sasana Culture Ganesha. In this place many people exercise and a number of artists performing at the building Sabuga [Sasana Culture Ganesha]. Library Bandung Institute of Technology [ITB] includes a complete library have many collection and connect directly with some of the best universities abroad. For those who want to know more about ITB visit just to

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