Sunday, February 26, 2012

Talk less and do more

Talk less, do more Talk less and do more - How many of you were wise sentence was read, and any area of sage advice that you can tell, people will not respect you, if you have not been proven in actions, that counsel has made at least the life of your own good. Quality of life...

Example of a philosophical question, but it was a rhetorical question

Example of a philosophical question, but it was a rhetorical question Example of a philosophical question, but it was a rhetorical question - If there are people who nag and always ask that all kinds, the real philosophical question, but that takes time and thought the field...

People who feel constrained by his motion

People who feel constrained by his motion People who feel constrained by his motion - People who previously had no limit, but denied suggestions either because he thinks his ability is limited, it would have limits. Indeed, most of our limitations are those of the restriction....

Harmful actions in the state with almost no hope

Harmful actions in the state with almost no hope Harmful actions in the state with almost no hope - Often, an almost hopeless situation, requiring an almost malicious actions. At least, for the soul that has been dwarfed by doubt and indecision, unusual act of courage that...

Some personal that risk for others

some personal that risk for others Some personal that risk for others - A good friend of my heart, Not a few of us who today are wondering why he was not popular, have a few friends are worth, but many friends are getting muddy life. Without realizing it, people often behave...


DO NOT TALK WHEN ANGRY DO NOT TALK WHEN ANGRY - My friend was furious that his heart, say this as your sentence itself ...Almighty Lord of Peace, On the morning of hope, I expressed my intention today is to not talk when I'm angry. It has been many times I get angry and express...

The best way to be able to collect a lot of money

The best way to be able to collect a lot of money The best way to be able to collect a lot of money - Not a few of us who are wondering, if we are busy making money, why money never collected a lot ? Follow the logic flow of :"Why we are busy making money, but less money ?"...

Who is your true friend ? (EASIER belittle themselves)

Who is your true friend ? (EASIER belittle themselves) Who is your true friend ? (EASIER belittle themselves) - Is it easy for you to denigrate others ? I hope not easy huh ? DIRECTLY insult another person, not easily done by anyone, ... by either the original or a hater. BUT,...

If I missed you

If I missed you If I missed you - You who missed part of your soul, The most important quality is not the person do you expect to be part of your soul, but you will fall in love with him. If you do not purify the heart, clear your mind, and ignores the behavior; You will easily...


NEW FINDING BEAUTY IN MYSELF NEW FINDING BEAUTY IN MYSELF - My friend is tired of himself and the circumstances that tastes tell you what, let's say your sentence is as his own ...Lord Almighty Opening the Heart, I beg your help to stop the habit of complaining about the difficulty...