Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What is Episiotomy : Know episiotomy

What is Episiotomy : Know episiotomy, Episiotomy - Pregnancy and baby guide, All about episiotomy, Types of Episiotomies. - What is Episiotomy : Know episiotomy. An episiotomy is a shearing of the skin and muscle between the vagina and anus. The aim is to widen the birth canal. Usually the doctor will give you a local anesthetic to relieve pain. However, in an emergency episotomi done without local anesthesia.

Know episiotomy

One of the most feared by pregnant women during childbirth is episiotomy. Today many in the community view that labor must be done through an episiotomy. The image of untold pain during the process of episiotomy always haunt pregnant mothers. Some fear that this excess, precisely to make the birth process itself becomes not run smoothly. To avoid that, it helps pregnant mothers to know more about what it episiotomy.

An episiotomy is a shearing of the skin and muscle between the vagina and anus. The aim is to widen the birth canal. Usually the doctor will give you a local anesthetic to relieve pain. However, in an emergency episotomi done without local anesthesia. An episiotomy is done to widen the birth canal, if :

  1. Doctors estimate is necessary, if the baby's shoulders Mass snagged and your doctor or midwife estimate shoulders remain stuck if not assisted by episiotomy.
  2. The fetus is under stress and the doctor wants the birth to go faster.
  3. An episiotomy is a part of deliveries assisted by forceps or vacuum.
  4. Regional perineal muscles are very stiff, so it is likely you will experience a broader wound diperineum or labia (folds on the right and left of the vagina) if it does not do an episiotomy.

An episiotomy is done using a special pair of scissors episiotomy, or with a scalpel. There are two types of incision: midline or midline, which cut straight down to the anus or mediolateral, which is rather low into the corner. Sliced midline common in America. In other countries mediolateral incision is more popular.

Midline episiotomy is a method that is most easily done also the fastest in the repair process, but it is quite risky because it could tear through to the anus. While Medio is quite difficult in the repair process, but enough to protect the anus.

An episiotomy is done to prevent rips wide and irregular in the perineal region. Advantages of doing an episiotomy, tearing more easily sutured and get good results. While the loss, there may be a tear extending into the anus if epsiotomi not true to do. Another possible related pain after childbirth and pain during intercourse.

Formerly an episiotomy done regularly, but not anymore today. Many doctors and several clinical studies which show that an episiotomy is done to avoid injuries parineum worse, are no longer required at this time. In addition, injuries happen so much easier to heal naturally than wounds from an episiotomy. However, there are some doctors who still perform an episiotomy whenever he attending births. Consideration of whether to do an episiotomy or not, of course, depends on your circumstances and the fetus at the time. Believe that the doctor will do the best for you.

Are there other ways that can be done by pregnant women, so that during the process of birth later to avoid an episiotomy ? the answer is there is by doing perineal massage in the last 2 months before the birth or Kegel exercises (especially the relaxation phase) can avoid an episiotomy. Occasionally use warm compresses to help the perineum relax. When the baby would come out, the doctor or midwife will withstand perineum with their fingers. The most effective possibility to avoid episiotomy is to do the right labor, such as the baby's head gently in accordance with the degree of opening of the vagina. Wait suppress natural reflex that you will experience. Avoid pressure that is too forced.

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