Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Why Headaches when Breastfeeding ?

smallbusinesswithbestmarketing.blogspot.com - Why Headaches when Breastfeeding ? The health condition is not good when you are breastfeeding makes you very concerned, firstly because it will affect your baby's health that directly interacts with you through the process of breastfeeding and also make you anxious with the selection of drug consumption to alleviate the condition of your health. For those of you who are breastfeeding selection of drugs is very necessary to avoid health problems in your baby. Painful headaches that can make it difficult to continue your daily activities, including when you are breastfeeding. Estrogen levels can trigger headaches / migraines in women. Some women who usually suffer from headaches / migraine headache less for 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy when estrogen levels are at highs.

Why Headaches when Breastfeeding ? Got a breastfeeding headache? What causes a lactation headache? can breastfeeding cause headaches? Headaches and Breastfeeding

In addition to hormonal changes, there are several other reasons why headaches or migraines worsen after childbirth, namely :

1. Lack of fluid

Conditions due to lack of fluid expenditure through breast milk, urine and sweat is not balanced with the intake of body fluids so that the condition of a lack of fluids or dehydration will cause headaches. This is because their blood concentrations so that the flow of blood throughout the body become obstructed.

2. You get less rest time

The presence of your baby will form the changes in sleep patterns. In general, you need 7-8 hours of sleep per day. If the rest period is not met, then the blood pressure decreases so that blood circulation to the head would be obstructed, causing migraine headaches.

3. Position of poor feeding

When you make a wrong position or lying down is not exactly making the nerves in the neck and head discomfort, triggering your headaches / migraine. One position is wrong, for example you are breastfeeding in a sitting position and your shoulders rounded or sit not use the backrest.

4. Experiencing pressure / stress

Suppress your feelings either work or psychic while breastfeeding will cause headaches. In the process of breastfeeding, you may develop a headache, for example with the worry of your baby breast milk can not meet or experience burnout. Stress will impede the flow of blood in the body, especially in the head and causing chemical elements that trigger stress in your body.

Handling is done when you have a headache while breastfeeding safest course is to use non-medication to avoid the chemical constituents of medicinal mausk through the milk into the baby's body. Some women can treat headaches or using relaxation therapy and other natural remedies. As for those of you who try to use the drug, most often recommended for use during breastfeeding and pregnant ie Paracetamol or acetaminophen, and is usually safe to take for a headache when you are breastfeeding.

If still concerned with the selection of drugs then you can consult your physician first. In more severe cases, or in the case of migraine headaches is very important to consult a physician or neurologist. Any use of the drug while breastfeeding should be done with caution and under a doctor's supervision. Although very rare, there is a condition known connecting headache and breast-feeding. Some women react to the release of the hormone, oxytocin, with headache. The hormone, oxytocin, released and causes contraction of the milk ducts of the breast milk. Oxytocin is a hormone that is the same and is responsible for initiating labor contractions during childbirth.

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