Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Late Menstruation, Am I Pregnant ?

Late Menstruation, Am I Pregnant ? Missed Menstrual Period - Am I Pregnant? pregnancy symptoms, Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period - Late Menstruation, Am I Pregnant ? You need to remember, late menstrual cycle does not always mean you are pregnant. So, if you really do not want to get pregnant, you do not need to panic. Or if you really want to get pregnant and you have missed a period, it is better you do not let your expectations too high. There are many factors that cause missed period and not all lead to pregnancy. Let's refer to his discussion below.

Late Menstruation, Am I Pregnant ?

It is no secret that the menstrual cycle can be used as a marker of pregnancy. However, many people mistakenly interpret it for granted. When you are late menstruation, you think you are pregnant. This is a common mistake. You need to remember, late menstrual cycle does not always mean you are pregnant. So, if you really do not want to get pregnant, you do not need to panic. Or if you really want to get pregnant and you have missed a period, it is better you do not let your expectations too high. There are many factors that cause missed period and not all lead to pregnancy. Let us discuss further.

Some Causes of Late Menstruation

Normally, menstrual cycle or period that occurs once a month occurred because all unfertilized uterine wall. Because it is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus becomes "unused" and will force her whole body mechanisms for uterine wall will be formed. This decay would be bad blood that would come out of the vagina. That's the normal process of menstruation. Of course, for those of you who are late coming months, to be sure nothing happens to the decay process your uterine wall. However, as mentioned earlier, is not always delays in this process because the uterine wall you finally "taken" as a result of fertilization happens. One common example could be the cause of delayed decay is physical health problems. When you are tired of your busy schedule. The mechanism of the formation of a new wall of the uterus will also be hampered.

As a result, you will be missed period or your period lasts only a short time, then stop, then not long after menstruation occurs again. This is solely due to physical conditions that do not fit. There is also a related causes hormonal problems. Surely you already know that women are more sensitive than men. Therefore, women tend to be more "moody". It could also have an impact on your menstrual cycle. Take for example when you're stressed. There is most likely, you will be late coming months or even skip cycle. Then there is another cause which is worrisome is the presence of disease in your uterus. Myoma and cysts are the most common. When the disease is growing in your uterus, it will affect your monthly cycle.

What You Should Do

Things you can do when you have missed period is not to panic. Be calm will help you think clearly and take the next steps. The second is to try to make your mind and body relax may like to reproduce break, hobby, take a holiday, and so forth. When you are relaxed physically and mentally, your menstrual cycle will return to normal again. However, you are strongly advised to consult a doctor if the cycle is too long delayed. It may be that you really are pregnant, or have disease in your uterus. Early treatment can really help you later.

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