Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Pregnant Women, Can Consumption Of Melon ?

Pregnant Women, Can Consumption Melon ? Benefits Of Eating Watermelon (Tarbooz) During Pregnancy, Is It Safe To Consume Watermelon During Pregnancy, Is It Safe To Eat melon During Pregnancy? - Pregnant Women, Can Consumption Of Melon ? Pregnant women should and even recommended to enjoy this fruit during pregnancy. Of course, the benefits of melon will be far better than consuming fruits with a sour taste that will probably cause stomach pain or abdominal pain.

Pregnant Women, Can
Consumption Melon ?

Consumption of food during pregnancy is well worth noting. Because what you consume today is no longer going to affect your body only. The presence of a fetus in your womb, making the intake into the body will also be felt by the baby. In addition, to support the growth of the fetus would require both a nutrition and good nutrition from the mother's body. So therefore, it is important for pregnant women pregnant with a good diet and proper. Do not mistake the pregnancy diet, because diet is not a diet that is done by limiting the amount of food intake and consume less food as much done when you want to lose weight. During pregnancy, a woman would need a lot of food intake. However, food is not just any kind of food and go around you enter it into the mouth.

Healthy food and all sorts of foods with nutrition and nutrition abundant is the type of intake needed by pregnant women. For this reason, it is important for pregnant women to be able to meet the intake well and right. Nutrition and fulfilled with good nutrition during pregnancy will be able to give a good effect. In addition to body feels healthier, development of the fetus in the womb you would not be constrained. In this way, the possible risk of serious birth defects or incomplete will be inevitable.

Unfortunately, many pregnant women still confusion get the intake of the type of food that are healthy for the body. Moreover, today many rumors and myths that exacerbate the reason why pregnant women do not consume these foods. Though these foods is actually a kind of healthy eating that contains nutrients and vitamins that many are in fact necessary for the development of your unborn baby.

Skip the consumption of these foods will probably make a pregnant woman made a loss. Imagine, vitamins and nutrients that should be enjoyed even avoided. This of course will make many pregnant women skip the properties and benefits of a variety of healthy foods. Well, see cases like this it is important to pregnant women for more detailed information about living a healthy pregnancy and the type of healthy foods and beverages that can and can not for consumed during pregnancy. In this way, it will be the provision of information to pregnant women can undergo quality maternal health.

Melon Fruit For Pregnancy

Fruit consumption during pregnancy is a good thing and is recommended for consumption. The consumption of these foods included into the category of healthy food because fruits and vegetables generally are foods that do not contain harmful preservatives nor contain chemicals that are harmful. Thus, the consumption of vegetables and fruits in general is a good thing compared to the consumption of other foods that are less healthy. One type of fruit that is delicious to eat is kind of melon. This fruit dish is a kind of delicious fruit with sweet juice and natural fruit pulp is crispy and chewy. Enjoying a melon can you eat anytime and anywhere. In addition, this fruit dish can be served into a salad, salads and much more. Especially processed into ice fruit blend with ice cubes in it will certainly make our thirst desire can terpeuhi well with this dish.

However, unfortunately the recent news that the sticking melon fruit consumption is prohibited for pregnant women and is considered a type of food that would endanger the pregnancy. With the advent of this news as you are pregnant mothers would think twice before enjoying the fruits of this one. But is it so ? Are pregnant women can eat a melon ? Well, for more details again let us consider some of the following.

Pregnant Women, Can Consumption Melon ?

Hectic news of the ban on pregnant women not to eat melons certainly reap a concern to many people, especially pregnant women. However, up until now there is no medical statement confirming that the consumption of this fruit would be dangerous for pregnant women. On the contrary, the consumption of the fruit of this one is a good thing and is recommended. Melon has a myriad of benefits and efficacy is so great for the health of pregnant women and these benefits can be felt by the fetus in the mother's womb.

So therefore, the consumption of the fruit of this one basically not be a ban. Pregnant women should and even recommended to enjoy this fruit during pregnancy. Of course, the benefits of melon will be far better than consuming fruits with a sour taste that will probably cause stomach pain or abdominal pain.

Melon Fruit Benefits For Pregnancy

Well, aside from some of the benefits above. There is also more of the benefits of consuming fruit melon during pregnancy. Some of these benefits include :

1. Overcoming Nausea Excessive

The first benefits can be felt by pregnant women who consumed melon diligently and regularly is this fruit can be an antidote to excessive nausea. As we know that nausea is a common pregnancy problems experienced by pregnant women. For this reason, do not be afraid or worried when tasting the fruit of this one because of the melon is not a bad effect on health.

2. Prevent Dehydration
The water content in melons that many will be able to refresh your thirst and provide fluid intake to your body. This is important especially when the weather is hot outdoors to a risk of dehydration. Dehydration that occurs in pregnant women is not fun. Therefore, the consumption of melons will overcome this condition.

3. Treating Constipation

Constipation is a disorder of pregnancy that is also commonly occur frequently, especially in the early gestational age. Pregnant women who feel constipation in general will experience conditions that uncomfortable and irritating. Well, the consumption of melon will give you an alternative to overcome the problem of constipation experienced.

4. Normalize Blood Pressure

Melon contains a fairly high amount of potassium. Potassium will be able to contribute to regulate blood pressure system. Benefits of melon would be good to prevent the onset of hypertension or high blood pressure or low blood. In addition, the melon also contains can prevent damage to the system pressure and blood clotting.

Those are some things that can be delivered from a pregnant mother may I consume melons. Hopefully useful and gives you enough information that you need.

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