Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Let Your Gardening In The Courtyard Of The House

Let Your Gardening In The Courtyard Of The House
Illustration of Gardening In The Courtyard Of The House
Let Your Gardening In The Courtyard Of The House. Gardening is an activity that focuses on the process of cultivation. This gardening activity can be an activity or even a hobby for those of you who have spare time. Gardening can be done anyone, woman or man. Aside from being a useful activities, gardening can also produce fruit or vegetables that can be consumed directly without having to buy. Gardening can be done anywhere. That is, if you have vacant land in front of the House or in the backyard of the House, could be harnessed into a plantation. Surely if it is not made of the Park. With gardening, the environment around the House into a beautiful and cool. However, if you have a farm of sleep that are away from home, sleeping better utilized land for gardening activities. Example of green planting reproduce.

The Benefits Of Gardening

1. a positive Impact on the health of

Gardening as well as doing sports because gardening requires maximum body activity. With gardening, the body will burn calories so it's good for the health of the body. When gardening, you will be doing activities such as mowing the lawn, trim the plants, pots, planting flowers, gave fertilizer and watering the plants. By doing the gardening activities, our body will burn approximately 280 calories up to 380 calories per hour. In comparison, the number of calories burned this same sex activity for 3 hours, or the equivalent of jogging or running for 30 minutes or running at a distance of 2.5 km in fact, gardening can burn calories more than cycling. The gardening equivalent of exercise at the gym who will spend a lot of money. In addition, this activity is very conducive to physical and psychic health. For the men, gardening also has enormous benefits in terms of men's health, especially in terms of sex. Gardening activities could address the problem of impotence or erectile dysfunction for men. So, for those of you who are experiencing erectile, do gardening  activities.

2. get to know Nature

When hands dirty because dirt, you have begun a new relationship with nature. The first step, select plants that will be planted in the garden. Previously, make sure the plants are to be planted are suitable to the climate in your environment. After finding a suitable plant, it's time to learn caring for plants, for example, when it's time watering plants, how many need sunlight, and other special treatment. When starting to plant the line upon line of vegetables, your expertise will continue to grow in line with the time You apply yourself to the world of gardening.

3. Create a healthy World

When the plant grows in the garden, you are creating a new circles for living things in the vicinity. You also help reduce carbon dioxide exhaust emissions, not just from the way you drive to the store, but also from the process of transport of food.

4. cost saving

Capital farming or gardening will be back soon when you harvest. The harvest from orchards may reduce spending on food from the post so that it saves expenses. If made with a serious, business in gardening can make you a successful farmers because it could meet the needs of family vegetable and fruit even society.

5. lower the stress level

Gardening can reduce the level of stress experienced by someone. After an exhausting routine, gardening being the right choice for relieving stress and "escape" from the flurry of no stopping. Yes, fill your weekend with gardening to relieve stress. In addition, waiting for the harvest to reach the gardens became the training to increase patience and practice positive thoughts into the future. For the elderly or elderly, gardening can be a choice of activities to fill the time. So, the elderly are not the dusk wasted due to fill it with useful activities. For those who have mental health problems or psychological disorders, gardening has become one of the activities that could be a means of therapy that positively impact.

With gardening, a person can feel comfortable and at ease. Especially if doing gardening with plants and flowers are a beautiful and tranquil surroundings. Furthermore, the activities of caring for flower and gardening can help a person gain a sense of confidence. The benefits of gardening is not just perceived the person doing the gardening activities alone, but also for those who were around the garden because the people who were around the garden benefit the green area around the occupied room.

6. cure diseases and accelerate the recovery process for health

According to a study, some patients at the hospital were going to heal faster if it is in markets and green surroundings. If the measured blood pressure and heart rate, the patients who were in treatment and mas is located in the beautiful and green environment will heal faster. So, if there are family members who are sick, sick family members, bring it into the garden to enjoy the fresh air. So, the many benefits of gardening, not just for the person doing the gardening activities, but also for others. In addition, for those of you who suffered from hypertension or diabetes, can perform gardening because gardening is able to lower blood pressure and are able to burn calories in the body so people with diabetes are encouraged to undertake activities, such as gardening because of the effect on blood sugar levels in the body.

7. extend the life Gardening

With gardening, health factors that are stable and increasingly quiet mind. Will this affect on age. The results showed that people who are happy with gardening have average duration life longer when compared to those who are not fond of gardening.

Gardening, expensive or cheap ?

For some people, including an expensive hobby of gardening. In fact, anyone admit that gardening is one of the fun activities. Then, how is that gardening does not include activities that are not expensive ? Much of the way. E.g. to seed, seedlings can be purchased in due season because it would be cheaper than when we bought it when the flowers were not the season. In addition, buy seeds to suit your needs, don't overdo it. To manure, you can can choose compost or fertilizer from the plant because the price is cheaper when compared to artificial fertilizer factory. Tools for gardening was not able to say cheap, but can be found in the seller searchable indeed sell gardening supplies that are good quality with cheap price. In fact, the garden could be a cheap activity. Moreover, they can be obtained on the cheap, even free of charge. One can override the corresponding types of plants we want and there are around. If you like gardening and produce economic value, let gardening with planting some vegetables, fruits, or medicinal plants. It can be obtained easily and inexpensively.

Take Advantage Of The Empty Land

If you have beds or open land land unused, can be used with the how to make a garden. Yes, if the sleeping land utilized for gardens, will yield a profitable economic value. From the results of the garden, vegetables or fruits can be utilized for consumption by the family. So, if you have a better sleep, the land used to be an orchard. By making the land a garden bed will provide impact environmental green and beautiful.

Well, that's the explanation about gardening, may be useful.

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