Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How Exactly Reproduce the plant with Green ?

Reproduce the plant with Green
Illustration of Reproduce the plant with Green
How Exactly Reproduce the plant with Green ? It seemed, everyone loves with a variety of convenience and practicality. So too in terms of the plant to reproduce. There are many reasons people want a quick way, but give effective results so that the plant can multiply. For example, for the cultivation of plants for a hobby or for business purposes. During this time there are many ways we know to be able to reproduce the plant, for example by means of cuttings, grafting, grafting, and green. All ways have advantages and disadvantages of each, there's no harm in trying out all kinds of ways until You can figure out which way that gives satisfactory results. Example of ginger - medical plant.

In addition, not all the way can be applied to all plants, often for a specific plant needed a special way anyway. So, dare to know the ways in which you can select to multiply your plants.

Kinds Of Vegetative Reproduction

Still remember the first JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Biology lessons that discuss vegetative reproduction ? What actually is the vegetative reproduction ? Vegetative reproduction is the opposite of generative reproduction. If the generative reproduction is the way living things reproduce the sexual process is preceded by the merger of the genital cells of males and females, then the vegetative reproduction is the way living things evolved asexually, i.e. in the absence of a merger between the genital cells of males and females. Almost the most living things use generative or sexual reproduction to reproduce themselves, such as of course humans, mammals, and a variety of plants. As for how vegetative reproduction is only done by some other living beings. Based on the way their reproduction, vegetative reproduction is divided into two, namely :
  1. process happens naturally IE without human intervention. To the natural way we can find in some animals such as amoeba and paramecium that do self cleavage to reproduce itself. On the type of plants, we can look at a potato and Yam bean plants reproduce themselves with stem tuber, or a type of onion-onion by growing bulbs, tuber root, carrot and radish on the plant as well as the growth of buds on the plant bananas. It is the way the plants multiply or reproduce naturally, without any human intervention and without doing any sexual activity that involves the males and females.
  2. occurs in human roles with defined therein. As for how artificial that we find on plants such as by means of grafting, cuttings, green, and so on.

Types Of Artificial Vegetative Reproduction

As already mentioned before, is the artificial vegetative reproduction is the way human beings by implementing all the techniques that can be done to reproduce plants without going through a series of process of marriage. Normally this technique is very useful in the field of agriculture. Offspring are produced in this process is referred to as a clone. Therefore, the Act of reproduction of this plant also known as cloning. The resulting clone is the seed that has all the properties and characteristics of the parent plants.

The results obtained from this process is mostly very satisfying and gives better results and more effective planting time. In the process, up to a certain age prepared clones only then planted. This was done to shorten the time for planting and speed up the harvest time. Therefore, if you implement this method, we can see there are plants that bear fruit is faster, for example, can be harvested in 2-3 years, faster compared to similar plants grown with conventional means, namely by planting seeds of time required to harvest ranged up to 4 years.

There are a variety of ways are wont to do to be able to reproduce the plant artificially, which is as follows :

1. Cuttings

Reproduction of plants using this way is considered as the most convenient way compared to other means. Green done by planting certain plants like the parent portion of the stem or leaves without waiting for the growth of the roots first.

2. Grafts

This is way too many selected to reproduce plants. Grafting is done by way of skinning the branch or twig from the parent plant to clean. Later, covered with soil to taste, wrapped in plastic, and use the wait to finally root out the grain from the ground. After innumerable root fibers that grow then it can be moved to the pot or the wider planting media.

3. Green

How to reproduce the most popular crops could be is green. There have been many who vote this way, but in reality turned out to be easy-easy hard to apply them properly to obtain satisfactory results. Green is the way to do it is extremely easy, namely by attaching the parent plants to sprout eyes part of the stem.

How Exactly Do The Green ?

Because green is the most preferred plants reproduction due to the ease and their effectiveness, must be attention the right way and the right of doing Green. Here is the sequence of how you should do it well :
  1. first, cut off the stem plants branching will be taken the eye shoots. Time taking the eye shoots recommended is in the morning or in the afternoon, because at this moment didn't happen photosynthesis in plants.
  2. leaves that are around it, then carefully the eye shoots from the bottom to the top.
  3. Incision should not be too big and long, just 2 cm.
  4. Half part of the skin incision on primary plant cut, then affixed the eye shoots that had been prepared.
  5. once the eye shoots sticking well, immediately closed the incision with half not cut off earlier. We recommend that the closure was not about the eye shoots are affixed.
  6. using the special plastic Wrap from the bottom to the top. This is done so that the eye shoots covered with plastic so there was no meeting of the incoming water when watering can cause the onset of decay.
Key To The Success Of Green

Of course in order for the process of green that you do can give you maximum results. The following are things you should watch carefully when making green.

1. Just Select the eye shoots

One of the factors that determine the success of this process is the selection of the eye shoots. We recommend that you choose a bud eye is indeed a great potential to grow, for example if you want to experimental to the type of fruit or guava mango plants, choose the eye shoots look a little bud.

2. exactly how Wrenching

How wrenching is also very important. The incision in the parent plant stems and stem parts above must be done properly. The wooden parts of the plant should not be truncated, so too with cadmium (mucus or SAP found in the wood) also should not be lost due to cadmium which acts as a media transport nutrients from the leaves of the plant body.If cadmium to disappear, certain eye shoots a taped will not get the nutrition and any new shoots will not grow.

3. the Right Binding

How to tie a eye shoots to the parent plants also can not arbitrarily exercised. Things to be ascertained is the bond must tie in with the strong and tightly so that it does not allow wind or water can get into the eye shoots can cause decay.

4. precise and Fast way of working

Yes. .. everything must be done quickly and precisely, so did the incision has been made on the plant's stem should not be left too long in the open air. This could cause the cadmium could dry up and the disruption of the delivery of nutrients to the plants. Therefore, we recommend that all that it takes good tools or materials must be well prepared before undertaking a series of work.

Also we recommend that you prepare in advance the eye shoots to be used then then do the incision on the parent plant. Selection of the right time to work is also important to note, we recommend that you choose a time in the morning or the afternoon not too highlighted the scorching sun. The Sun is scorching and too much heat can also dry the cadmium. Agricultural technology has developed so rapidly. Existing technologies already should be used carefully. Breeding ways of artificially plant either by cuttings, grafting or green can be an option to get new plants in a hurry.

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