Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How To Plant Ginger ?

Ginger, medical plant,
Illustration of Ginger, medical plant
How To Plant Ginger ? Ginger is one of a number of medical plant which is important because of its use, trade, life, customs, and beliefs. Already since thousands of years ago, is used as a spice that many are trading extensively in the world. Many tribes in Indonesia know and make use of ginger in everyday life. Usually made of drinks to warm the body, it also used as Enhancer herbs and industry. So Ginger is widely used both in the city and the people in the village. We can also own some kind of ginger to plant in the garden or home page. We can plant ginger is ginger, for then we should know how to plant ginger. Example of unique bedroom.

This Type Of Ginger

On the basis of size, shape, and color of the skin known three types of ginger Rhizome, namely :
  1. Red Ginger (zingeber officinale var. rubrum) small red colored Rhizome, cell rugged and very spicy ginger flavor. Ginger is harvested when it is old age. Often used as a medicine, because the content of essential oil is very high.
  2. Small Ginger, also known as small white or suntil Ginger (zingiber officinale var. amarum), Rhizome is bigger than the Red ginger. Ginger is harvested when it is old age. Often used as medicine or it could be extracted into essential oil or oleoresin. The content of essential oil is higher than the elephant, ginger has a higher fiber and more spicy taste.
  3. Ginger white (z. officinale Sp) or called ginger elephants in the area of West Java, ginger kombongan in Bengkulu. The Rhizome is yellow and light yellow, soft and cell a bit, and it feels less spicy. Ginger root can be harvested when still young or old age. Often used to processed condiments, ginger etc.
The Terms Growing Ginger

The appropriate climate to plant ginger is the climate of A, B, C classification schimdt and ferguson. Ginger plants can grow well in areas with rainfall 2500-4000 mm per year. Optimal growth of ginger require 7-9 months wet. Ginger plants can grow at a height of 10th place-1500 m above sea level. However, optimum at an altitude of 300-900 m above sea level. The desired ground ginger plants are fertile, loose soil, humus, watering contains a lot of good, red latosol soil, Brown, and generally in andosol plant ginger. Ginger plant including a group of plants that love the Sun, in a somewhat sheltered small in stature but rimpangnya leaves.

The optimum temperature range for growth is 25-30 ° c. Monoculture, the temperature on the plant above 35 degree will scorch the leaves. Lower temperature, then the age of the plant is getting longer.

Land Preparation

Land preparation, starting from the processing of the ground, to get a good physical properties as plant growth. Tillage is necessary, so that the retrieved the loose soil conditions. Good soil aeration and some time, to be free from weeds so that plant growth is not interrupted. Tillage can be performed by means of mechanical or other ground to beg as deep as 3 cm, processing is done up to two times. Planting of ginger can be made, the dike wall system by means of elevated soil surface from the results of excavations and trenches. This is done in a flat area high rainfall. After the dike wall formed in the planting hole to create 5-10 cm deep and makes the dike wall. Then sprinkle the manure so that the depth of the soil about 3-5 cm.

In addition to the dike wall can also create a system of trenches for planting seeds of ginger, made in flat areas or with a high degree of slope. The width of the trench as wide a hoe and as deep as 15-20 cm, 60 cm ditch spacing, then sprinkled with manure, then planted at a distance of 30-60 cm. the final stage is hoarding the seeds of ginger as thick as 10 cm, so that the line between in-stream into ditches or waterways as footpath maintenance time.


Ginger propagated vegetatively by Rhizome cuttings or pieces, all seeds in semaikan for Rhizome used to be the seedbed for cause eye growth buds. This nursery aims to obtain concurrent growth. Water in need at any time for watering Rhizome spread evenly over a thin straw and on it is covered again with a straw. Can be composed of several layers of dry and not humid enough planting. Shoots is considered sufficient if it grows 1-2 cm diameter, usually 2-3 weeks. Rhizome pieces with a knife and brush the ashes kitchen, seedlings planted is ready. The needs of seed per acre = 1-15 tons (16 quintals).


Planting of ginger is done at the beginning of the rainy season, a good planting depth is 3-5 cm. Planting too deep will produce a thin and elongated Rhizome. Whereas a too shallow causing Rhizome is exposed to the Sun and the rainfall that cause wrinkles and slow growing Rhizome. Ginger in planting by placing pieces of the rhizome in the planting hole has been prepared. Planting is done with the system and the dike wall or moat depending on the condition of the land. Planting distance is usually done between 30-60 rows and 30-40 in a row. Planting distance for the purpose of harvesting old is 60 X 30 cm or 40 X 30 cm, so that the growth and weeding did not experience difficulties. As for the young, can be harvested more meetings are inter-religious line 35 cm and 25 cm in the row.


Plant maintenance is a series of activities, which are conducted to encourage the optimum growing environment. In order to provide a good growth and production. Maintenance of growth ranging from ginger root until active growth, the formation of plantlets and Rhizome. Growth of shoots is the maintenance phase of the nursery, in active growth is an activity of planting.

Maintenance of ginger can be divided :
  1. maintenance of the media grows plants needs through: stitching, weeding, improvement of drainage channels, fertilizing, and soil conservation.
  2. efforts to prevent disruption remains alive through sharing way. The stitching is done with plants that have been prepared from the nursery. When the plant was 2-3 weeks, up to 1-1.5 months.

Weeding done during the period sensitive to competitor with weeds. This period is known as the critical period, outside the period of critical not too affected by weeds. Competition weeds when the plant was 30-90 days (1-2 months) and do weeding out/clean. And the rest is done is limited to approximately clumps. Making by way of stockpiling base of the stem to the ground as thick as 5 cm. When the child-shaped 4-5 the granting of additional fertilizer to 2. Given 4-6 weeks and 8-10 weeks. Harvesting is done when the gingerbread age 12 months. By way of cutting the leaves, the stems. Then dug with hoes, karpu and others, in order that the rhizome of ginger can be lifted from the ground. Then in bathing with the ginger root cut on the Rhizome.

Note :

1. nursery/shoots 1-2 cm (2-3 weeks) of execution: rgl 27-4-9-4 – 2013-2013
2. Planting date: 9-5 — 2013
3. planting distance is 40 X 30 cm
4. planting Depth: 3-5 cm
5. the stitching age: 2-3 weeks (16-5-date of 2013)
6. Weeding age: 30 days (9-6-date of 2013)
7. Fertilization to 2: 4-6 weeks (15-6-date of 2013)
8. Watering: the situation of land
9. Harvesting: 12 months (September 4-20-2013)

Needs = Per/ha

1. Fertilizer: 20.000 kg/20 ton/ha
2. Seedling: 1500 kg/1.5 ton/ha
3. Harvesting: 8-10 ton/ha

How to plant ginger hopefully this is useful for those of you who want to cultivate this medical plant

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