Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Example of speech text

Example of speech text. Example of speech text and Best Greetings. Under certain conditions can or can't sometimes someone has to provide a foreword or giving a speech in public. A speech or give the foreword is an activity to speak or convey in public oration, which aims to provide an explanation or description of something or stating an opinion on the substance of which was discussed in a meeting. Usually in an event, who will give you a warm welcome and words convey this speech was prepared by order of the Committee or created event emcee. The type of reception and speech is very diverse from the informal events such as greeting on behalf of the host at a family event, or an official reception in an activity that is carried out at the Office, school or organization official.

For those of you who want to learn to give greetings or speeches on this occasion presented some
example of speech text or speech that you can use as a reference. Please change the editor according to the needs and events that were held. Example of motivational speech.

Foreword : example host on Thanksgiving

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahi robbil ' alamin assholatu wassalamu ' ala asyrofil ambiya'i wal mursalin, the wa'ala wasohbihi alihi ajma'in ' amma ba'du.

I respect Father Ustad..............
I respect Mr. Chairman RT ... ..., RW ... ....
Fathers, mothers hadirot a happy audience.

Praise and Thanksgiving let both of us panjatkan kehadrat Allah SWT over plenty of scrumptious, mercy and his grace given to us all, especially the Islamic faith and deliciously scrumptious, delicious, healthy and deliciously in healthy longevity, so thank God we can gather at the residence of the us in accordance with our invitation that at night/day and today we want to carry out a ceremony upon the birth of our first son was born on the day .... ... date. .... and thank God in a healthy state dalarn Wal ' afiat. Hopefully the event will be held at night/this afternoon provided the smooth and keep in the shade of green of Allah SWT. Aamiin.

Sholawat and greetings do not forget we pray the presence of Almighty God I wish shed keharibaan junjungan our Prophet Muhammad and his family, his friends and his followers, may we present in this place in particular will get the power of Intercession Rosululloh in yaumil qiyamah later. Ameen Ya Robbal A'lamin.

The father/mother/hadirot attendee who glorified Allah SWT.
On behalf of shohibul temple or host the first I want to thank the father/mother who took up our invitation to attend, may foot step father/mother God as recorded by all worship our Scrip will be when we have passed away to Died later. Subhanallah.

The latter I apologize in existence if the greeting, the place and the meal we serve less pleasing in the hearts of father/mother as well.

Our goal is to invite the father/mother to attend to our home as we have pointed out above is as a form of gratitude to Almighty God for the birth of our first son was born on the day .... ... date. .... and God willing will be named............

We ask prayer attendees wal hadirot our son to all of God's children who make such a lot of kids, dedicated to parents, useful for religion, homeland and nation.

And on this occasion we beg the father Ustad ... ... ... ... ... ... to give religious lectures and tausiyah for us all.

So says a greeting that can we pass on, hopefully all of our dikabul and his dimakbul by Allah SWT. Aamiin Ya Robbal ' Alamiin

Wabilahit taufiq wal hidayah, Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Sample text speech about morals and Manners

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

The father/mother/brother and sister who I respect, first and foremost let us praise and gratitude to God Almighty, for his guidance and grace, we can present and assembled onsite.

The organizers I say infinite thanks for the opportunity given to me to speak and deliver a speech about how important building a moral character in ourselves.

The father/mother/brother and sister who I love.

In the process of the life of a son of man, it is the process that is the basis of education. Education is not the only form of education science and technology alone, but are no less importance of religious education, morals and manners.

Smart in science and technology that are not followed by the science of religion, morals and manners will get someone to act without thinking of the consequences that will be received in the hereafter. So we've heard a lot of officials who commit Collusion, Nepotism and corruption cases that are contrary to morality and morals in religion, infidelity, drug free, sek and others can bring someone to the brink of collapse.

My brothers and sisters, especially the younger generation, as the nation's next generation is already as we work hard to take their science and technology and the science of religion that will form a good morals. You are the next few years that will replace the leaders of the country, armed with science and morals of the glorious God willing our country will become a land baldatun thoyyibatun wa robuun ghofuur, a safe country full of God's forgiveness.

Learning knows no age, backgrounds and places. Anywhere, anytime and anyone obliged to learn and study. Do not let us be the generation that just being a waitress because of our ignorance, but be the generation that will lead all sectors of the life of nation and State. Once again learn, learn and learn may God Almighty always give guidance to us along. Amin.

So the short speech that I can tell, any shortcomings I apologize because the completely solely come from God and the wrong is because of my own stupidity.

Akhirul kalam Wabilahit taufiq wal hidayah, Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

School Graduation Speech Text Example

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

I respect Mr. Principal SMAN 3 Depok
I respect the father and Teacher of SMAN 3.
Friends grade 12 as well as the 2013 in particular class 12 3 IPA which I love.

First of all let us Praise and gratitude praise the presence of the Lord God Almighty, the one true God of all mercy and His grace, so that on a clear day we can gather this place to celebrate Student Graduation and farewell "/Schoolgirl SMAN 3 Depok Force 2013.

Thank you also to convey my Graduation Committee and student's Farewell/Schoolgirl SMAN 3 2013 who have Forces There allowed me to stand here to convey the foreword represented friends who will leave our beloved school and gives a farewell in front of all attendees.

I would like to congratulate all friends on our success follows a very stressful exam until we manage to pass. It all could not escape from the prayer of our parents, the hard efforts of the father and the mother of Guru who has been educating us for 3 years at a school that is we love this.

Therefore there is no word that is most appropriate for us to say to Mr. and Mrs. teacher, parents and all who have helped and are praying for us besides a big thank you infinitely. May God ALMIGHTY repay good and services all of you.

We're not a child anymore momentary HIGH SCHOOL again, those who went on to College to college you will be called a student or a student. The struggle is far from over, the challenge is still sprawling before us, still required seriousness and solemnity we to learn at a higher level, i.e. College.

Like the grief we experience as long as we follow the lessons in this school we will never forget, happy, sad, cheerful, serious all become valuable memories that will always be seared in our memory, and one day was either 1 year, 10 years even 50 years to come will be the history of our life's journey. We will tell you about our community during this time.

To Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, Mr. principal, Mr. and Mrs. TU on this occasion I represent friends deliver the profuse apologies if during our study here many doing errors and false. Sometimes we can't tell which serious moments and where as joking. We wish Mr. and Mrs. exertion of teachers and all who served on the school was not in vain, and will be recorded by God as the charity of praying. Aamiin.

In conclusion I would like to convey a wise, when there is a well field can we take a shower, when there is a longevity that someday we will meet again to be a means for the country we love.

So my opening remarks on behalf of the friends who have graduated The 2013, for all the drawbacks I apologize that the earliest possible time.

Akhirul kalam, Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh.

So the info on
example of speech text and Best Greetings may be useful.

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