Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Speech about global warming

Speech about global warming. An example of a speech about Global warming. Global warming or also known as Global Warming is an effect of greenhouse gases which cause damage to the ozone layer. and the impact of Ozone damage caused is huge and dangerous, X rays that enter the earth can not usually again and this could damage the environment. such as the melting of ice at the North and South poles. see the impact the impact of the effects of Global warming make us ever mindful of the importance of the balance of nature in this life, therefore let us together keep and preserve the beautiful Nature of the damage, in order to later posterity we can feel beautiful and beautiful life. Example of speech text.

Well, for you who wants to invite or encourage other people to care about the environment it would be nice of you to give them the knowledge and enlightenment so that all understand its significance to life, here I give an example of a speech about Global warming the best hopefully can be a reference for you :

Assalaamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.

I respect the teacher lecturer
My friends that I hold dear

First of all let us praise praise thanks be to God Almighty, who has bestow his mercy and guidance to all of us so that on the occasion of this day we can get together in a healthy state.

At the meeting this time, I will deliver a speech on global warming that the current ends. Do you know what is global warming ? Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses of Earth. Most of the increase in the average temperature of the Earth is caused by greenhouse gases due to human activities. At this time many motor vehicles and food processing plant or plant chemicals that emit gas CO 2. People don't realize when using a motor vehicle that can lead to compound of the content of CO 2. The existing factories in Central waste in rivers, the waste in a waste with no screening process in advance. Whereas waste that contains many substances that are harmful for our lives.

Not only motor vehicles and also factories that cause global warming but there are also other causes such as the greenhouse effect. The Sun emits light to Earth. The Earth will absorb the most heat and reflect it back the rest. But most of the heat stays trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to overwrite the amount of greenhouse gases include water vapor and carbon dioxide.
My friends that I am proud of
Global warming has negative effects for our Earth. There are some effects of global warming include:

1. start the unstable Climate

As a result, mountains of ice will melt and the Mainland will shrink.

2. increase of the sea level

When the atmosphere heats up, the surface layer of the oceans will also be warmed up, so that the volume will grow and raise the height of the sea surface.

3. global temperatures tend to increase

The average temperature rise is causing our Earth is noticeably hot. When the blazing sun, temperatures will be in excess of 40 ° c.

4. the ecological Disturbance

Most of the land controlled by the man so many animals migrate to the top of the mountain due to the low-lying tends to be hot and at A hold.

My friends who I love
In order for the impact of global warming do not continue to take place, then we must make the prevention of the impacts of global warming. We can do prevention with some easy ways that we can do include :

1. turn off the power when not in use.
2. If forced to use AIR CONDITIONING and shut the doors and Windows.
3. Planted tree in the environment around you.
4. use public transportation.
5. Efficient use of paper raw material derived from wood.

Global warming is a very adverse situation for our lives and have an impact – an impact that can destroy the Earth.

Therefore I am hoping after this speech, my friends are aware of how important it is to keep our Earth from global warming to the efforts which I have for the saturates by keeping the Earth, we will be comfortable and peaceful life.

So what I can tell on this occasion. Thank you for your attention and I am sorry if there is a wrong word and less pleasing.

Warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh Wassalaamualaikum.

So, we hope with this simple example of speech about Global warming we can feel and care with nature where we live it in. Good luck and go green guys. Thanks you.

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