Monday, September 9, 2013

Example of motivational speech

Example of motivational speech. This is the simple examples of motivational speech. An example of a motivational theme speech to motivate yourself who was having trouble becoming a very important thing for you is to care for others. You can use the sample script of a speech with the theme of motivation is also to give zest to your friends who are sad or even is controversy. Examples of speech with the best material. With a short speech example or this short you should be more easy to known because it is shorter than the previous one. It turns out this speech manuscript example is also very suitable for you time memorizing the forward delivered a speech class. Example of speech about education.

Examples of motivational speech :
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

First of all let us praise and gratitude for the presence of Almighty God. That has given his gifts and favors so that we can all gather together on this blessed day.

Blessings and greetings may remain expressed to our great Prophet Muhammad SAW. Who brought all of us from the dark ages to the era of the brightly lit.

To The Designation. The father/mother as my teachers and friends that I love and am proud of.

We know and realize this moment so much happening the so-called juvenile delinquency. A variety of negative or aberrant deeds perpetrated by the teens seemed to be regarded by them as ordinary even regard it as a pride. They say it shows a symbol of courage. It's certainly very apprehensive.

This is a social problem that infected teenagers we currently i.e. aberrant behavior that is often called juvenile delinquency.

As for the causes of the problem of juvenile delinquency can be varied. Could be due to one of the parents in how to educate or parents who are too busy with her job. Could also be because it is not exactly in choosing friends/neighborhood association so it could lead towards a wrong in the Association. There is a feeling in the lives of teens that have a lot of friends is a form of boasting.
To be once we have many friends as long as we must be good at choosing their friends behavior against which went wrong and where the behaviour of a good and true friends.

There are many kinds of deviant behavior of Tiger-like teens begin to recognize smoking and drugs which initially only try but a sense of trying it will make us be addicted so hard to quit smoking or drug addiction, which causes us to stop and alcoholic dependence should be the way in rehabilitation (for drugs). And many more behavior-the behavior deviant teenagers like in motorcycle gang, like a brawl, drunkenness etc.

Let's stay away from that deviant behavior-behavior because it would be self-defeating, we should use the time our youth with positive things and also beneficial to themselves, their parents and the nation.

My friends that I am proud of,
Although our parents didn't teach in full so that you be a good person but wishes they would have wanted their children to be good people. No one else wanted her parents behave worse.

Therefore you don't need to blame the parents or someone else but yourselves alone should've been able to keep up and can choose which ones are good and which are bad.

Select the environment and the friends of good selectively. Do not too happy. If that environment will lead you guys better not approached him at all. Many places a positive socialising can you select both in school and outside it. In a primary you can follow extra-curricular activities, for example.

Up here that I can convey in this speech, if there are errors please be advised.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Plenty of example of motivational speech in addition to the theme of motivation will soon accompany you but earlier read also the word of wisdom.

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