Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Creating Simple And Convenient Kitchen Example ?

How to Creating Simple And Convenient Kitchen Example ? The kitchen is one place in the house that reflects its owner. Many people say, if you want to know who the owner of the house, then just watch her kitchen. That is, if the kitchen is clean, it is definitely the homeowner is the one who diligently straighten, but if the kitchen is slouchy, definitely people who occupy the house lazy, and unwilling to clean up. Why ? Because the kitchen is one of the first places that often dirty, the second is the bathroom. If the kitchen just lazy to clean up how the other room.

The kitchen Comfortable for Cooking

The kitchen is one of the marginalized, the other function is not just for cooking only. This place may be hated by hundreds of mothers because the location is often dirty and cause many animals often come into it. You do not need to worry, maybe you need to try the tips below so you can make the kitchen an interesting example.
  1. Instill in yourself, that you are the one who diligently. If it so surely any corner of the room you occupy certainly looks clean, if it's like this is definitely your cooking to be very enjoyable.
  2. You can see an example of a simple kitchen contained in many household magazines. From there you can see and follow the tips contained in it.
  3. Create a multilevel container (like a basket parcel) or you can buy a mini shelf in the supermarket for classifying kitchen spices for your cooking needs, and lift the shelf not far from where you cook. In addition to making your kitchen clean, cramped kitchen can look spacious.
  4. You should also buy a cabinet to place plates, cups, or kitchen appliances, which can be put in a drawer and hidden in an enclosed place. In order for a kitchen that was fully visible can look more minimalist and does not look cluttered.
  5. Categorize your cooking equipment anyway. Do not mix it into one. Because it would be very inconvenient you. Not only will you waste time searching for cookware, but also will disrupt your comfort during cooking.
  6. Always wash your kitchen any cook out. Usually oil stains and stains kitchen spice concoction still attached on it. Clean using a former newspaper first, sprinkle with soapy water, then wipe again with a former newspaper and give the water a bit. After that wipe with a dry cloth.
  7. You can try to re-paint the color of your kitchen for the better. Note the color combination. You can choose favorite color, so you linger in it.
  8. Provide communication tools in it, for example phone. So Even if the phone rings, you do not need to run lift and leave your dishes. Or you need entertainment, you can add a mini television. So while cooking, you do not have to worry about losing moment tv shows that you like.
  9. Do not do other work while you are cooking, as this will also affect your activities in the kitchen. Will stain splattered everywhere, otherwise it dangerous to leave dishes very turned on. Fire or gas stove burst could happen at any time.
  10. Create a comfortable ventilation, where air circulation can be run well. Do not make the kitchen in a closed room, because your breathing will be excruciating.
  11. Besides the closed kitchen will also make its presence felt in the family home. Should choose a rather open space and ventilation so many and create some examples comfortable kitchen that you and family are also happy to linger in it, so that the function of the kitchen no longer be marginalized. Congratulations cooking.

Examples Kitchen Remodeling In Tight Budget

When doing interior decorating, most of us focus all efforts and budgets in the living room and bedroom, forgetting how important it is to make the kitchen a warm and cozy place for at least story. However, if by now you realize that your kitchen needs some changes, you may be able to take a bit of money in the renovation of the kitchen, and refurbish the interior of your kitchen. The best part is, with some capable of planning,

You do not even need to spend a lot of money for it! When remodeling a kitchen on a budget, the first tip is to set the right priorities. What do you think of the form of the kitchen ? Is Color ? Is the rest of the space ? latest equipment and equipment flea market ? Things that you think need to be changed, then change soon, should be the first to be taken.

Wall and Cabinet

If you want your kitchen look of a fox, then the simplest thing you can do is to paint the walls. Yellow sunshine is the perfect color for example brightly colored kitchen, as it is known to stimulate the appetite. Not to mention really could and should also try to repair the walls of the kitchen! Using colorful wallpaper, which has some interesting design on its looks, it's also a good idea that can be tried. Painting cabinets will further enhance the look of your kitchen. Also, if you can add some grip cabinet looking style for your kitchen cabinets, it will automatically make them look new and modern.

Counter tops and Floor

As for the kitchen counter tops, granite tile is a choice, durable and low cost. Once installed and have it, the guarantee going to last for many years. If you want to change the floor, just try to be in the laminate material. Generally, the material is available in various designs, plus much more durable. and termite resistant than hardwood flooring.

Kitchen Tools

For those of you who want to modernize and make them a bit more functional kitchen, invest in energy efficient equipment green snack. Refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, food processor - if you get the theme for the all-round green and environmentally friendly, then maybe there would be cost more to buy, but you will save a lot of money on utility bills in the long run. In addition, there is also a scheme of choice for those who are happy with the equipment that go green. Everyone can be a role model. Yet another kitchen utensil, may have been made by the Indonesian traditional own.


Lighting plays a major role in the kitchen so the kitchen look spacious and comfortable for cooking. So, invest in a light spot, if you have a few areas in the kitchen that position ugly light. If you have a dining area in your kitchen, including recessed lighting, inside cabinet light example, could be required. Kitchen lighter the more likely that it will remain hygienic and clean.

Additionally, you can add some artwork, vases and beautiful curtains for the kitchen window, to make an example of your kitchen look inviting and attractive. Remember, in the amount of money spent on remodeling the kitchen, this is the kind of investment you make self to increase the value of the home. So, do not worry if this project cost a little more expensive than you had planned.

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