Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Benefits of Hospital Standardization Design

Benefits of Hospital Standardization Design - Hospital design can not be equated with the design to other buildings, especially when compared with home design. This is related to the function of the hospital should be able to provide ease of access and speed in the delivery of support services to patients. Particular patient should be given care in emergency conditions. You can imagine how troublesome if a hospital designs such as the story-apartment floor with access to each floor connected only one entrance. It could be that they purport to provide fast service, especially to deal with emergency otherwise it could even be hassles.

Thus it needs to be made so that services and access to each room can be done easily, so that each of the interested parties do not hassle to find the room. For example, to serve patients in need of urgent assistance, emergencies space should be placed on the front or not far from the main parking area or lobby. In addition, the relationship of each room should be integrated and easily accessible.

Unfortunately, there is no hospital design standards to be used as reference. This happens a lot especially in a small private hospitals, especially those located in rural areas and away from the city area. Hospitals are often only use buildings that are not designed for a hospital service. Handling emergencies so that it can be abandoned just because of the distance of the room to the other room is too far away. If it is not too far away, it is not integrated, so it takes time to achieve it. And it will be a problem in itself, especially since the patient's family as being hit by a very high tension. Often been difficult to find the room, the officers were not ready to serve. Whereas in case of patients requiring rescue, of course the seconds of the time there is very important. It is not uncommon lives of patients do not survive only because of late tackles.

In remote areas, there are still many hospitals found that just using the old building without the standard equipment of a hospital. Such a special isolation room for patients, or mortuary facilities still lack sanitation. Let alone can provide excellent service to achieve the optimal level of the patient's recovery, the environment just is not conducive to healthy living someone especially a patient who is in need of the support environment as clean environment with good sanitation for example.

Design in which hospitals should be able to provide concepts that create comfort for patients. Such as the provision that the treatment room should have sufficient air circulation, and not filled with patients that exceed capacity. In addition, the design of the building should be able to provide comfort to the patient, to minimize all the noise coming from outside the ward patients. This is necessary given the patient is usually in a state of very sensitive both physically and psychologically. Thus without the support of a qualified environment, it could be time for recovery will be much more difficult and require more time.

In a hospital design, should also be provided where the park. Therefore, the existence of this park will eliminate the impression spooky and eerie in a hospital. In addition, the park will provide coolness and peace that can speed up the healing process of a patient. Not a few patients who achieved healing faster than predicted health officials because of the hospital environment and treatment rooms are comfortable, clean and quiet. Physical condition as it will greatly help restore patients mainly because of psychological support which is able to find peace. Desire for recovery will be much higher when the patient feels safe, comfortable and quiet.

Benefits Design Hospital Standardization

The government has now started to standardize the concept and design of the hospital. So that in the future, all hospitals in Indonesia will have a reference in the service process. This of course started from system problems or design layout hospitals. Why a hospital should be designed so as to support the comfort and ease for the patient health ?

According to some references, hospital design needs to have a good standard, so it will get some benefits. Some of the benefits of the standardization of hospital design, among others :
  • Patients will receive care that meets minimum standards of health services. So that in the future, there will be no people who get bad service from a hospital. Like getting a stuffy ward and excess capacity. Of course anyone all citizens have an equal right to obtain medical and health service excellence. Not that because of being poor, then hospitals and other health services can be free so as if the lives of poor people is of no value at all. Is not the government itself has provided a health insurance program for people who can not ? This is because all citizens have the same rights to health. Standardization of hospital design should start from this issue that does not discriminate against class and socioeconomic status with markedly. Even if there is a difference does not lie in a clean room care for patients of the class capable of, and treatment rooms are stuffy and do not qualify for the class can not afford.
  • Improve the quality of public health in a way to accelerate the healing of the community with the services that are in accordance with the government. Because hospitals can not meet government requirements, the service will be prohibited from providing treatment. Of course, to implement such systems must begin providing good hospital design in accordance with the standards, so that with the standard design of the hospital will drive service delivery excellence and provide convenience to access it. Do not get because the room was not integrated and separated far apart, the cause of the rapid service less wasted so much time that will ultimately harm patients themselves.
  • Facilitate the control of society and government, in institutions like hospitals that do not provide services in accordance with government. Of course this is a shared responsibility, because who knows exactly how to get treatment and servant of a medical or hospital services is the patient and his family. Will be important when patients and their families receive good treatment from the hospital, so it will get easier when reporting any irregularities in service delivery.
  • Stimulate people to not a priority with hospital services. So that the public can have more confidence in the country for medical treatment rather than on treatment abroad. Even if that can not turn a blind eye to patients in terms of service and professionalism of the medical staff, hospital abroad is much better. Despite having to spend money to acquire far more.

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