Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Example of Designing the Ideal Kitchen

Example of Designing the Ideal Kitchen - The kitchen certainly always located at the rear of the house. Because of its location, many people overlook the kitchen. In fact, the kitchen can be likened to the heart of the home. Cardiac markers ticking life. Silent heart signifies the owner has died. The heart continues to supply blood to all parts of the body. Net blood flow throughout the body. Impure blood back to the heart to be cleaned again. And so on. Similarly kitchen. The kitchen is like always ticking. Never stops. During the occupants of the house need to eat, then continue to use the ideal kitchen. The kitchen serves food supply for residents. Because it is commonplace when this section should also be maintained.

Complementary Kitchen

Each household would have different needs in the kitchen functions. A household, for example, choose to add a large refrigerator for fresh food supply needs. Conversely household B does not require a large refrigerator for vegetables and side dishes easily obtained from transient vegetable vendors.

But in general, the needs of standard kitchen equipment consists of :
  1. Stove is mandatory equipment in the kitchen. Forms and models of stoves adapted to the design, capabilities and needs. No stove placed separately on the kitchen table. There is also a stove that had to be planted and counter top.
  2. Sinks used for washing cookware and dining are also used to wash the material to be cooked.
  3. Preparation areas. In this place activities cut, sort, refine and various activities before cooking is done. This place should be a table of material that is easily cleaned.
  4. Storage area in the form of a plate rack or cabinet, pantry, spice rack, and others. Categorized as a storage refrigerator.
  5. Additional equipment such as ovens, microwaves, vacuum smoke, and others.

Ideal Kitchen Design Tips

To create a dream kitchen, there are some important things you should consider.
  1. Adjust the height of the stove, counter and sink with residents, especially who often move in the kitchen. This is for the safety and comfort of users.
  2. Enough light. Try to sunlight can illuminate the whole kitchen and conserve electricity during the day. Also use electric lights and place it in the right place so that it can illuminate the kitchen.
  3. Good air circulation. Certainly not convenient if the smoke of cooking filled the kitchen and even your home. Therefore, whenever possible, make a window or a hole that connects the kitchen with the open space. If not, you should install a cooker hood to suck the smoke of the cooking process.
  4. Try to always maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen. After cooking, the kitchen must be cleaned immediately. Dirty kitchen invites animals cause diseases such as rats, cockroaches and flies.

Kitchen Renovation and Re-modelling

ideal kitchen is one of the most functional rooms of the house and also need a makeover every few years. If you have a limited budget, kitchen remodeling may seem challenging. But with some creativity and ingenuity kitchen remodeling can be done in a very low budget as well. The key to cheap kitchen remodeling is to focus on delivering the updated look of the kitchen without making major changes to construction. Sometimes a simple change such as installing new flooring or just painting the kitchen cabinets can give a whole new look.

Whatever your budget may be, there are some cheap kitchen remodeling ideas that can help you in giving your kitchen a makeover so super long, like the one on TV TV, though not exactly the same. One of the best ways to store and save money on kitchen remodeling is to choose the projects that you can do by yourself over the weekend. This ensures that you save money on energy will only pay for the labor and material costs. If you are happy with the existing layout of the kitchen, there is no need to spend money to design and plan a new layout for the kitchen.

Kitchen Re-modeling : Ideas for Walls

One of the best ways to update your kitchen look plain and boring is to change the color of the walls. Choose paint colors are vibrant and fresh, not muted or pastel colors. A bit of color in the kitchen can give the kitchen an entirely new look. Choose paint colors like orange, bright yellow and green oranges to give the kitchen a warm look. Painting the kitchen is one of the most cost effective way of renovating the kitchen. Or, you can even put wallpaper on one or two walls of the kitchen. Modern wallpaper patterns can enhance the decor of the kitchen and make it look stylish and contemporary. And the best thing about using wallpaper is that there will always be at a discount cheap wallpaper available at home improvement stores.

Kitchen Re-modeling : Ideas for flooring

If your kitchen floor is very easily scratched or stained, then you have to replace the floor. Changing the floor can be an expensive project, but there are inexpensive flooring option available that can reduce your costs. Vinyl flooring and linoleum flooring is a cheaper option and this type of flooring can be easily installed by you, thus helping you save on labor costs. You can also install laminate flooring that is not only cheap but also come in a variety of patterns and designs to match your kitchen decor. If your budget does not allow the new floor to be installed, then you can install carpet or sisal sea-grass rugs instead.

Re-modeling Ideas for Kitchen Counter tops

No kitchen renovation is complete until you replace your old kitchen table with a new one. Choose cheap materials such as laminate tables and tables tiles instead of expensive materials like solid stone slab and quartz surface. You also can choose ceramic table because they are inexpensive and come in many styles and designs. However, it is very time consuming to just install it. Laminate counter tops are one of the cheapest option and durable type is also available in a variety of patterns and textures.

Kitchen Remodeling: Ideas for Cabinet-Wardrobe

One of the best ideas for cheap kitchen remodeling is to update the existing kitchen cabinets with paint, moldings and hardware, rather than installing a new one. The cost of installing new kitchen cabinets can very exorbitant, and of course, you are challenged to remain on the best budget to make the best of what you got.

Painting kitchen cabinets in a color that complements the color of the walls of the kitchen is a good idea to randomize his. some have to be considered in terms of coloring or preserving wood kitchen cabinets for a fresh look. Install new hardware such as kitchen cabinets and add attractive new grip. This type of installation does not cost much and you can do it yourself over the weekend.

This is a
ideal kitchen remodeling ideas cheap that you can use at home. If you have money left over from the budget allocated, then install a new sink and new back splash. You can also change the kitchen window treatments with very low cost. Updating your kitchen on a budget is possible if you plan carefully ..

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