Monday, March 18, 2013

Tips on Choosing a Research Paper Topics Education

Tips on Choosing a Research Paper Topics Education. Education in Indonesia are in a race with the progress of time. So is the education research papers continue to grow, which of course must provide progress for the people of Indonesia. Education for the people of Indonesia are very important. Developments in science and technology demands of the world from getting the highest science that is not obsolete. For that, putting together a scientific paper in the form of a research paper is necessary for the advancement of education in Indonesia.

Research Papers in Education

The need for human resources of high quality, skilled and competent in the field is increasing with a growing age of information and technology, so as to compete with other countries. To get these quality resources should be improved the quality of education. To complete a level of education, such as undergraduate education in Indonesia implemented a system of writing based on research as a condition of graduation, the thesis to the thesis for S1 and S2.

Many educational research papers to be completed in accordance with the field or department. The results of this study are writing point measure of success. As papers other topics, education topics are also interesting to study and then written in the form of paper. However, that need to be considered in making a paper about education is that each part must adhere to the rules established in the manufacture of paper. Rule-making is minimal paper consists of an introduction, discussion, and closing.

The scientific work we often hear in the world of education, particularly in higher education. But, do we know what is meant by the scientific work. The scientific work or a scientific paper is a paper or writing a scientist who developed his knowledge gained through the study of literature, experience, research, and knowledge of others before.

The purpose of scientific writing is that the writer is an idea or ideas can be studied and supported or rejected by the reader. To that end, in the writing of scientific papers should consider steps to write scientific papers, in order to meet a systematic standardized. If a paper is in accordance with systematic, the papers can easily be read and studied by anyone, anywhere, and anytime.

Type of scientific work was diverse, the papers, working papers, theses, theses, and dissertations. Perhaps the scientific names is already familiar to the students. One of the difficulties faced by teachers or students are writing scientific papers. One main problem is they do not understand the steps to write scientific papers. They always say that writing papers was very difficult and not possible they can do.

It is there are many things that cause it. They always complain that the measures are very difficult to write papers and do not support the desire to write that they have. Hence, it should be a clear reference to the steps to write scientific papers. This is to give teachers and students the opportunity play and develop writing skills to the fullest.

The instructions in the steps to write this paper, they have a clear direction in the writing process. They no longer need to fumble on how to write a scientific paper. Step-by-step writing scientific papers are indeed very useful for teachers and students, so that they can practice writing intensely. This is because the steps are clear, then at least all aspects required in authorship can be met.

By following these steps writing this paper, then at least I can now commit the correct method in preparing scientific research papers. That in writing scientific papers, you have to apply the concept of the scientific method. That in a learning process, there is one goal that students have special competence. To get the special competence, the teacher gives assignment or research and development based on a step-by-step writing scientific papers.

The study is an investigation activities conducted pursuant systematic scientific methods to find scientific information, to prove the truth or untruth of the hypothesis that formulate new theories. While development is the activity of the teacher or the students in order to improve the quality of the practice of science, good learning, professionalism or to produce something useful for society.

Iman Santoso, education experts, say smart people make complicated things so easy. But, clever people make things easy so complicated. Scientific papers will always be based on scientific methodology. However, academics have started supple and flexible.

Tips for Choosing a Research Topic and Subjects

There are times when you do not understand about the research topic captured or less support material to support research that will be done. Well, before selecting a research paper topic of education, there are several things that must be observed. Here are some tips on choosing a topic and subject of study.

1. Start looking for a source of reference material.

This is the most important thing to do because without the support you will not have a shadow, what kind of research paper to be conducted. Reference material or support, such as handbooks, books relating to material or subject areas that will be examined, as well as journals, both domestically and abroad.

2. Focus on the research topics.

In selecting topics and subjects, try to focus more on one topic only. The more topics you want to take further complicate the search reference material.

3. Choosing a research topic that is controlled.

Never choose a topic that is not yet known. Bring your risk will be hampered in writing later. But, you could also try a topic that you've never learned as long as the supporting materials are complete and accurate.

4. Supervisor for approval first.

Not all research topic approved by the immediate supervisor. Many things that underlie the selection of topics to be studied. In general, more direct supervisor to the research topic areas under their control. Too many demands on lecturers is also not good, you know !

5. Adjust the owned funds or fees.

Not that all the studies conducted have to spend a lot. However, adjusting the research topics that will be done with the funds we have are also necessary. For the particular field of study, must pay special, such as agricultural land lease or purchase of medical equipment. Well, not heavy and not in determining a research topic ? Still find it hard too ? Everything that lived in peace will definitely see a solution. Try slowly you apply the above tips.

In preparing a research paper, of course, there are benefits that can be taken by the writer and the reader. There are several benefits that can be taken in the writing of scientific papers, is as follows.
  1. For the writer, composing scientific work can practice writing skills and to develop effective reading skills. A writer's work should be read first scientific literature relevant to the topic about to be discussed.
  2. In addition, authors can also train in combining the study of libraries from a variety of sources, taking the core, and in accordance with the thinking to growth writers to a higher level.
  3. Authors can add reading bibliography for his activities in preparing scientific work, such as looking for reading material in the library.
  4. By compiling scientific papers, authors can hone the ability to organize and present data and facts in a clear and systematic.
  5. he author obtained intellectual insights through writing scientific papers.
  6. Lastly is the author of the study may provide insight into the scientific work to the public.

Such benefits may be of encouragement to researchers and writers who will prepare a scientific paper. As long as they pay attention to the steps to write a scientific paper, it is a scholarly work will be successfully created properly. Through the above description, a scientific paper is not something that should be avoided. It was on this day and age, writing scientific papers is required.

Useful addition to the progress of the author himself, is also beneficial to the progress of society in science. Education research paper writing is not easy, but with passion and perseverance, can certainly finish and graduate on time.

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