Monday, March 18, 2013

Copy Paste Papers, victimization intellect

Copy Paste Papers, victimization intellect. Education requires all participants to be able to carry out various activities to improve the competence of self. It is associated with the basic concept that they use as a foothold in following the educational process. Since the level of basic education units, a variety of things done to the educational process run smoothly. In fact, the high level tasks is the official decoration ever taken anywhere. Whenever it comes to complete tasks, such as paper.

Education in Indonesia is full of problems that confront, but the child must be able to solve our nation's education barrier. Education is key to the revival of a nation, a developed nation is the smart and familiar with science. Instead deprived of the knowledge of the shackles of a society on the path to awakening. Various systems curriculum set by the government as efforts to improve the state of education in this country. The curriculum has been adapted to the new general, current educational needs, it is no wonder every teacher must follow the changes and developments anything related to learning.

The paper is a scientific paper to be prepared to analyze a topic or problem so as to get a new conclusion or solving problems. New conclusions are then expected to be the alternative solutions to problems and then a reference to a step better. Education, especially higher education does have a responsibility to actively participate to think of effective measures to face the life that people increasingly lighter burden of his life.

However, problems often occur in education, especially higher education is a very sad phenomenon that is drafting papers, thesis or a thesis that implementing a copy paste. Thus, a learner, a student preparing scientific papers in a way to copy and paste other people's work. But there are even worse, papers are 'sew' on someone.

For the first group may still allow these learners to learn at the time to copy and paste, but the second group, they usually know immediately so. They do not know how the writing process so that they do not understand the content of scientific papers, term papers, thesis or a thesis. If it's like this, which would be brought to this country ?

Property Accountability

Every position took shape. That's what happens when you reach the higher intellect, the greater the responsibility. As the saying goes, the higher the tree, the greater the wind. In this high intellectual position, you are faced with a variety of tasks to be completed and the outcome scientifically used as a reference for people's lives. Duties and the liability is settled through a theoretical papers, such as term papers, theses, and theses.

As a group of intellectuals, such as writing a paper, essay or thesis is not new. Every time they have to face and solve them in a tight schedule. This is because a growing number and variety of problems in the community. Society is hoping that the world of education, especially higher education are always ready to assist in the settlement of the problem. The world of education is largely responsible for people's lives better.

Therefore, in the process of education and learning, there is a significant amount of time allocated to perform community service or service learning activities such as street vendors. In addition, the preparation of a paper, thesis or a thesis is always oriented to solve the problems facing society. Familiarity to trace or copy paste during college will make someone a hard time facing the real issues on the ground. World of work requires those skilled and competent in the field are studied. So do not be surprised if the generation would have trouble with the copy paste work practices in the field after they graduate. Scholars they have honesty and creativity will be required by various government agencies or large corporations.

Advances in information technology especially making people work more easily, but when the hands are fraudulently using this technology also have a negative impact. All of it depends on whatever the user's device. Facts on the ground show the importance of character education, religion and morals in the students. This nation is too parroting the secular western civilization in all fields. These include educational systems and methods used in this country.

Of course, learners will be borne nature of thinking according to what they get. Value of the material as it becomes the standard of the students' impact on their day-to-day behavior. They will tend to do anything to get a good value, as we discussed this is copy paste. Sure to finish this bad habit of all the components necessary business education and society at large. The lecturer should also introspect the way of teaching over the years, whether it has been able to form a noble character in its students ?

Accuracy Need Mentors

Actually, the problem of scientific papers is definitely a very crucial issue. This is because it is associated with a lot of aspects. At the time of the preparation of a paper, essay or thesis, there are many parties involved directly or indirectly. Thus, the quality of accountability are also considered. As we know, the procedure of preparing a paper, thesis or a thesis is not easy. There are many processes that must be passed before the matter was agreed to be done. At first, the students should develop a proposal to write a paper with the existing problems and background.

In fact, the proposal is submitted many things, for example, estimated completion time, urgent issues that need to be resolved, the method to solve the problem, and the final conclusion as predictions and references that will be used as the basis for writing. And, all of it must be lived by each learner before he agreed to do. To determine this, then each student will be accompanied by several mentors that the writing process in accordance with the criteria of the expected or specified by the institution.

Advisors is acting as a filter on originality and content issues papers, theses or dissertations written learners. Therefore, a coach should have a paper catalog titles, thesis or a thesis that had been there from the many colleges and these are online so that all colleges can access and obtain information directly to any of the same material. And, if it finds irregularities, then it should immediately be cut or-cancel for dubious paper.

Firmness and sharpness of scissors a mentor is highly desirable in the process of writing a paper, essay or thesis. This is due to the importance of writing outcomes for the community.

For that we also need to prepare everything with matters relating to the results of our efforts in order not copy and paste other people. Let's say the sanctions and copyright. Writing is not just actualize the ability to write, but to actualize the ability to analyze the condition and take alternative solutions that could be implemented by the community. How ever you definitely do not want the intellectual victimization over intellect.

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