Monday, March 18, 2013

Knowing With Intrinsic Elements of Literary

Knowing With Intrinsic Elements of Literary. Before discussing more about the intrinsic elements of literature, the author will invite all friends to this blog to know beforehand literature. Literature comes from Sanskrit meaning 'writing'. Previously, the literature mentions the phrase 'literary'. So means 'beautiful' or 'good', while literally means 'writing' that literary means 'good writing'.

Along with the times, gradually disappeared morpheme literature that people today more comfortable calling it a literary course. Talking about the intrinsic elements of literature, of course, we would always talk about the relationship between the author's text, the reality with the text, and the text with the reader.

Know the Literary Text
Based on this, the material elements of the research literature is the text. However, not all text can be called literature. The definition of literature related to the time and culture because literature is the result of culture. Below are described some of the factors that led to a text can be called literature.
  1. In literary texts there are special materials handling. It not only passed for poetry, but it also applies to prose and drama. For example, there is an element of parallelism, allusion, metaphor, the use of inappropriate language ungrammatical, viewpoints, and others.
  2. Literary texts marked with fictionality or fiction. In fact, many also tend to have higher literary texts with actual events. However, it had been manipulated when it is already a literary text.
  3. Literary texts provide insight into the more general humanitarian issues, social, or intellectual.
  4. Through fictionality, the reader may be possible to interpret literary texts according to their own insights. The more readers are smart and had the insight, will be more accurate in appreciating literature.
  5. In every work of literature, there is a tension between creativity and tradition. Often the authors break down the conventional boundaries specified.
  6. Literary texts are not prepared for the most immediate and practical communication purposes such as articles, journals, or papers. However, the literary text always has meaning implicit and explicit meaning.

Variety and Intrinsic Elements of Literary

a. Variety of Literature

Broadly speaking, the range of literature can be divided into three categories, namely poetry text, text prose and drama texts. However, the further development, there are some experts who add part to-4 called lyric prose.

1) Text Poetry

Poetry is a form of literary texts illustrated by using a short and beautiful language. Especially for long poems, is always tied to a particular rule. The rule is as follows.
  • The number of lines of each stanza
  • Number of syllables.
  • Rhythm.
  • Rhyme

Examples of long poems, rhymes, talibun, couplets, sonnets, and Karmina.

2) Text Prose

Prose text is a form of literature that described the language freely and length. Essay type is usually made in the form of narrative and description. Examples of prose, novel, romance, and short stories.

3) Text Drama

Text drama is a form of literature that described using the language of the free and long, usually involving the use of dialogue and monologue players who also made his players even though only one person (dramatic monologue).

Drama is divided into two, namely drama as text or as a script and drama performances or drama performances. Although drama performances came from the text, when analyzed using a knife had a different analysis.

4) Prose Lyrics

Prose lyrics are literary works in the form of poetry, but the essay using narrative and description. So, in this work, the poem was not formed from a dense languages. Poetry or prose lyrics lyrics formed with a long and extensive language with metaphors mixed.

b. Intrinsic Elements of Literary

In appreciation of literature, of course, we should not arbitrarily interpret a literary text. We have to use a knife right analysis to make sense of a literary text. Good use of semiotic analysis, pragmatics, sociology, literature, and hermeneutics. First, we need to identify the elements that build literature. There are two elements to build a literary text, namely, the intrinsic elements of literature and literary extrinsic elements.

Intrinsic Elements of Literary
Elements of literature are intrinsic elements of the building of the text. Elements of the intrinsic literary works include some of the following.

1. Background

Intrinsic Elements of the first literary background. Background is everything that surrounds what is contained in the story, from setting the place, time, mood, and setting tools. Background is a supporter of a literary work. All types of literature must have a background or more. The analysis of a literary work was usually begins with knowing the background first.

Without background literature certainly will not be formed, although the background is not the only one needed. But its existence makes literature work to be complete. Hence, the background must be present in any work of literature. In the background also must make clear description. If you're describing Jakarta in the year 1970, the figure and the style also should adjust the background. Without compliance will cause lameness occurs in a literary work.

To make the background, writers should read a detailed history and matches the background. The documentary can also be a part of learning how to choose a good background, because you can see the current environment.

2. Groove

Elements intrinsic literary works next groove. Flow is a string of events that exists in the causality or cause and effect from the beginning to the end of the story to a climax. The flow is divided into three, namely plot forward, backward flow and mixed flow. The flow in the literature have sequences that can not be separated. Each sequence of mutually reinforcing way the story in a literary work.

Flow was able to make a clear direction of literary story. Without the use of flow would not be called a work of literature. Groove that will make the reader a clear written intent. Groove that has an important role to make the reader of literature can feel sadness or excitement of the work.

3. People and Personalities

Elements of the following intrinsic literary works is a character and characterizations. Prominent actors are role or story. Leaders divided into two. Rounded character is fully drawn character by the author, is usually considered as the main character. Flat figure is drawn character from one side only, commonly categorized as an additional character.

Characterizations is a character or characters in the story character, there is the role of antagonists, protagonists, tertagonis, or melancholy.

Characterizations were performed must clear. Do not get mixed up. Choose exactly who the main character. Do not confuse the role of the main character by character or additional to help.

4. Viewpoint

Elements intrinsic literary works next Viewable angle or point of view. The point of view is the position of the author in the story. The point of view is divided into: 1) the first is characterized by the first person pronoun, I, and 2) a third person perspective which is characterized by the third person, that he is.

It is important to remember that when using the first person pronoun, you can not express what your heart that other figures, but only by exposing narrative through my mind.

5. Theme

A theme is a subject on which the author thought the whole story. The presence of a very important theme because the theme is the framework of the most important literary works. Without a theme, a literary work would not have the strength built up a literary perfection. A theme is the writer's mind which is then applied to a literary work.

6. Mandate

Mandate is a moral message contained within the story as a whole. Each work of literature always contains a message to the audience. Mandate of the most widely carried in a work of literature is related to one's moral.

7. Style of language

The language or figure of speech is the way the author talking a literary text, whether the text is full of ironies, or euphemism. The language used in literature is, stylistic comparison, stylistic contradictions, stylistic allusions, and style affirmation.

The seven
intrinsic elements literary analysis above is a knife to peel the literary texts in prose or drama script.

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