Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Warrior Globalization of Education

Small Business School - The Warrior Globalization of Education. Do you know what it is globalization of education ? What is the relationship of globalization of education with the National Exam ? National Exam season struck this great country. After National Exam for children high school, middle school children first, then elementary school children will follow. Various news with UN targets continuously graced the front page of the newspaper. Children should get the value that has been set. Various fraud and the things that will lead to cheating has closed access in such a way.

Apparently there are still slanted news relating to this examination. How globalization of education will be achieved if the kids are very good at deception and lies when they are still in the education ? Considering how difficult it is education, especially global education, then is there any fighters globalization education that can answer all the problems of education in Indonesia ? Who are the warriors of globalization of education ?

Everyone is a warrior education globalization. Globalization of education is the education that should be able to provide education that is humane and humanizing humans and not prepare people to live in the world and work like a robot. Globalization of education provide space for children to continue their education in order not to fall behind and just be a victim of globalization of education.

Victims of Globalization of Education

The victims of globalization of education mostly from poor people who do not have the ability to access education capable of providing enlightened and good life skills. This inability is sometimes formed to explore the potential inability of the parents themselves because they did not know how to dig her potential. Pools of poverty makes them unable to think of how to escalate themselves and not be a victim of this crazy world.

The fighters globalization of education of the parents knew about the poor science would seek to raise their status by providing free training. But the problem is that apparently the parents are too long mired in poverty it was not uncommon not want to be encouraged to get out of the pool of their own poverty. They are afraid of not eating and not only earn US$2 per day. They also sometimes do not want to sacrifice a little for the sake of a better future.

Task fighters globalization of education consisting of educators who care, the entrepreneurs who are willing to share, and knowledgeable people who are willing to give their knowledge for free, it is still very heavy. The fighters education globalization is already understand that only by education pathway in any form is capable of the dignity of a person's knowledge of poverty, mental, and property.

Globalization Education Into the New World

It is inevitable that a lot of parents who toiled to send their children to schools great and brilliant in the hope that their children will eventually get a good job with high salary. Whereas the purpose of education is more noble than just getting a good job with a good salary. Education is a way of preparing people to be ready and able to live in the world and live for the afterlife. Without knowing how to live, all the sadness and distress encountered by humans in this world will be a burden and a problem that never ended. Education of the soul, the body that is the target of the globalization of education.

If education is only human capable of printing high value, education has failed. Moreover, the globalization of education requires all people to struggle and work harder so that the younger generation is ready to live with the world changes so fast. Prepare students to be able to live in peace in a world full of thistles and thorns, is not a matter that can be done in 10 years. Globalization of education is to make students understand the children that their future is much more difficult than the current time.

Globalization of education as the Golden Cucumber father mother who supply weapons to anticipate the attack of the giant will eat it. Self-defense skills and skill to make yourself grow and develop others. If the globalization of education is preparing them for life in the new world, every adult will seriously provide knowledge transfer to younger generations a new world order to build a new culture and ready to face a variety of people from all over the world.

Globalization of Education - Life Skills Basicly

Provision of life skills are very important and should exist in the globalization of education is first, to know the Creator. Children who have been taught since childhood to get to know who should be worshiped, will grow into a child who is not easily discouraged, and a tough son of a sense of optimism and belief that there is life after death. Ability and confidence should be given and exemplified by the parents and the adults around the child.

The handle life will make the child understand the purpose of why he was born. It is not easy to be able to fill the hearts of the white boy with beautiful strokes of life without slipping into the realm of sin that the sin-stained solid black stink. When the school said they were concerned with the globalization of education, but have no concept of how to grow in faith and heart morals, schools can not be said to have properly implemented the globalization of education.

The second thing that must exist on the globalization of education is how to utilize the time. Children who are educated and deeply know and understand how to use the time to grow into being qualified with various life skills that will not only help her but also the lives of others. The students are so accustomed to occupy their time instead of watching television with programs that do not have clear objectives.

Third, globalization of education should be taught how to communicate with others. If smart, but never knew how to communicate and build communication with others, it means the globalization of education can be said to fail. This communication is in addition to master many popular languages of the world, such as, English, Chinese, French, Russian, English, and other languages, also requires communication techniques that can be learned easily.

Exercise is the right tool to meet the new circumstances in the new ones too. With the excellent schools and schools SBI and RSBI, each school trying to give the best to their students. However, all programs applied in sniper schools Plus, Featured, SBI, RSBI should not be a filter between children who are considered to be intelligent and rich kids who are less intelligent and come from less wealthy families.

Therefore, the provision of life skills that should be next on the globalization of education is the ability to understand that everyone is equal and should strive to be as good as probably the most helpful to others in order to become one of the most good.

Careful skill management is a skill that must be studied carefully in shades of globalization of education. Thus, the globalization of education is not just to prepare children skilled with technology, however, how the company became a great man behind the technology. Humans have the great human conscience and try to make him one that will be successful at the end of his life getting fine.

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