Sunday, March 31, 2013

Indonesia Education News

Small Business School - Indonesia Education News. Smile Outside, Poor in the Inside. Uniquely education news in Indonesia, a lot of students / student successfully achievement in science competitions in the world international. Almost every student in Indonesia reached achievements international level and to education news. But it turned 180 degrees when the media publish news of national education full dynamics. News of our education, are colored by melancholy event, pathetic and crying tears, just like a soap opera news Indonesian education.

Indonesia Education news often this student brawls, mass trance in schoolgirls not to mention many school buildings collapsed so not worth using the learning process. That portrait opaque Indonesia education news that should be a chore for the Indonesian government to fix all that.

But unfortunately the education here, positioned as the modification of politics by the ruling regime, just imagine dressing faithful minister certainly aired news about the turn of the education curriculum. Substitution policy, at the local level instead of schools and teachers are not often reported in the field of education news, but news of the disaster and social news.

Beginning Education News ideals Ki Hajar Dewantoro

Ideals Ki Hajar Dewantoro prominent educators who wish to advance education in Indonesia. Previously, when it was still under Dutch colonialism, the people of Indonesia that not all basic education. At that time, only son of Dutch and native patrician class that could be learned in schools from elementary school to college. Meanwhile, lower-class commoners are forbidden to touch the school. Distance education and caste gentry class commoners were widened.

Making Indonesia the disease of ignorance 'frustrations, as a result of our nation fooled by the invaders, easily agitated and inedible lamb negative provocation of foreigners. Ki Hajar Dewantara The awakened consciousness to see the condition of the nation backward. He wants the Indonesian nation and the rise of intelligent abyss of ignorance. Then formed a formal container with the name of State Students.

Park students intended for all the people of Indonesia group, which has banned the Dutch school. Ki Hajar Dewantoro voluntarily assisted his comrades of the struggle to teach students a variety of science education, such as reading, counting, science and so forth. He wants future students can be the equivalent of Indonesia ability western nations. This was the beginning of the story of education in Indonesia, the first piece of scratched by Ki Hajar Dewantoro services.

One of Indonesia's education slogan introduced by Ki Hajar Dewantoro is sung tulodo ngarso ing, ing madyo Karso Mangun, tut wuri handayani. Meaning freely is who in the future should provide a good example, while in the middle who is actively encouraged. Meanwhile, who should not be behind the tired encouraging. The motto of Java is used as a fire spirit for education in Indonesia and is still used today.

Indonesia Education News Not Satisfactory

Indonesia entered the modern age is the quality of education is equal standard of modern education ? The answer is a definite quality of education in the country is not satisfactory. Indonesia is very vast territory comprises the islands is logically very difficult to equate the standard of education as a target in the development of education in Indonesia.

Distribution constraints of educators / teachers are very uneven. Often we read the news that preach education in a remote school there is one teacher who teaches two classes at once because of the shortage of school teachers. Many people are reluctant to teach in remote schools because of natural barriers unusually heavy.

Devoted to education in remote areas needs strong determination and exceptional concern for the future of the next generation. People meet the qualification as very less. On the other hand there is no news to tell school education are short of students. Because of poverty and lack of awareness of parents towards their children's education. They told him to help him work in the fields or the sea.

In addition to many schools lack students are building very alarming, even severely damaged educational news reported students killed in school because school wall collapse is tragic to hear that, although God's destiny, but direct stakeholders of this country, partly to blame because it provides an infrastructure adequate. Poverty who became Indonesia's education news to come in the flow of a vicious circle. Poverty not only in remote areas, far from the reach of the central government. In Jakarta too many children drop out of school because their parents can not afford tuition and textbooks that cost exorbitant.

Not clear educational direction

Once more education news Indonesia is still far from the development goals, which should have been established education twenty years ago, and is free from the national government's new order, it turns out there are still public schools set tuition to students. In fact, if the state finances are managed properly, the schools in Indonesia could become free when the oil bonanza, the 70s era. But, it was only a dream merely delusion. Realization is only the strip-rich region that is supported from the APBD. Meanwhile, another area of political education jargon used only for candidates who want to seek regional head mass in the Election.

All of these victims were school students, the impact is clearly visible, students become depressed because burdened many tasks because teachers are required to pursue the target curriculum. Finally, them on the street brawl, playing with fire to try drugs, and students often possessed daughter, and so forth.

If there is no real step education news will still be enlivened with things like the above. It is high time the news is filled educational achievement is often achieved from high school students excel, such as SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang, Jakarta BINUS SMA, SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta, and so forth.

Required Education News Achievement

The government should immediately give flaws in Indonesia's education. That the quality of education in Indonesia not far behind with its neighbors. Quickly improved educational infrastructure such as motion renovation of school buildings, provision of means of support of education, which obviously helped keep an eye on the public funding of education development in order not distorted as to the past.

Then, recruitment educators as well propagated, the needs of teachers in the area is lacking, distribution educators must be willing to be placed in rural areas. Indeed, it should be a comparative study is not Parliament but the teachers in Indonesia. Let them learn how the education system in the developed world. Expected after knowing the advantages of education developed countries, will be applied in the teaching process at the school.

Indonesia Education future in the hands of the young generation, therefore, from the very beginning of education for the younger generation, the quality should be improved. Parents should also encourage active learning children. Good parents should be responsible to finance children's education at least a common education, in order to pick his capital to achieve its future. Because future job search competition is so tight

Therefore, it takes skill and knowledge are reliable. In addition, the dose of piety was to be human many characteristic  and dignity in the eyes of God and society. So a quick expectation Indonesia ideal education news.

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