Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sample of Speech Education

Small Business School - Sample of Speech Education. Speech education is one example of a form of speech. The speech was delivered advice or instruction to the public, be it on a variety of news. And there is sources used in speech can be taken from a variety of sources.

Speaking of education would not be separated from the contents open Education speech regarding his discussion of education, whether it's about someone who is of compulsory education age, what is to be learned, what if you do not want to learn, and who are obliged to provide education to the children because education is a big responsibility that must be borne by the state, educators, and parents.

Speech education should include the three materials presented, the material on educators, learners, and educational materials, whether formal or non-formal education because of three elements are interrelated with each other. Failure and success of an education is also very dependent on the three elements above. Here the authors will try to describe one by one the three elements.

1. Educator

Educators or other terms called for school teachers and preachers to boarding schools is a crucial figure in the world of educational success. That's because as educators who will be responsible for student participants during the educational period. An educator must also be able to see the condition of student participants, both in terms of ability, willingness, and ability. That's because the students were not all the same and have the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Educators also need to be able to position itself as the parent of the student participants for emotional closeness will help to achieve a success in the world of education. In addition, educators must have an adequate ability in the field being taught, both in terms of mastery of the material also for the submission so that students can understand and comprehend what is being taught.

Successes and failures in education relies heavily on teachers or educators. If teachers only teach a lesson to reach the target and did not see what learners know or not, would be futile. This is due to the purpose of education is to reduce the number of ignorance and illiteracy. Therefore, if it can not be done by an educator would be so ironic and unfortunate.

2. Students

Learners in question was a student, be it in primary / secondary / senior secondary schools for the purpose or in the learners in school and in the boarding school was to learn that they are clever people in different kinds of knowledge. Learners aged between 5 and 18 years of age is also one determining factor in education so that we can see there is a grouping between the ages of elementary school, middle school, and middle upper.

Why is it done ? Because it is also one of the causes of success in education for students that have limited ability, willingness and desire. Learners are usually those who do not want to set up, tied with a variety of regulations and rules. However, if it can be tested waste by educators, learners will very likely become candidates for future educators because of the success achieved very easily and without sacrifice.

Maybe this is a trick and a need to be handled by an educator to learners because no students were free and without learning it worked.

3. Material upbringing

Material education is very important, educate without a clear material to make education merely useless, the material must also be educated concept well and neatly made with the source taken and what goals you want to achieve. So, so cool to be achieved goals in education. Success in delivering the material would also greatly impact the performance of learners and educators themselves as to achieve success in education. Therefore, there is a dependency between educators, learners, and educational materials are used, because these bind to each other and have a very strong attachment.

The material presented in speech education can also make the students have a fear if you do not want to learn and have a sense of pride when succeeding in education. That is because the flavor is important to consider that education should be inculcated by educators to students. Educators can only supervise students in the classroom. Meanwhile, when the students were in the house, he was outside the control of the educators themselves.

Educators in controlling learners must also work together with the parents of the learners. Therefore, parents also have a huge obligation to his son. Parents who do not want to know about their child's education and some who do not understand that providing a decent education for their children is the duty and obligation of parents.

Classification of Education

In a speech to education, it should be explained why no classification of education, such as a kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, and the like. That is because the classification into supporting success in the education arena impossible a direct learners to learn directly above the level of the middle and if he can not understand the lower level or basic.

Education or as tiered risers, after stepping on the bottom can only step on the next rung, until later in the last rung.

Although there is the story of someone successful, famous, rich and become millionaires without learning, it should not be used as a benchmark. Because it just happened by chance, because same how many people are achieving success by learning and only one or two people who succeed without learning.

Purpose of Education

In a speech education should also be mentioned about what the purpose of education. The purpose of general education is to reduce the number of ignorance and illiteracy that exist among age students. Figures ignorance and illiteracy was very much in Indonesia in particular and the world in general. Many developing countries have been able to reduce the number of ignorance and illiteracy, but in poorer countries the figure was so overwhelming and solutions available only with an education that is done regularly and continuously.

It is impossible to be achieved a goal in education when education was only done half heartedly, especially in pursuit of a target just for fun. The world of education requires educators who really want and serious in educating, also need learners and educational materials that have been concept because the material becomes one of supporting education in success.

Furthermore, learners who want in students and taught well, no matter how serious educators conduct education, the material presented is also very good, but if learners only reluctantly, will also result in vain, and the targets to be achieved will be less than the maximum. And to achieve success in the world of education also need the help of many parties, both donors, government, education and the like observer for the cooperation of all parties that success will be more easily achieved. This is due to the success in education is also a success for the nation.

Preparation of a Good Education Speech Contest

You currently preparing educational speeches for a race ? It's how much preparation do you do ? Or you still prepare for it ? If not you'll want to do a variety of preparations ahead of time prior to course commencement speech contest. Getting started you should notice is the mental preparedness to deal with the listener. Education speech contest carried out in order to welcome the National Education, is the right moment to practice your speech, especially speech education. Through education speech contest, each participant will be competing to make the best education their speech. Furthermore, speech champs education can open up horizons of our education.

Speech Education - Training Educational Develop Speech

Before the race starts, you should prepare yourself. Speech education is not just any speech. In a speech to the education of many useful things that can be presented, related to the world of education. Speech education can also be used to evaluate candidates for the development of national education in Indonesia. There are some things you should know about the education speech, before you follow the educational speech contest. You have to understand, what is called the speech, if only just to say just a word or two about the world of education ? Or as read written works ?

Well, you should know first what it is speech education. Education is an oration speech or speech with good wording, formal and systematic education, to be submitted to the people. If you already know what it is speech education, then you will not hesitate to follow the school speech competition. In a speech contest education course you have rivals that are not less good in speech. However, you do not have to worry, or even withdraw from the race speech education simply because they do not believe in themselves. For that, you should make preparations to produce a good education speech and memorable.
  1. What are the preparations that we have to do before the race speech education ? Here are some steps you can do:
  2. Determine the purpose of speech. The purpose of education should be clear in speech, for what you speak, do inform, entertain or persuade. Besides that, it also must formulate a clear goal in particular, the response to what is expected after the completion of education speech.

Selecting and Delivering Key Issues

Sometimes the committee has to determine speech issue of education to be contested, but often the participants were also given the freedom to choose the subject matter in speech education. But keep in mind, even though the issue has been determined or not, you must narrow the subject matter, to suit your ability, interests, and time devoted to education speech.

Analyzing Listener and Atmosphere

As an educational speech competitor, you should try to find out who will be the audience. The number of listeners a lot or a little, the atmosphere in a later speech, the audience and judges whether sitting or standing, morning or afternoon, indoors or outdoors, and etc. Adds Materials. As a participant education speech, you can collect speech material in accordance with the subject matter to be presented in many ways, such as reading books, magazines, newspapers, other sources of knowledge appropriate to the subject matter, trying to add insight or ask the people who are more tau, recalling relevant personal experience.

Creating Framework for Education Speech

Once you have managed to gather all the ingredients for your education speeches, the next step preparing the items to be delivered in good order.

Delivering Speech in Advanced Education

Following the framework developed, then you are free to choose a speech by talking freely with one-time look at the skeleton, or working on a complete education speech word for word, and then read or memorized. So, choose a style of speech that really mastered.

Speech Education - Education Speech Sample

It's good training before the race speech, you read or see an example of the speech. That way, you will be know how a framework of education speech was made. For more details, you can see some examples of speech following a brief education.

Examples of Speech Education

Assalamu Wr. Wb.

First of all, let us together offer praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty, where on this day we all still given some pleasure, which in no way can we count how many pleasures that God has given us. Prayers and peace may always remain the sire of our great Prophet Muhammad.

Mr / Mrs teacher I respect
His compatriots that I am proud of, in this auspicious occasion allow me to speak with the theme:

Mr. and Mrs. Teacher and Gentlemen,
Education is a fairness to all of us whether it is physical education, spiritual, formal and informal, in school or out of school.

In this modern era we are required to keep pace science, if we're just a little off guard we will left behind by our friends who kept pace gain knowledge.

His comrades were honored by God, we all have been conscious and aware of the importance of education, since we were attending school from kindergarten, elementary school until now we will leave school this MTsN, a lot of science that we get both general science science and religion, of which we know can not know, of that do not understand we can understand.

Therefore, in this auspicious occasion let me expressed his gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT. And thanks to its immeasurable Mr. and Mrs. Guru in which he not get enough to constantly remind us to study hard and learn. With that encouragement Alhamdulillah we now reap the results.

By constantly beg for forgiveness and His blessings hopefully what we seek Allah grant. Amin yes Rabbal Alamin.
Presumably that's all I can say on this auspicious occasion, we are sorry for any kehilafan and drawbacks.
Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Examples of Speech Education for Students

Assalamu Wr. Wb.

Father, mother, teacher whom I respect and I love.
First, let us express gratitude towards Allah, His mercy and His guidance that has been poured out to us all that this fine morning we could gather together in this hall.

My brethren and I respect my goal here is to bring up the youth not to be involved in promiscuity and I also invite teenagers to do positive deeds.

Therefore, during these parental role and environment is affecting the rest of their life direction if the parents fail to make discussions of interest to them and the environment does not support it with positive things, then certainly they would lose direction in the search for identity that can cause them to fall into the negative things, for example, promiscuity, drugs and partying.

Therefore, religion has become one of the most important key in directing the youth association.
So what I said, may be useful and helpful for teenagers. But do not forget these works must be balanced with the strong belief that we can be more powerful to run it, so we can achieve a happy life and Hereafter.

We apologize if there are shortcomings word.

Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Examples of Speech Education in English

  1. Topic: Education System In Indonesia
  2. Title: Formal Education
  3. Grade: SMP / MTs, SMA / MA / SMK, College / University

Hello Wr.Wb

Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for that MC and juries who've given me opportunity to deliver this English speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen;

It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitled "Formal Education in Indonesia"
Brothers and Sisters;

Education system in our country is divided core of two major parts, they are formal and non-formal. A formal education is devided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education. While non-formal education is Carried out for the learners who get to meet the requirements Difficulties in formal education. An example of non-formal education is PLS (School Education). Both formal and non-formal education aim at establishing the education process in our country.

Ladies and Gantlement;

As I have stated previously, formal education involves three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education. Before entering primary or elementary school, children in our country have attended kindergarten Usually, or known as kindergarten. But this education is not compulsory for Indonesian citizens, as the aim of this is just to prepare them for primary school.

Children ages 7-12 Attend primary education at Elementary School or Elementary School. This level of education is compulsory for all Indonesian citizens. Similar to education system in the U.S. and Australia, students must study for six years to complete this level. Some school offer an accelerated learning program, where students who perform well can finish elementary school in five years.

The next level is secondary education. After graduating from elementary school, students Attend Middle School or Junior High School (Secondary School) for three years from the age of 13-15. After three years of schooling and graduation, students may move on to Senior High School. In Indonesia, this school is basically divided into two kinds: SMA (Senior High School) and SMK (vocational high school). SMA is different with CMS in their studies.

The students of SMK as a vocational school are prepared to be ready to work after finishing their school without going to university / collage. The last level of education in our country is tertiary education. Students who have graduated from high school may self Attend to university or academy. They can choose any kinds of university or academy based on their interests or scopes of knowledge, for example majoring in English, Mathematics, or teacher training university.

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Brothers and Sisters;

I think that's all my speech. I hope my brief description on the education in our country will be useful for us. Finallly, I would like to say sorry if there are mistakes in my speech words.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

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