Sunday, March 31, 2013

Observing Development of the National Education System

mall Business School - Observing Development of the National Education System. The community has a varied answers when asked about the progress of the condition of the national education system. This happens because most of the people can be said to be concerned or even care about the condition of the national education system. Although the National Education Day celebrated on May 2 with a variety of programs that lead to education, but the community of academics and non-academics consider it a regular routine celebrations every year as well as other national days.

Overview Information on the National Education System

Despite the fact that occur in the community about the national education system and matters related thereto as described above, but it does not make the next generation of Indonesian people do not feel confident when competing academic achievement at the international level. The next generation as an important part of the implementation of the national education system in Indonesia became the nation hopes to achieve success towards progress in various fields of life.
  1. The implementation of the national education system in Indonesia a major effect on it, especially in reaching a standard of success.
  2. The standard of the successful implementation of the national education system, namely the achievement of national education goals in accordance with the 1945 Constitution and does not violate its provisions (eg, the provision contained in article 8 of the Law no. 20/2003 and article 31, paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution).

Standards successful national education system in Indonesia is not only seen from the quality of education in Indonesia through the achievement of future generations at the international level alone (to compete with other countries in Europe, America or any other), but the standard is more directed at how to optimally achieving goals national education system based on the targets set by the government according to the provisions that have been enacted to date.

The national education system is the entirety of the educational components interconnected integrated to achieve the objectives of the national education system. The goal of the national education system based on the 1945 Constitution, which is the life of the nation. However, that goal has not yet reached the target set by the government through educational programs each year. Whereas the purpose of national education is an important part of the national education system in Indonesia.

Furthermore, when viewed from the function, the national education plays in developing the capability and form the character / characters and dignified civilization in order to support the achievement of national education goals fit the 1945 Constitution.

National education goals is an important part of the national education system. Intellectual life of the nation means that lead to the development of human potential students to be faithful and devoted to God Almighty, healthy, noble, competent, knowledgeable, independent, responsible, creative and democratic citizenship.

These objectives can be achieved with good cooperation between the government and the public. Working together to achieve these goals should be based on the clarity of a real step in it. Implementation of programs that support national education goals can have problems if people do not participate in the implementation cooperate. In the implementation of educational programs that have been set by the government, there is provision for the education system in Indonesia. The provisions of the national education system to follow the changes and development of the government rules according to the needs that have been set.

Needs is the need that comes from the government itself as well as the critics and analysts of education. Unfortunately, these changes have often occurred despite previous provisions have not been implemented with the optimal  set. Therefore, it is important to the development of the resources contained in the government and community to motivate and seek continuous development of scientific fields and continuous in order create a national education program adequate for now and the future.

This is one way that can be taken to improve the quality of the national education system worse off with all the changes in the provisions of the government as needed, critics and analysts of the nation's education.

Law on National Education System in accordance with Law no. 20 of 2003 provides an explanation for the system of education in Indonesia must be able to ensure equitable provision of educational opportunities (in accordance with article 31, paragraph 1 of the Constitution 1945), improving the quality, relevance and efficiency of education management in the face of obstacles that occur.

Barriers are in accordance with the demands of changes in local, national and global. The existence of these barriers and their government to make important public education reform is directed, planned and sustainable. Obstacles in the implementation of programs that support the achievement of national education systems can be addressed by optimizing the role of government and society. The community's role in national education participated in the planning, implementation, and monitoring to evaluate educational programs.

However, it runs in a passive role that does not comply with the provisions of article 8 of the Law no. 20/2003. In fact the only part in the form of the Board of Education and the School Committee was also not optimally carry out the process in a participatory and open.

Implementation of the Indonesian National Education System

National education systems have problems due to less optimal joint implementation and the role of government. As per the previous description, the education system in Indonesia has some of the internal and external obstacles. Despite the resistance of the external conditions affecting the education system in Indonesia, but the internal barriers (barriers in the country) have more influence on the system.

The internal resistance in terms of a national education system that is less optimal role of society and government in the implementation of national education programs. If the role of the community is said to be in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of the Law no. 20/2003, the role of the government is also experiencing the same thing. For example, in article 49 of Law No.. 20/2003 and article 31 paragraph 4 of the 1945 Constitution described the education budget. Government should provide the budget for the provision of education services in accordance with the above 20%. But the opposite happens, the education budget is only around 2-5%.

In addition, the implementation of the national education system is not yet optimal can be observed through the quality of education in Indonesia to date. The quality of education is not seen said standards of achievement at international level, but the quality should be oriented towards creativity work and think people, especially the next generation of this nation. The education system in Indonesia has not been able to achieve a quality education should be appropriate standards and national education goals based on the 1945 Constitution.

The next generation in the national education system is currently only aiming for smart predicate in terms of values and character as workers and not employers (those who have a lot of innovation to come forward). This happens due to the implementation of the curriculum in Indonesia is not optimal and often changed the government. In fact, the curriculum is an important part of education relating to the quality of education. Naturally, if the quality of education in Indonesia as described previously for curriculum changes implemented in Indonesia, the government needs to keep abreast of international education systems.

The implementation of the national education system now also has become an industry. The purpose of the statement is to make education as a means of implementing industry (achieve a profit or loss in its execution). Ironically, the education system in Indonesia until now not used as a means to create awareness of the critical and innovative. This shows the latest facts about the condition of the education system in Indonesia with the practice of buying and selling diplomas, degrees and sale of sale value.

In addition, other facts regarding the implementation of the national education system as the implementation of a system of industrial / business, namely the lack of government support for the needs of the business resulted in a place of learning in education. This resulted in the people of the weak / incapable worse off facing the current education system model.

Education was only for the people of the economically powerful. For the people of the poor, education is a dream.

That is the development of the condition of the national education system today. Hopefully, this information provides benefits to society, both in academia or in nonacademic active role in education. Education can not be examined in isolation to other fields, but the field is related to other fields, including political, economic, social and cultural rights. Although the condition of the national education system collapsed said today, should we as a society strive to participate and provide advice on the education system in accordance with the conditions of this nation.

The national education system to suit human needs should be the education that makes people able to develop skills in creating optimal minds think and innovate. This can be achieved when the system life such as political, economic, social, legal or cultural support each other and related to the national education system.

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