Friday, March 22, 2013

Study With Scholarship Programs

Study With Scholarship Programs - College is the desire of every person who aspires to be a human intellectual and reformer. Moreover, if the continuing education abroad. In today's global era, competition is getting opportunities abroad college more wide open. This is because, the number of foreign universities that offer quality education package at an affordable price.

Countries are often the choice of Indonesian students to continue their education are the United States, Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Brunei Darussalam, the Middle East, and so on. To find out more about the study outside the country, this article will discuss the related to it.

United States of America

Choosing a school abroad, especially in the United States is the right choice. This is because, in the United States there are universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational school in the world famous internationally.

In addition, the United States education system is flexible. No wonder, if the United States is one of the favorite  chosen to continue their education for the people of Indonesia. Students from Indonesia are given some ease to continue her studies in the United States. One is the ease of getting visas and scholarships.

Currently, there are at least about 7 thousand students from Indonesia to continue their education at various universities in the United States, both levels S1, S2 S3 want any.

In fact, Indonesia has one of the most send their students to continue their education in the United States. Educational programs of interest Indonesian students are very diverse. The majority of Indonesian students who continue their education in the United States to dominate the business and engineering majors.

To be able to continue their education at a top U.S. university, would require a fairly high academic ability. Moreover, the most important thing is you should be able to master the English language actively and smoothly. Mastery of English is represented by TOEFL (61 + value).

School in the United States also requires considerable cost, because the quality of education quality.


Australia is one of the goals of the foreign students to study around the world, including Indonesian students. Many Indonesian students who chose to continue his studies in Australia. Neither the school at their own expense or because of a scholarship.

There are many underlying reasons students choose Australia Indonesia. One is geographically close to Indonesia. Australia offers a comfortable learning atmosphere. Some other reasons that make Australia as one of the most desirable students to continue their education, the level of security, quality of education, job opportunities and diverse cultures.

Universities in Australia are not less good with the United States or Europe. Moreover, rarely heard slanted news about education in Australia.

Studying abroad is now increasingly in demand, even though the cost is quite expensive. Inevitably, Germany is also an option for Indonesian students to continue their education. It is based in Germany as free education and no health insurance. In addition, Germany is also renowned as one of the advanced countries in the field of technology.

Currently, in Germany there are 41,000 schools with 9.2 million students and teachers remains around 58.00. German government's budget is allocated to education are very large numbers. In 1991, the education budget has reached 95 billion DM, for education in schools and colleges.

In Germany, compulsory education starts at the age of 6-18 years. While undergoing the compulsory education, absolutely free of charge. Learning tools, such as the books are given free of charge to every student. It is based on the wishes of the federal government and for countries that want to be part of as many foreigners studying in Germany.

In 1990 foreign students who continue their education in Germany reached 100,000. Of course some of you are concerned about the cost of living to be incurred during his education abroad.

Relax, the German government bear the cost of living based on the Federal Law of Education Support (BAFöG). The assistance given by the government into two parts. Some amount of aid given in the form of scholarships. Then, some given as borrow without interest to be returned after 5 years of assistance.

Besides the United States, Germany, and Australia, Japan is also a choice of Indonesian students to continue their education. Many reasons underlying the Indonesian students interested in continuing education in Japan. Perhaps the reason is, because culture and technology. In addition, perhaps because Japanese discipline that deserves thumbs up.

Japan is the most developed country in Asia in the field of education. In fact, the best universities in Asia are in Japan, the Tokyo University (known as Todai). There are many other Japanese universities offering quality education than Todai.

Though even so, you may be frantically looking for ranking universities in Japan. This is because, the majority of Japanese people have an attitude of humility, so rare Japanese university that claims to be the best university.

The main requirement of continuing education in Japan, the Japanese would be able to use properly. Japanese major key to socialize with other Japanese people. Japan is a country that is maintaining the sustainability of the culture, so the national language (Japanese) were retained.

For the newcomers, to learn and master the Japanese language is a must. Of course it takes not only can speak Japanese, but also be able to write using hiragama, katakana, and kanji.

So, in terms of language, to continue their education in Japan need extra willpower. Learning Japanese is very much different from English. In addition to vocabulary, you should also be able to read and write Japanese characters properly and correctly.

Brunei Darussalam
Brunei Darussalam has one of the choices Indonesian students to continue their education. You do not have to worry about the costs to pursue such education. Government of Brunei Darussalam is currently open scholarships for Indonesian students who wish to continue their education for the academic year 2013/2014. That way, the cost of your education during his education pursued by the Government of Brunei Darussalam.

The scholarship program is valid for three existing campus in Brunei Darussalam, the University Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB), and the University Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (Unissa).

Terms students can enroll scholarship program for 18-25 year-old undergraduate level. And a maximum of 35 years for postgraduate level. For S1 education, scholarships will be awarded for the past 4 years. As for S2, scholarships will be awarded for 1-2 years. For those students who are accepted as candidates S3, scholarships granted is up to 3 years.

The scholarship covers all tuition fees and other administration required by the college. Scholarship recipients will also get the facility of transportation aircraft economy class from country of origin to Brunei Darussalam, as agreed by the Brunei Mission Abroad. If the study period is over, scholarship recipients can sign up to get the return ticket to the country of origin.

There is also an additional monthly living expenses, books, meal allowance and baggage charges plane. In addition, scholarship recipients will also get accommodation facilities in residential areas around the campus. So, waiting for you to sign up right away to continue their education abroad. Remember, cost is not an issue with the scholarship program.

So is the article on education abroad. May be useful for readers !

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