Friday, March 22, 2013

Description About Academy and High School

Description About Academy and High School - High school or college, the University, the Academy is a school with a different vision and mission. For it is more toward the educational methods and carried on according to the type of the respective schools.

Description About the Academy

Maybe you're still curious, what's the difference with the Academy of other educational units ? The difference lies in the study program. The University is a university that has the most diverse course: exact sciences, social, technology to literature grouped into faculties. Institute is almost similar to the university, the difference is only a kind of open education in the sciences, such as IPB (IPB). It could be said that almost all of the faculty have a foundation related to the world of agriculture (agriculture, fisheries, forestry, etc.).

While the College is organizing PT is only one profession in accordance with the program of specialization, such as School of Economics. The Academy or the Polytechnic usually only hold one subject or course and the emphasis on vocational education galvanize students in practical skills and ability to work independently, such as the Academy of Chemical Analysis.

Description About High School

Perhaps you are still confused about the difference between high school with other educational units. According to Government Regulation No. 60 Year 1999 Article 6, the high school is the educational unit of academic education programs and / or professional within the scope of a particular discipline. Unlike the University, for example, which has the most diverse course: exact sciences, social, technology to literature grouped into faculties.

Examples of well-known high school in Indonesia as STAN, Stan was a high school official in the Ministry of Finance, which supplies power to be placed in the directorates under the Ministry of finance, such as the Directorate General of Taxation, Customs Director General, Directorate General of Treasury, the Director General Receivables and country auctions, DG Budget. Then there is also a High School State Sandi, then graduates will work as a civil servant at the National Intelligence Agency. How, you are interested to get into high school ?

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