Friday, March 22, 2013

Study in United States

Study in United States - United States are in English called United States of America (USA) or United States (U.S.) is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and one federal district. The United States is the third largest country by total area and population (309 million people). United States is also a many ethnic and multicultural country because of the many immigrants from around the world who go to America.

History of the United States

United States has been inhabited by Indians for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. As a result of the plague and wars with the European settlers, the Indians population decreased dramatically. The country is made up of 13 former colonies of the United Kingdom who became independent on July 4, 1776. This newly formed state of war with Great Britain won the Battle of the American Revolution.

United States made a major expansion with the purchase of French Louisiana region, and Alaska from Russia. In addition, the country is annexed (taking territory by force) the areas that belong Mexico New Mexico, Texas, and California after the Mexican-American War.

In the 1860s, American civil war due to a conflict between the northern and eastern states on this issue states' rights and slavery issues. Then, the state managed to defuse the northern war and preserve the unity of the country. Since the 1870s, the U.S. economy become the largest in the world.

Military power is increasing and respected in the world after winning the war against Spain in World War I. The United States also became the first country to have nuclear weapons in World War II. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, making the U.S. a world superpower only a leader in the field of military, economic, cultural, and political.

Indian tribes in the United States

Tribes were the first inhabitants of North America came from Asia more than 20,000 years ago. They came to North America after the same prey to wander through the Bering Strait (separating Asia and North America). Eventually, they settled and developed into various tribes.

Europeans came to North America for the first time in the 16th century. People in Europe is thought to come to India so called native Indians by the title. The arrival of the Europeans is threatening the existence of the Indians as they want to seize the land and the battle between the Indians and the Europeans.

In the 19th century, the Indians against the United States government tried to evict them. Finally, the Indians moved to Reservart (special area Indian tribes) after a fierce struggle. Until now, many of the Indians who still live there.

Indian tribes living from hunting, fishing, and farming. In the Great Plains, they lived in a tepee (tent). Tepee is made from bison leather and at the top there is a cover that can be opened so that the smoke from the fire could get out. Each Indian tribe has a different language. Although the language used is different, they can communicate with sign language.

Geography in the United States

The United States is the third largest country in the world with a very geographic state manifold.
  1. Grasslands in the East Coast.
  2. Appalachian Mountains.
  3. Great Plains in the middle of the country.
  4. Mississippi-Missouri River.
  5. Rocky Mountains in the west.
  6. Lake Ontario in the North.
  7. Lake Erie in the North.
  8. Lake Michigan in the North.
The climate in the United States also vary, ie most of the experience warm summers and cold winters. Some parts in the United States has a Mediterranean climate, such as in California.

U.S. economy

Economic system in the United States is a capitalist economy. Economic growth in the country is very sturdy, low unemployment and inflation, and the trade deficit are also low (the United States to buy more goods from other countries rather than sell). U.S. economy called the most important in the world and most countries in the world have made the U.S. dollar as the benchmark value of its currency.

United States of America has many mineral resources, such as gold, coal, oil, and uranium deposits. Their agricultural products became the main producer in the world, such as corn, sugar, wheat, and tobacco. United also manufactures automobiles, aircraft, and electronic items.

Politics in the United States

United States is a constitutional democracy with a three-tier system and the institutions free judiciary. There are three ranks in the United States, the national, state, and local governments have the legislative and executive authority of each field.

U.S. alliance system use (federalism), meaning that the central and state governments share power. Central state authority against some cases, such as printing of U.S. currency and defense policy. Meanwhile, the state is authorized to determine the rights and laws of its own, such as a baby and abortion rights in terms of the maximum sentence the law.

One part of that seen in the United States is the doctrine of division of powers. Chapters 1-3 of the U.S. Constitution was declared in detail about the powers of the state, namely the executive, legislature, and judiciary. Checks and Balances (checks and balances) is one of the main characteristics in the United States. It looks very comprehensive so that no one branch of the state that has the authority to oversee the other branches of the state.

In the United States, all citizens aged 18 years and above, have the right to vote. Every four years elections are held in the United States to elect a president. In addition to elections to elect the president, there are also other elections, ie half of the year and held elections in mid-term presidency. In half of the election season, the president is not selected, but select all members of the House of Representatives and one-third of all senators each state.

State of the United States
When the United States declared independence, 13 colonies eventually turned into the state. Initially, the states are united as a community. Furthermore, the states in the United States formed a unified state. Each state is further divided into counties (such as counties), cities (such municipality or autonomous cities) and townships (as sub).

Barack Obama, President of the United States to-44

Obama is the first president of the United States from the African-American race. Obama beat McCain in the U.S. presidential election to-44. In his victory speech, he uttered the phrase "change has come to America" and dedicated his victory to all the people of the United States.

Barack Obama is the figure of a simple and universal democratic minded. This figure can unify and transform America into a superpower such as the time of President Clinton. In leading the United States, addressing the economic crisis the United States levied.

The economic crisis in the United States has had an impact on the global economy. World expects Obama was able to bring America into a better direction that the global economic crisis soon passed.

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