Friday, March 22, 2013

Positive side of American Education

Positive side of American Education - Enchantment of the United States as a superpower, led to a lot of things that made the mecca important by other countries in the world, including Indonesia. Although it is a lot of evidence that says that concepts like minded Americans, more harm than benefit. One is education.

It is true that many American education mecca made by the people of the world, including Indonesia, as a parameter in developing the concept of education. This is done because the United States known as the developed countries, one of which is believed to be the result of a process of quality education. So it is not one that many countries want the country's progress creating educational programs based on a system that applies in America. American annexation of the model curriculum is mostly done, as a search for a trivial only. And the result, has been included what is happening with education in Indonesia, that Indonesia does not make educational achievement generally successful. Please have a look at the index of the success of this sort of education among the ASEAN countries alone, education performance index Indonesia no better than Myanmar. Of course, do not compare with neighboring Singapore and Malaysia.

Actually there is nothing wrong with America following the success in the world of education, because the country has shown encouraging results. However, in no way granted in the form annexed curriculum. Rather should be conditioned by culture and other aspects of growing and developing in the country. Thereby giving room to boost the ability of learners without loss of identity as a nation.

American charm too thick felt with always high public interest world, including Indonesia, to feel and follow American education. They believe that by studying the super power in the country, one would be able to optimize their potential and be able to develop themselves optimally. And to optimize the potential of each should be done from an early age, and in adults is to develop what has been established since the early such. In a study found that 80 per cent of a person's ability is formed from birth up to the age of five, and the rest is going on continuously until adulthood. That is, even if driven continuously, then the ability will only increase slightly when done in adulthood.

How to boost an individual's ability from an early age has been practiced in the Finnish education system. And the result has been proved until now, Finland became the first in the national educational achievement index. That is, the curriculum used by the Finnish government, has managed to boost the ability of learners and beginning at an early age.

In the meantime why the pattern of American education has always attracted the attention of other countries, including Indonesia, one reason is because of the practice of American liberal education. In these countries, in the world of education a person is not required to follow the rules that are not dealing directly with the world of education. This is so that students are not bound by things that are not directly related to education itself.

Of course, such a liberal education system is not widely applied in other countries, including Indonesia. Unlike Indonesia, which is still very strong bureaucratic system implemented in the educational process. As must use school uniforms, or also have to follow some rules, such as banned long hair, or a duty to always go to school every day. Similarly, in the selection of courses, even if only enjoys subjects such as math, but the students in Indonesia still required to follow the other lessons that are not directly related to subjects such as mathematics.

On the other hand, there is a difference in the concept of American education and education in Indonesia. Among these are issues of etiquette education. In the U.S., a student teacher who disputed the statement is a natural and normal. It is actually considered to be a learning experience for the entire academic community education.

While in Indonesia, it is still regarded as an impertinent thing for most teachers. This is especially true of senior teachers who still adhered to the ancient concept that the teacher is a person who must be obeyed without deny or refute. With behavior like this, directly or indirectly, actually blocking to boost the capabilities of each individual.

Positive side of American Education

Regardless of the controversy liberal education makes students less mastered the etiquette problem in communicating with the teacher, the concept of American education also has a positive side. Some of the positive things that can be obtained by applying the concept of American education these include:
  1. Make students become more critical in capturing the teachers and bold statement to put forward ideas. This is very useful in exploring the ability of students and as a correction to the educators to be more careful in making statements. Of course, if it is to be adopted by the education in Indonesia, must be prepared in advance in advance so involved in the world of education has been understood. Or it could also be adopted with adjustments. Active student learning programs or CBSA actually an attempt to exploration learners both in terms of expression and the search for other instructional materials to answer any questions that arise. However, due to go to the CBSA system is all involved in education ill-prepared and then what happens is students learn and teachers talk. Obviously results will not be optimal.
  2. Between teachers and students can create a useful communication to dig up new information on the issue of education and science. This is an educational process to achieve that is always growing and evolving. Teachers do not just deliver instruction but play its role as a catalyst and motivator. If these two functions are running optimally, the educational system will be able to unleash the capabilities of each student according to the abilities and talents of each.
  3. Students can learn to be mature without having to be tied to curb legislation. It is obtained through the concept of giving confidence to the students to express themselves without leaving the intellectual element. One of them, by not prohibiting students during the long-haired men could look neat. In Indonesia, it is already happening in the school Col de Britto Yogyakarta. Because it is believed that long hair, for example, has nothing to do directly with school performance or a student's negative behavior.
  4. Giving students the opportunity to develop according to their talents and interests. This is done by giving students the freedom to choose the appropriate education they want without having pegged the existing curriculum.

So a few things on the positive side of the pattern that has developed in American education, which has managed to equip learners to opportunities and explore their talents and interests.

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