Friday, March 1, 2013

Running Sports History : Short Distance Running, Cross Country Running, Run Marathon, and Relay Run

Running Sports History : Short Distance Running, Cross Country Running, Run Marathon, and Relay Run. History track has undergone a long journey. There are many numbers in this track. Among sprint which includes the 100 m, 200 m, and 400 m. Middle distance running covering 800 m, 1,500 m, and 5,000 m. Then long-distance running covering 5000 m, 10,000 m and marathon. Another branch ran a relay race.

History of Sports Running Relay

In Indonesia, this run also known as run number. Running is done alternately. Relay began in Roman times. Running is done with the message. In this day and age people are fleeing rapidly working to deliver the message. There is even a Roman emperor sent runners to deliver messages to the girl friend in Babylon.

History of Sport Running Short Distances

In the ancient Olympics in Greece, in 776 BC races held just run. In the days of the Roman Empire there was also this match. Unfortunately, the running game did not last long as the Roman Empire fell. To run a modern start organized 200 years ago. At the first modern Olympics in 1896, runners competed for the first time.

History Trails Running Sports (Cross Country)

In 1878 crosscountry introduced by an American, William C. Vosburg. Originally intended for cross-country training course but as time goes cross-country to run a separate branch and is famous among women and men.

Marathon Running Sports History

History of the marathon was based on the legend of the Greek soldier Pheidippides. He ran to Athens to deliver news that the Greeks managed to defeat the Persians. Arriving in Athens and delivered the good news he immediately died.

Marathon is known as a sport that is still relatively new. At the first Olympics in 1896, the Greek runner, Spiridon Louis, became the first runner to win this number. Meanwhile, Kenyan Paul Tergat became the fastest runner who made it to the finish line at the 2003 Olympics in Berlin.

At first she was not allowed to enter this marathon race. The female body is not strong concern that a distance. In 1966, Roberta Gibb became the first female runner to win the Boston Marathon unofficially. The first marathon runner to officially follow the championship run was Katherine Switzer.

At the time he signed up just wrote K. Switzer. Organizers had tried to stop Katherine follow this marathon race. In 1972 women were allowed to race in the Berlin marathon. In 1984 at the 1984 Olympic marathon starting competed.

Now that you know the right history and its branches run? Fabulous it turns out, yes.

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