Friday, March 1, 2013

Know Various Branches of Athletics

Know Various Branches Athletics. Sport seems to remain the best choice of what to do if we want to have a healthy body. It seems like most sports simple, inexpensive, and can be done by anyone one of them is running. Run included in the athletics branch. The branches of athletics include running, jumping, and throwing. Athletics is a sport that has championship since the first Olympics held in 776 BC and then.

Given the ancient times are still not widely available several sports facilities, seems to be a very reasonable when branches athletics to be the only type of exercise that
championship the first time the Olympics was held. By the time the championship was first introduced in the Olympics, the Greeks made a division of the race categories. Race category that focuses on running and throwing are Roman Games. Category is said to stem from pure Greek.

The race is apparently very popular sport by children nobility of the time. They were then trained to run, fight, wrestling, horse riding, archery, and practice using the weapons. Some matches were often held between them. When someone wants to wrestle then branch athletics direct that person should be able to run faster, jump higher, and throw farther. If not, it will be ensured he would always lose in any athletic competition.

Branches are always
championship athletics in the Olympics actually often we do everyday, like running when going after something, jump when encountering obstacles, and throw when there was something that had to be thrown. Race branches Arena for athletics are common to both indoor and outdoor. Consisting arena that used to run track and field arena used for jumping and throwing.

Actually branches athletics has basically three sports parent, ie running, jumping, and throwing. Each parent club has several branches that ordinary puppies the championship.

Branch Athletic Running

One branch of athletics athletics are run. This branch has several common categories are contested in the arena of track, including the following.
  • Sprint, the distance run jogging this category usually between, 60 meters for indoors, and 100 to 400 meters.
In this race, there are three ways star, is :
- Star standing (standing start)
- Star squat (crouching start)
- Start floating (flying start) made just for runners to II, III and IV in relay run 4 x 100 m.
  • Steeplechase, a distance of about 300 meters. In this category runners will encounter some obstacles.
  • Barrier / gate, to run this type typically have a range of between 110 meters to 400 meters.
Run steeple - 3000 m chase included into distance running through obstacles. Obstacles that there are two kinds;
  1. Hurdles Water
  2. Hurdles with Wicket front (water jump). Steeple runner - chase should have such 1500m runner, but also must have endurance like the 5000 meter runner, and had to have special skills in passing the obstacles.
How to overcome hurdles goal that is widely used is :

(A) As usual hurdles,
(B) Beyond the wicket with the next set foot on the wicket.
    3.  Relay. Race category has four types of distance variations. Distance of 100, 200, 400, and 800     meters, respectively doings of four runners in a single trajectory.

Connecting Run or relay race is one race at a track meet held alternately or relay. In this connection there is one team ran four runners, the runners first, second, third, and fourth. In the running for the specificity of the dial there will not be found on a number of other runners, ie move the sticks while running faster than previous runner to the next runner.

Jump Athletic Branch

One branch of the athletics athletics jump. This branch is usually done in the arena of the field, and the competition has four categories, among others :
  • High jump, this sport requires the athlete to jump using a ruler who emphasized to the surface so it can pass through the pole that has been provided. Jump heights achieved by a jumper depends on the ability and preparation of each competing athlete. As for the style which straddle the three bodies over the bar quickly rotated or reversed, so that the attitude of the body at the bar.
  • Pole vault, athletes are required to jump over the bar which has been supported by two pillars. Jump wearing stick, pole vault is an event on the athletic field that uses the long, flexible pole as an aid to leap over a bar. Pole jumping competition known as the ancient Greeks, as well as the Cretans and Celts. It's a full medal event at the Olympics since 1896 for men and women since 2000.
  • Long jump, sport does not use the tool. Athletes just have to prepare a running start so he could jump as far as possible.
An activity of the movement that carried on in leaps and bounds to achieve leap-sejauhnya that extent. Field size for distance prefix long jump run up to the pedestal 45m beam, the beam pedestal 10cm thick, length 1.72 m, width 30cm, length 9m leap tub, 2.75M width, depth ± 1 meter jump tub

The motion of the long jump is a move from a combination of Velocity (speed), Strength (strength), Flexibility (flexibility), Durability (endurance), Accuracy. Leap in the Long Jump Style is often modeled as a squat style, Dangling Style, street style in the air.
  • Triple jump, sport is the same as the high jump, but done by two people at once.
Throw Athletics Branch

One branch of the athletics athletics throwing. Athletics arena throwing done in the field, together with the branches athletics jump. This branch has four branches that are contested, including:
  • Shot put, the sport is done by throwing a heavy metal ball (bullet) as far as possible.
Shot Put is an activity that is done to achieve the throw or repulsion that as far as possible. Bullets used iron oval weighing 3kg, 4kg, 5kg, 7kg. with a wide circle of 5x3 meters. The most important of the Reject bullet is a bullet to be pushed out with maximum speed, with an angle of approximately 40 degrees. Position to refuse to be emphasized in the legs. because the legs are the strongest part of the body.
  • Shot put, more or less the same as those carried out on the shot put.
  • Javelin, which should be thrown as far as possible in this sport is the javelin (a type of spear).
Javelin is held by the handle bound with rope 20cm long, with the little finger near the end of the javelin, while the thumb and forefinger or index finger and middle finger holding the rope tight grip shaped bulge. The handle should be strong and the other fingers hold the javelin in the palm of the hand. The palms should remain upright during the throwing motion.
  • Throw the disc, for this branch, objects are thrown disc. Shaped roughly like a plate.
There are 3 stages in the discus throw :
  1. preparation - standing with his legs wide open - with hand-held disc right. Hand up over the shoulder while rotating the body to the left, then right again and again. while disc swung to the left, left hand Bantu visually support it
  2. implementation - disc swing forward and backward - at the disc in the back, turn the body and swing disc into the front-side-up (at an angle 40o) - remove the disc while in front of the face
  3. cover - Bantu throws with his right foot in order to create a strong repercussion on the ground so that body jumped ahead-over - right foot step forward for the rivet, while the left leg lifted relaxed to maintain body balance
Not fun when you are more familiar with the various branches of athletics there.

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