Saturday, March 30, 2013

Realizing Environment Islamic Education for Children

Small Business School - Realizing Environment Islamic Education for Children. Environmental Islamic education is good and right for the children in the modern era increasingly difficult to find. Various people the wrong behavior often often we read, hear, and see in various media, such as robberies, student brawls, drugs and more. The more often you watch television, the more sad and scared when a crime scene that aired it happened to our family, even more so when you imagine one family member to the criminals.

It makes you all difficult to educate children properly so that they become Salih and sholihah. Formal schooling was in fact able to educate children to become smart in science and technology, but you want them too dutiful, obedient to parents, and smart in the science of religion so as to charitable pious.

School formal secular education based on factual that not able to provide good teaching and true because it only produces smart people science technology, but ignorant in religious knowledge and faulty behavior. For example, students often win the race homeland Olympics, but poor performance so much more, such as sex, drugs, fights, theft and more. Now with a case like that, then this discussion is how to establish an Islamic educational environment for our children.

Environmental Education - Education in the Perspective of Islam

This is the irony experienced by parents living in the secular system. Weapon that could be done by parents is to realize the
Islamic education at the family, neighborhood, and community. When all three environments that are good and in accordance with the Islamic Sharia, then you have a strong fortress in stemming the negative influences on our children.

The environment in which children grow up is an important factor in shaping the personality of children. The amount of attention to family, neighbors and the surrounding community is a guarantee of the safety of the Islamic faith and the children. When a child at the age of five, then the first and early education environment for him is the family. Here the role of the mother and father are very important because they will give you knowledge.

After their kindergarten and elementary school, the teachers, schoolmates and neighbors house is their first social interaction. They will mimic the actions undertaken by teachers, school friends, especially neighbors around the house. Furthermore, the society that will be education and learning environment for them.

Environmental Education - How to Build an Islamic Education Neighbors Around

Many children become juvenile delinquents and not filial to their parents because they mimic what is done by their neighbors. For example, if your neighbors do not have prayers, then children can be difficult to be asked to pray for your neighbors to see such behavior.

Because of the important role these neighbors, to the extent that Islam provides guidance to Muslims to choose neighbors to stay. Prophet Muhammad. said that "Four cases are women shalihah including happiness, airy home that makes occupants, good neighbors, and comfortable vehicle ..." (Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih and Ahmad).

If your neighbor Islamic was a great relief, but if they do not have the thought and behavior of Islam, then it becomes a danger to your child. Even if your neighbors disobedience actors like thieves, adulterers, and others, of course it will make your heart and your mind becomes restless hold. Well, in the case of faulty neighbor, then you should be able to turn them into personal obedience to Allah SWT, here are some ways you can do.

1. Build Good Relationships with Neighbors

The first step is intended to neighbors feel safe and comfortable living next door to you. If they already consider yourself beneficial to their lives, then you can do the next step to change the thinking and behavior of your neighbor in order to be a good educational environment for children.

Even in Islam, be kind to neighbors often taught, Allah said, "Worship Allah and do not associate him with something else., And do good to two parents, Carib-relatives, orphans, the poor, neighbors near and far neighbors, peers, and the servant ibnusabil sahayamu (TQS. an-Nisa (4): 36).

And in the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW., "The Most of the people are friendly in the sight of Allah is the one who is best to his friend., And the Best of the neighbors in the sight of Allah is the one who is best to his neighbor" (Ibn Huzaimah) .

2. Run Sunnah in Maintaining Relations with Neighbors

You can start by implementing some of the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW. in relationships with neighbors, for example, often share dishes made at home or give them a gift. It is often taught by the Prophet., Some of which are from Abu Dhar, he said, the Messenger of Allah said: O Abu Dharr, if you cook vegetables, then multiply and divide water to your neighbor "(Narrated by Muslim).

From Abu Hurairah ra, he said: The Messenger of Allah. He said: "O Muslim women, a neighbor should not underestimate the other neighbors even though they give a little gift goat meat bones" (Mutafaq 'alaih).

And the word of the Prophet, "The right of a Muslim over another Muslim are six. Said," What are the six that, O Allah's Apostle? "The Apostle of Allah. Said," When you meet with other Muslim brothers, then say hello to him; When he invited , then fill the invitation; When she asked for advice to you, then give him advice; When he sneezed and say Alhamdulillah, then recite yarhamukallah; When he was ill, lo; When he died, the Lead up to the grave "(Narrated by Muslim).

3. Syiar Islam to Door Neighbors

In order neighbors are broken into neighbors who believe and work Salih, then they should accept the message of Islam from you. Often you socialization to them, talking about Islam. You can chat with the easy to start a conversation, for example, discusses the problem of rising food prices. After doing a warm conversation, then you can enter a discussion about the rise of Islam in the Islamic groceries and economics.

Routinely, you should frequently interact with neighbors, where you can give them a newsletter, magazine or VCD books on Islam. The more information obtained by you neighbors about Islamic science, then slowly and surely thinking, and their behavior can change for the better.

If they are asking you about things pertaining to tsaqofah Islam, then it is a very good sign because they've become active in the search for the truth of Islam. In this stage, environmental education around the house already conducive.

4. Invite Neighbors Following Islamic Events

After growing awareness of the importance of Islam to the lives of the neighbors around your house, then the next step is to get them to follow Islamic activities, such as lectures, seminars Islam, talk shows, tabligh akbar and others. With their follow Islamic activities, then they will grow tsaqofah Islam rapidly and the most important thing is a great encouragement to fight for Islam because it is often met with people who fight for the sake of Islam.

After the neighbors is the spirit to fight for Islam, then their behavior will change dramatically from a carrier preaching immoral actors. Well, at this moment will materialize educational environment in which the current neighbors is good for your children. when they see neighbors diligent prayer, fasting, alms, chanting and others, then your children will also follow the good behavior. That's 4 tips embody Islamic educational environment for your child on a scale neighbors. Okay, congratulations educating children !

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