Saturday, March 30, 2013

Important Aspects Educational Basis for Educational Success

Small Business School - Important Aspects Educational Basis for Educational Success. To get a solid education should start from a strong educational foundation. Education will not run properly if the foundation is not strong or not intact. Educational practices implemented to provide education and teaching the students to be able to run their lives according to the status and dignity. Is not education is the right of all citizens ? Therefore, educational foundation is essential.

Like educational foundation to build a basic foundation of education according to the direction of the nation aspired. Of course we do not want to print only the next generation based on the resulting value only. Showed only quantitative value of achieving learning outcomes, but can not became as a measure of success because of the quality of education is a key indicator. Thus, efforts need a solid educational foundation setting so that educational goals can be achieved.

Basis Education - Aspects of Achieving Success in Education

We can hold it firmly if it is supported by a strong foundation. Like a building, that building was still sturdy and strong for a long time, it takes a good foundation as its foundation. Similarly airstrip, if not made properly, it would be difficult to land the plane perfectly. Could be analogous to that, the educational foundation is essential to set educational goals.

Implies educational foundation as a base or a base or foundation of education. Similarly, it is the foundation of a foundation footing, which will be the starting point in educational practice. In any foundation includes assumptions such as the idea or concept, principle, belief or statement is true and used as the starting point of a frame of mind. Based on these ideas, it can be said that the educational foundation is a set of assumptions in order to be the starting point of education.

If during this time we are still not considered successful in implementing educational practices as idealized, could be returned to the foundation of education are formulated. Educational foundation that we apply for it if it is in accordance with what is aspired or that makes the world of education to not function properly. Need for further understanding of this educational foundation, so that educational practice can run optimally.

Forms of Educational Platform

How to make a good educational foundation, at least we should be oriented on some assumptions that the background of the educational foundation. The basic assumption that builds the foundation of education comes from the creation of educational foundation through which assumptions.

Maybe we do not understand what underlies an educational foundation, because we just did what was stated in the foundation of education. To formulate educational foundation, at least there are some assumptions that must be considered. The assumption is that forms the foundation of our education.

The basic assumption of thinking that a reference in this educational foundation, including in education forms the foundation itself. In other words, these basic assumptions that form the foundation of education into some form of foundation. Here are some forms of educational foundation.

1. Philosophical Basis of Education

This educational foundation set of assumptions derived from philosophy, and serve as a point of departure in educational practice. Philosophical foundation is concerned with the nature of education, such as whether it is education, what is the purpose of education, and how education is run. The philosophical foundations of this departure from schools of philosophy, such as essentialism, Perenialisme, progressivism, pragmatism, Reconstructionist, and Pancasila.

2. Sociological Basis of Education

This educational foundation rests of the assumption that humans are social beings and can not be separated from others. We as members of the community to have a variety of socio-cultural characteristics, serve as a cornerstone in the practice of education in Indonesia. It can be seen from the number of social phenomena and social structures that occur in Indonesian society is closely related to the field of education.

3. Platform for Cultural Education

The foundation of cultural education departs from the assumption that there is a correlation between the educational culture. Culture as well as the social system prevailing in the society, is an essential condition for development and community life.

What is the relationship between the culture of the school? The two are interrelated because culture becomes a condition of learning, culture has a strong thrust, as well as providing certain stimuli. Then the culture it has a system of rewards or punishment for behavior in accordance with the prevailing cultural values, and culture that has certain behavior patterns that occur repeatedly.

4. Psychological Basis of Education

The perpetrators education consists of souls, and therefore education is always concerning aspects balancing someone. This is the assumption of psychological educational foundation. Other assumptions which form the basis of psychological education is human nature in the light of scientific psychology consisting of the view of psychology such as behaviorism, learning theory, humanism and so on.

5. Platform for Scientific and Technological Education

Science and technology are closely related with education, science and technology considering one part of the educational instruction. The association is what makes both the basic formation of the foundation's scientific and technological education. Linkage in terms of inheritance of science and technology through education, and the educational use of science and technology as a medium.

6. Basis Education Religi

Educational foundation contains assumptions derived from the aspect of religion or religious teachings. Aspects of religion and religion is the basis in order to carry out the practice of education, as well as a study in education.

7. Juridical Basis Education

This juridical educational foundation set of assumptions which says that the regulations contained in the legislation in force, it is based. In other words, educational foundation used in educational practices derived from the rules of the applicable legislation.

8. Functions of Formation Education Platform

Educational foundation established using a variety of perspectives such as philosophical, sociological, psychological, cultural, scientific, religious, and juridical certainly has a function that is essential for our education. Given the educational foundation is not only focused on the efforts to develop educational skills by specialized education programs, but also educational foundation must focus on developing educational insight.

The cornerstone of education is also concerned with assumptions about education which should be chosen and adopted by the teaching staff, so that the foundation of education can be a way of looking and acting to implement educational practices. Assumptions selected by the teaching staff was automatically can be used as a conceptual basis or reference for practicing education.

Thus, based on these assumptions, the educational foundation with the power of teaching or education, education serves as a basic foundation or footing and practice guidelines as educational progress. It is clear that to run an education in accordance with the goals set, must be based on a solid educational foundation. The task of education is not so much in the hands of the teachers, but also to all parties. Building a foundation of education in accordance with the ideals of education is very important to get a better education in the future.

Perhaps our education today needs to make improvements, since there are many education policies are still considered as forced. We can see from the many cases of many fraudulent practices every implement national exam. From there, we can reflect that educational success is not seen from how much value achieved by the students, but also supported by the educational foundation that covers all areas of science and life.

We certainly do not want education to be not working who have aspired not ? For that, to the awareness of the various parties that support the implementation of the educational system conducive based on a strong educational foundation.

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