Saturday, March 30, 2013

Historical Development of Islamic Education

Small Business School - Historical Development of Islamic Education. Islamic Education is considered the torch for the modern world. Before the advent of Islam in Arabia in the 7th century AD, the world is still filled with the dark era. Europe is still struggling in the dark ages. For a while in Arabic, cultural ignorance of science does not contribute anything to the world civilization. History of Islamic education is important because a milestone in human civilization, the modern world.

History of Islamic Education

Islam raises a lot of new knowledge since its emergence. Even starting from the time of Prophet Muhammad. History of Islamic education records, he has a lot of modern scientific footing. One is the Koran. Muslims regard it as a holy book, while other people who do not believe in, would not want to see the Qur'an as guidance knowledge.

Al Quran contains many valuable knowledge footing. For example, the science of biology and astronomy. In the Qur'an described how the process of human formation. Al Quran had explained that the Earth revolves around the sun. Also instructions to establish a lunar based.

History of Islamic education records, Prophet Muhammad also taught in modern civilization, good social science. Acumen in diplomacy, often prevent his people from slaughter. Even from negotiating skill he gained sympathy in the trade and develop Islam.

Without the ability of rhetoric, diplomacy, and negotiation, Islam would not have developed as it is today. He also gives a good example of how social life difference. One of them is characterized by charter Medina. The emergence of civil society, civilized and respect differences, still rare at that time.

After the Prophet died, the history of Islamic education is also growing. This time contributed to the norms of Islamic warfare. Abu Bakr as the Caliph of Islam, giving direction-the direction of the ethics of war. Among others not committed genocide against civilians. This is a new applied the western world in the form of Geneva Convention, several hundred years of life.

However, the history of Islam began in a structured education during nation of Islam. When Islamic dynasties Ummayads, education is mostly done in the big cities. For example, in Damascus, Cordova, Kuffah, Medina, Mecca, or a milestone Sham Islamic civilization as a new force in the world at that time.

Philosophical movements have emerged in this era. Philosophy is necessary because the time Islam was widespread reach Europe and Persia. Automatic thinking they need more understanding in the face of Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians. Therefore, the development of the interpretation of the Quran and Hadith to be a priority. Interpretation is very important as a means of strengthening faith.

In addition, through the power of thought religious interpretations, Islam will be spread more easily. Scholars who became experts in the interpretation of Bani Ummayads example is 'Athak ibn Abu Rabah, Ikrimah, Sa'id bin Jubair, and Masruq bin al-Ajda'. Meanwhile, experts such as hadith Abdullah bin Amr, Abu Hurairah, and Abdullah ibn Umar.

History of Islamic education hereinafter transferred to the Abbasids. Abbasids has emerged since the 8th century AD. The leader of the famous Harun Ar-Rashid or Al Ma'mum. In the era of Al Ma'mum Baghdag is not only a center of Islamic knowledge, but also the center of world civilization. Abbasids build a lot of facilities to support science, among them :
  1. Madrasah or commonly known as Madrasah Annidzamiyah time. This Madrasah buildings were built in Baghdad, the Balkans, Naisabur, the Balkans, and Muro.
  2. Kuttab is a place of learning for students of primary and secondary level.
  3. Majlis Munadharah. This place is a building meeting thinkers such as poets, scientists, scholars, intellectuals, and philosophers. In this meeting they menyosialisaikan and reviewing new science.
  4. Darul Hikmah, this building is a library that is helpful in the development of science and knowledge in the world of Islam and the world.

The birth of Madrasah is certain milestones in the history of Islamic education. Madrasah replace the mosque as a place to study science. Usually, madrassas and mosques are not too far apart. So, often built alongside mosques and madrassas. Madrasah was first established Nizamiyyah Madrasah founded around the year 457 H. This pioneering development is Nidzam Al-Mulk.

The establishment of madrassas not substitute completely from the mosque as a place of gathering and worship. However, with the rising population of Muslims, the mosque became increasingly crowded and congested. Because of this, many devoted mosque as a place of worship. Education at the primary level is sometimes different from one another.

There are some differences between one teacher to another. Ibn Sina has been teaching Quran at primary level students. Meanwhile, differences in the level of economic, social, and geography also affect differences in science is given. Children educated royal politics, speeches, poetry, language, and history. Meanwhile, the college education includes two things, science education and public science of religion. Often someone would choose to learn them at the time. Al-Khuwarazmi summarize religion science curriculum as follows :
  • Science of jurisprudence,
  • Nahwu Science,
  • Kalam Science,
  • Kitabah Science and
  • Science Arudh.

Meanwhile, a study in general science is a discipline that time general and philosophical knowledge. Discipline among the general reading and writing, arithmetic, chemistry, literature, commerce. Meanwhile, the science of studying such philosophical logic, geometry, astronomy, and arithmetic. The striking of the history of Islamic education in that era was the development of general science, including the development of arithmetic, medicine, and astronomy. When European expel spirits to heal someone, the medical world has been introduced in the Islamic medical room is clean and operating procedural.

Ibun Sina, which by western called Avicena the source of a lot of medical knowledge at the time. He found the circulatory system in humans. The fact that Ibn Sina was also a philosopher and sociologist, explains how advanced Islamic education at that time. History of Islamic education gave many contributions to the civilization of the modern world. Arithmetical characterized by Al Gebra books (algebraic) authored by Al-Khwarizmi. Astronomy represented various scientists such as Al Battani, who is known in the west as Albatagnius, or Al Fazzari who find gauge distances.

Pharmaceutical science is characterized by Al-Mughni book containing various drugs. The book is authored by Ibn Bahtiar. The development philosophy is also very rapid, marked by Ibn Al Kindi or Rusyid.

The decline of Islamic Education

Many things that cause deterioration of knowledge in the Islamic world. Science Sufi mysticism many accused in the history of Islamic education as the cause of the stagnation of Islamic thought in the development of the discipline. It is characterized by the prohibition of Al Ghazali in philosophy. And all of it was just a misunderstanding. Allegations Sufi Islam as a cause of stagnation also need to be assessed because the Quran itself repeatedly written in it, to use common commands.

Moreover, mysticism and philosophy the same thing, the truth. So in fact, not the mystical Sufi and the causes of the decline in the history of Islamic education. But more to the practice of Islamic mysticism misunderstood by many people. Al Ghazali, despite holding a mysticism, but he also has a contribution to science. Al-Ghazali also indirectly using philosophical and logical thinking. However, he was not as free as many other philosophers and holds references to the verses of Al Quran and Hadith.

Crusade was also accused of being the cause of decline in the history of Islamic education. The damage is considered very large for the Islamic world. But in fact, the greatest destruction came from the east, when Islam is attacked by the Mongols. Many Islamic literature in Baghdad were also destroyed. This was followed by a decline of Muslim culture itself.

Many Muslims puts aside itjihad and blind imitation. In fact in the history of Islamic education, the triumph achieved by many cultures think. Naturally, Muslims now brings another culture think that not getting left behind in the era of globalization.

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