Friday, March 29, 2013

Methods of Teaching Reading to Children

Small Business School - Methods of Teaching Reading to Children. Reading is the heart of education. Reading is an important activity because nearly all subjects in school, all courses, all the information you need to know you will not read information today if not read newspapers, magazines or books. Therefore, it takes the appropriate teaching methods so that children can easily read early on.

Currently, the reading gets toughest rival with the times, as there are online games that can distract children from reading. Or, Still today there are parents who apply for her habit of reading stories before bed ? In spite of it all, apply like reading culture in children is easy bother. So is there any method of teaching reading to children ? Of course there is, following a full discussion about the methods of teaching reading to children.

Methods of Teaching Reading - Understanding Reading

Reading is an activity that contains a verb. In reading, the reader involved in word recognition. After recognizing words, readers are asked to understand what you read, then read and eloquent when highly motivated to start reading habits and activities.

When drawn conclusions, it requires you to read :
  • Identifying words. This is called word recognition.
  • Be understanding of what you read. This process is called comprehensive or understanding.
  • Coordinate these two processes above, whether it's identifying the words and understand what is read so reading is automatic and accurate. This is called an achievement or proficiency in reading.
  • In reading, you can not rely on the ability to recognize the words. Reading should also be accompanied by an understanding of what you read. The process of reading the above should be done in line or both while you are reading to fluent.

Methods of Teaching Reading - Introduce letters, letter sounds and word

The method of teaching reading which first performed in children is to known. There are, teachers or parents begin to introduce letters, letter sounds, and introducing the word or series of letters that have meaning. How to introduce letters to children is now easier. Teachers or parents can provide the media learn the alphabet in the form of a poster or electronic device designed to function like a toy train children to recognize letters. For children pre-school age, parents can begin by sounding the letters over and over and children listen. Then, slowly parent asks the child to repeat what the letter mentioned her parents.

In this method, the parents take a long time so that children can recognize and name all the letters are there, because every child is different capabilities. So do not be too pushy parents, still teach children with sincerity and compassion.

Methods of Teaching Reading - Understand Reading

The method of teaching how to read next is that children are not just being able to recognize letters and mention it but also understand what you read when the child's developmental level reading has risen to levels not read the word. The steps taken in developing the child's level of comprehension in reading are :
  1. Explaining the background of the book to be read. Before reading, the teacher or parent should explain what topics are covered in the book. For example: "This book is about the zoo, a place that has a lot of stars who live there."
  2. Mention oral vocabulary. Books specially designed children by discussing simple topics, such as animal and other types of transportation. In order to increase reading ability of children, teachers or parents can mention vocabulary what is contained in books. For example, "Look at my garden (the names of the fruit), I got a mango, oranges, bananas."

The steps above can develop further as child growth and adapt to the level of comprehension in reading. The above two steps will be right when applied to children pre-school age.

Methods of Teaching Reading - Fluent in Reading

Once the child is able to recognize letters and words, then the child is familiar with what he read, the next teaching method is how to keep children read fluently. Teachers or parents can train children to read children changing media, such as books to suit the child's age or in accordance with the level of understanding. Once the child is reading fluently, parents and teachers still have obligations. That is, keeping the spirit of the child so that the growing culture and reading habits in his life.

Methods of Teaching Reading - Things to Look For

There are some things that need to be considered in applying the teaching of reading in children. If a parent or teacher reading too imposing on the child, the child will be stressful and lead to the reluctance of the child liked reading.
  1. Vary the methods of teaching reading to know and adjust to the style and needs of children, because each child has a different sensitivity to read each other.
  2. Do it while playing. There's nothing wrong with playing. Because the world of children attached to the world of play, then collaborate reading the play.
  3. Make it convenient, If you currently reading activity is as relaxed and intimate as possible, then the child will quickly grasp what is being taught.
  4. Just 10-15 minutes. No need to take a long time to teach children to read. When the 10-15 minutes it regularly and consistently, it is enough to single. It is given that the ability to concentrate on preschool children are not old.
  5. Stop before the kids are bored. You must be sensitive to the child's reaction when teaching reading. Remember that there is no compulsion. When children begin to not concentrating then stop.

Methods of Teaching Reading - More Tips

There is a wise phrase from Strickland Gillian, namely :

"You might have a stash of wealth abound, jewelry chests and coffers of gold. However, you will never be richer than me-I had a mother who read the book."

Here are some tips that children love reading, namely :
  1. Routine reading stories to children - children. The more often you read to the child, the child will more often "read" follow us. These tips apply to both pre-school children, pre-school children used to listen to stories and like to experiment with words - words.
  2. Avoid interrupting the child is reading. A wise parent is a parent who listen to children "read" the story. Do not rush to cut "reading" if what they read is not exactly the same as the words in the book. As long as he still remembers the story means that he is in his attempt to be read.
  3. Parents also have to love reading. Parents set an example including children if parents would like children reading a little too much would have liked to read. Let your children see the way we read and see us enjoy and fun with what we read. To show the children that reading is fun.
  4. Hold a small performing arts at home, such as reading competition between brother with the sister, singing contest, race storytelling and poetry reading competitions. This activity helps your child develop the ability to distinguish between sounds, vocabulary development, sensitivity to grammar and other skills essential for reading success in the future.
  5. Make a book within easy reach. Collection of children's books, magazines, and pictures that match the child's interest and age. Put in place within easy reach of children. Facilitating a comfortable place.
  6. Create a regular schedule to go to the library and the bookstore. Each month, set aside a budget for buying books. Children also learn to differently allowance to buy his favorite book.
  7. Praise children. Generally, all children like praise. That's why not a lot to criticize when they make mistakes while reading. If he makes a mistake like one reading "broom" read "beef", still praise his efforts, saying that he was clever at first just a little wrong in the end he says. Praise is a great encouragement for the child to continue to learn to read.

From the description of the method of teaching reading to children in the aim that children can read books printed. Happy Reading !

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