Friday, March 1, 2013

Overview of Athletics Sports

Overview of Athletics. You must already be familiar with the term athletics, is not it ? Yes, various moments and events of athletics must have a lot of you are witnessing. One that might still imprint on your mind is when sprinter Indonesia, Agung Suryo SEA Games gold medal. Speaking of athletics, would not be separated from discussions about merging some kinds of sports that are grouped into three numbers, ie the number of running, throwing and jumping. Third race has a branch number respectively. More about athletics will be discussed in detail in the next article. In athletics, an athlete is challenged to try his speed, strength, and agility. They have to run faster, jump higher, and throw farther than his opponent. Here, we will discuss briefly about the history, tennis, athletics, and the equipment used in this sport.

About Athletics - History of Athletics

Talking about anything, including about athletics certainly will never be separated from the history. Yes, there are always interesting things that we can get something of history, including the history of this athletic. The history of athletics is quite old and Greece is the birthplace of the sport. In 776 BC, the first Olympic event was held as a tribute event dedicated to the Greek god, Zeus.

In the event, there is an interesting story about athletics. Athletic sports and only sports champs at the time was a race run or Stade. Thus, it can be said that the track was the first sports event champs the first Ancient Olympic Games. After Oliampiade, there are a variety of games that champs or held during the classical era in Europe, including the Panhellenic Games were held in Argolid every two years. Then there's The Isthmian games were held in the Isthmus every two years. Then there is The Roman Games which hold sports throw and run, Etruscan sport held every four years, and the Name ans sports games that are on stage.

During the Middle Ages, athletics becomes more diverse. In those days, often held athletic competitions between the nobility.  Correspondingly, children nobles often trained to run, jump, and wrestling. Meanwhile, since the first Modern Olympic Games were held in 1896, athletics has become a part of it.

About Athletics - Athletics Sports Branch

There are many branches that competed in athletics this. These are branches of regular athletic competitions.

1. About Athletics - Sports Race

Sports trajectory is divided into several numbers, ie sprints, middle distance running, distance running, relay race, and ran hurdles. Participants sport track can usually be individual or team.

2. About Athletics - Run Street

Covering the streets jogging marathon event with different mileage. Running a marathon is included in the category of long-distance running for mileage used so far. The most popular sport branch road running or marathon is taking a distance of 10 Kilometers.

3. About Athletics - Fast Way Contest

The usual brisk race contested among 10 km, 20 km and 50 km. Fast road race is usually contested on the highway, although there are also held at the athletics track. For that was held on the streets, this fast road race wore distance of 10 km, 20 km, and 50 km. While held in the indoor arena, the distance used is 3 km and 5 km for the princess.

4. About Athletics - Sports Field

Sports field includes numbers jump and throw. Skip the usual sports competitions are divided into high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump. While exercise consists of javelin throwing, discus throwing and shot put.

5. About Athletics - Race Dual or Combination

Double race is a combination or a combination of several races. Which includes dual race is a triathlon (Eventing), pentathlon (pentathlon), heptathlon (seven races combined) and decathlon (decathlon).

About Athletics - Athletics Arena

Oval athletics track and in the middle there is a grassy field. In athletic sports, there are some that are used in the race arena, namely:
  • Line, used for running for a short distance, middle distance and long distance and hurdles;
  • Way, used to run a marathon;
  • Field, used for throwing and jumping numbers, and
  • Combined, used to heptatlon for women and for men's decathlon.
About Athletics - Athletics Equipment

As with any athletic sport a lot, as well as equipment. The main equipment used in athletic sports, among them the following.

a. About Athletics - Stick relay

Sticks are used in a branch of a relay race or run number. The recommended standard baton must be hollow, his stick between 28-30 cm long, has a diameter of 38 mm diameter - 2 cm, and weighs 20-50 grams. In addition, although not rule made of bamboo or wood, of international standards for materials stick itself is made of aluminum processed by electroplating.

b. About Athletics - Hurdles

Wicket is used in the event ran hurdles and hurdles. In there are 2 kinds of hurdles that must be overcome runners goal, namely the goal of high and medium goal. High Hurdles measuring 42 inches for men. For women, the goal is 33 inches tall.

c. About Athletics - Stick pole

Sticks used in athletics pole vaulting. This pole is made of fiber or fiber. Sticks are very flexible and can be curved by the jumper without worrying broken. Weight-adjusted elasticity jumper because if weight greater than the weight jumping stick, the stick can be broken.

d. About Athletics - javelin

Javelin is a key tool in athletics javelin. For athlete's son, the javelin is 2.70 m long with a weight of 800 g. As for female athletes, 2.30 m in length with a weight of 600 gr. Javelin is composed of 3 parts, the eyes javelin, javelin body and strap.

e. About Athletics - Disc

The disc is used as a major tool in sports discus throwing. The disc is thrown has a diameter 220 mm and a weight of 2 kg for men, while for women 1 kg.

f. About Athletics - Bullets

Bullet resembles iron ball used in the sport shot put. User adjustable bullet weight, ie 7.25 kg for the senior men's, 4 kg to senior daughter, 5 pounds for junior men and 3 kg for the junior girls.

That's a bit of a story about athletics, ranging from history, type of sport, to the equipment used in it. Until now, various athletic sports still held in various international events. And the most interesting part of athletics is certainly a coronation as the fastest man in the world, if the athlete won the sprint is 100 m.

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