Friday, March 1, 2013

Know the History of the World Athletics

Know the History of the World Athletics. Most of the inhabitants of the earth are very familiar with this one sport. Even, perhaps, all those whose normal body-ever practice, though not in the context of race. This is due to athletics, especially running, is not a stranger to exercise and has become a "necessity". Actually, what kind of world athletics history ?

The development of the World Athletics History

History of the world athletics can be traced back to the times of the very ancient, precisely in the early days of human civilization. Activities run which is the forerunner of athletics has been practiced by early humans as a means of keeping her existence. Man running to catch game or otherwise, away from animal and hunt enemies.

In the next development, as the development of human civilization, ran an important part of human communication systems. The fastest runner in a society made intercity messenger, even interstate. They are tasked to deliver messages or important news, such as the message war. From this activity, the legends about the birth of the famous runner Phillipides kind. He ran from Athens to Sparta to ask for help endlessly when the Persians attacked the country.

The story of the oldest race in the works of the ancient Greek poet named Homer. He told me that in the 12th century BC man has done race. According to Homer, Archiles is the first great sprinter country Greece. Based on this information, the human race has been practiced for more than 3,000 years ago.

Not only the Greeks, sprint race (sprint) was carried out by the Syrians about 5,000 BC. This activity is a part of a religious festival in honor of the gods they worship. In addition to the two nations, the historian could have guessed that in every culture, race has been practiced, it's just that there is no written evidence that informs it. The Greeks made a large contribution to make running a sports activity. This activity they perform as part of the ritual offerings to the gods on Mount Olympus. Gradually, athletic sports interests into Greek society and eventually institutionalized in the activities of the first Olympic games held around 800 BC.


At first, in the stadium Olympians run only one number that competed, which is 200 meters. Then coupled with the number dioulos (400 meters) dandolichos (2400 meters). The winners will be crowned with a series of nautical leaves of olive trees. They will be respected and regarded as a hero by the people. That said, an ancient Greek queen could choose her husband over the sprint race.

When people plug in power in Greece Sparta and start competing, they also strengthen its influence in the field of athletics. As a warlike nation, they also began to include specific numbers, which is very thick with military element, sort of javelin or lance. Thus, athletic games in ancient Olympics were increasingly growing and increasingly attractive. Professional status began borne by the athletes who compete. In fact, the athlete with the highest achievement statue itself will be created as a token of appreciation and a rise in their social status in society.

However, this development did not go smoothly. In 394 BC, the Olympic games banned by Emperor Theodosius of the Roman Empire. The reason, the activity is very strong with pagan practices alias idolatry. Athletics, especially running fast, as the sport also had disappeared for several centuries. Nevertheless, the run keep alive in the memory of many people. They are described in works of art.

Modern Athletics

After the Middle Ages, athletics was revived and began to be practiced by a small community, such as in Italy, then Germany, and Sweden. In a further development, the people who contributed great British in turn run the game, precisely at the time of the Industrial Revolution. Not only the championship, some money began to be used as prizes for the winners.

Since that time, particularly race and athletics in general, began regularly held up institutionalized in the modern Olympics until now. According to the history of world athletics, athletics can be implemented in two places, both indoor and outdoor. Here is an explanation of the track and field athletics in indoor and outdoor.

Tracks and Field Athletics in the room (Indoor)

Indoor track and field athletics is used during the winter. Typically, indoor athletics track has the track for the 200 meter consisting of four to six lanes. Indoor athletics track usually has curves that are not too heavy. In the indoor athletics track, branch number
championship athlete with the athletic number of the track contested on outdoor athletics, except with the 100 meters, 100 meters hurdles numbers, running 10,000 meters, a brisk walk 300 meters, and 400 meters hurdles. For the athletic field, the field is usually only displays indoor athletics high jump, pole vault, and long jump.

Outdoor track and field

And track and field athletics typically used in the spring or summer. Generally, cross-shaped outdoor athletic oval. Athletics track outside the room usually have with rubber. Meanwhile, the field is used for outdoor athletics javelin, shot put, and discus throwing.

History of the World Athletics - Athletics Branch Running Relay

According to the history of world athletics, athletics is one of the relay race. Relay is done in teams that each team consists of four people. Relay that athletics is one done by first runner carrying a cane, then left to the second runner, and so on. Typically, relay race followed more than 2 groups. The first group to the finish line, without making a mistake in giving his staff, will be champions.

Number relay is different from other athletics. Athletics requires cohesion and teamwork. In addition, unique athletics relay is used batons moved from one runner to the next runner. According to the history of the world athletics relay number is contested in two numbers, the 4 x 100 meters and 4 x 400 meters.

In doing a relay race, running technique is not only needed, but the technique of administration and reception staff had to be done well. In addition, the distance and speed of each runner must also be considered. Engineering admission in athletics baton relay can be done in two ways, namely by way of seeing and a way not to notice. Receive stick see manner done by the runners who will receive the baton will run first, looking back to receive the baton from runner that gives the stick.

In the meantime, accept the stick in a way not seen done by runners who took a stick running while reaching behind without see head back. Then, a runner who gave the stick a stick relay put into the hands of the next runner.

History of the World Athletics - IAAF World Athletics Organization

Every sport in the world has a parent organization that overshadow the sport. For the athletic sports, the parent organization known as the world athletics IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) or the World Athletics Federations. According to the history of world athletics, athletics is the parent Founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 1912 when Congress first athletics. Currently, the parent organization of the world athletics is headquartered in Monaco.

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