Friday, March 1, 2013

Socializing Sports Running Distance

Socializing Sports Running Distance. Long-distance running is also a sport favored by everyone. Why ? Because this kind of sport is guaranteed cheap and do not cost anything. In addition, this exercise can be done anywhere and anytime. This track can be done in the garden, home or even in the office or workplace, should not be in a special place. This exercise can be done the morning, afternoon, or evening. Implementation depends on our free time.

Sports included in long-distance running athletic kids been taught since elementary level. This is because sports is the mother of all kinds of sports. Because basically all any sport, when warming movement always needs to run, whether it's short range, medium and long before the practice of sports occupied. I myself, when I was in the village every week regularly run long distances with a distance of at least 5-10 km. Sports distance running has a positive effect for the runners. First, the track is to maintain a healthy body because it can strengthen the heart. Second, exercise is good to maintain a stable body. Third, this exercise can be used to streamline the body when accompanied with proper diet.

Furthermore, an athlete in any sport requires skill definitely run. Jogging is important to warm up before practicing sports activity to another branch. With the warming will reduce the risk of injury during or after exercise. Just keep in mind that the track also has a negative impact if done to excess or improper dosing. What is certain is sick, it could be exposed typhus or the other. This is due to the body's fatigue from excessive exercise that will also be immune decline.

Things to Look For In Sports Mandatory Long Distance Running

Jogging is an exercise you can do anywhere, without any particular path if not in the context championship. This exercise can be done together one family or among friends as a means of gathering in a city park or in the area around the house. But keep in mind that in the context of a professional championship, long-distance runners have special rules, namely long-distance running exercise performed in a particular trajectory. This track is between 5000 and 10,000 meters.

The next thing to note is related to the running technique. First, steps should foot wider than the width of sprint exercise. The second relates to run (speed) in the running. Speed used was a stable pace. Not too fast and not too slow. If too fast, do not be afraid of breath strong runner. If too slow fear can not win the race. In addition, this exercise requires a lot of physical endurance, stamina, and also measured breathing patterns to be able to win the race.

Regulations to be Fulfilled in Sports Running Distance

In a race, long-distance runners have a few rules that must be met. This regulation depends on the place or location of the implementation of the race. Is held on the track of natural or implemented in lane highway. The following will be explained in detail.

Regulation of the natural trajectory

With regards to the race track, then the rules that must be considered are as follows.
  • First, if the path to be taken by the runner is outdoor or field, it must be cared for and maintained so that no path that allows the athlete can be bypassed.
  • Second, when making the zone path, should have to avoid areas that could endanger the athletes as steep ravine, many shrubs that beast, and so on. So, if it could be flat trajectory path.
  • Third, the organizers must put up directional signs are clear and unambiguous. Signs pointing in this direction it is important to serve as a guide for athletes. Most importantly, on the left and right of the road, need to be made barrier trajectory. Limiting trajectory is important to maintain the security of the athlete.
  • Fourth, prior to the start, the race track should be announced in advance to the participants of the race so they can get an idea of ??the area they are going through.
  • Fifth, if the trajectory is an ellipse or a circle, then it is recommended in a single round of not less than 2,200 meters.
Furthermore, long-distance runners Association (IAAF) also ran this race divides into several age categories, is as follows.
  • Beginners categorized for children aged between 13-14 years.
  • Junior III is zoned for an age range between 15-18 years.
  • Junior II zoned for an age range between 17-18 years.
  • Junior I zoned for a range of ages under 20 years.
  • Veteran puteridikategorikan for ages above 35 years.
  • Veteran son is zoned for a span of over 40 years of age.
Furthermore, the distance in the race are also distinguished by the athlete category. Is the category or categories of veteran junior or adult. Terms are defined as follows :
  • For a distance of 4 km reserved for junior female athlete.
  • For a distance of 8 km is for junior male athlete.
  • For a distance of 6 km is for adult female athletes.
  • For a distance of 12 km is for athletes adult son.
Provisions of the latter is the rule that is used in determining the winner of the race jury. The following provisions winners.
  • First, the provision for individual participants. The winner is the athlete's race with a record time lows.
  • Second, the provision for team participants / group. time count will be summed and the winner will be drawn from the group of participants who had the lowest time partner.
Race on highway

Terms track road on the track is not as natural. The first relates to the distance. The second relates to categories. If there is the natural trajectory of novice and junior categories, then the trajectory of the highway there is a first-class category, the second and the team. Distance and classes that have been defined in international rules are as follows:
  • First class: 15 km, 20 km, 21, 100 km (half marathon distance)
  • Second class: 25 km, 30 km, 42.195 km.
  • For the team event mileage can be set as follows: The first runner with the distance 5 km, the second with the distance 10 km, so the next to the last with the distance of 7.195 km.
Another rule about distance running race on this track as the winner of the competition provisions are similar to provisions in the natural trajectory. What distinguishes only on the track does not need to use the track limits. That description everything about distance running in a race. That was a long distance has some rules that must be met. Regulations adopted in this race also depends on the locations of the race. Starting from the distance to the categories of participants.

Socializing Sports Running Distance

The next question is, whether the race is already popular in the community. The answer is dependent area where we live. If you live in Jakarta, the chances of that happening are long-distance foot race activities are much organized. But for the interior, like in my town, Batu must still rarely held such long-distance running.

So how do we promote this long-distance runners ? How that can be used quite a lot, but there is one way that we can do to promote this sport. Try us carry out long-distance race which may be followed by everyone, regardless of age boundary. Obviously, divided by categories. Since the implementation of this sport usually only competed at the school level.

Another way is no need for long-distance race track, but enough to invite our relatives and friends running together in a city park may or elsewhere. In addition to gathering and healthy bodies, we also promote long-distance runners. How, interested in trying ? I am waiting for your action. Congratulations run.

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