Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Treat Athlete's legs are swelling

How to Treat Athlete's legs are swelling. Do not automatically ordered in the event of injury during exercise. Therefore, the sequence can make legs grow injury. So what should be done ? The specialist sports from Sriwijaya University, Dr. Irfan SpKO explain, how to treat foot injuries and sore feet should be different. Soaking feet or compress with ice is recommended for foot injuries.

"If an injury occurs, it is usually inflammation or inflammation. When inflammation is necessary so that the inflammation was reduced by coolest quickly recover from the injury, "said Dr. Irfan.

Ice pack will prevent blood flow to the injured. Instead, compress the foot done for three consecutive days. There are no provisions how long it takes for the ice pack. However, according to him, more often the better.

"Have to be careful too, when the ice compresses should not touch the skin directly. Because when direct contact with the skin can cause cold burns, "he added.

The best way to compress time, distance covered with a towel or cloth to prevent direct contact between the ice with a skin injury. If the foot has felt numb, should the compression / immersion discontinued. When the foot is warm, compressed again.

In addition to using ice, also available at pharmacies gel pack. "I myself usually keep gel in the fridge, so that the child suffered an injury directly applied to it," he explained.

When it is compressed for three days, just to massage therapy or massage. Injuries can occur when muscles are interested to cause pain. The pain is different from sore or tired. Thus, the treatment of these two issues are not the same.

"Leg stiffness occurs due to the buildup of lactic acid. It needs the blood flow through the heating process or with a massage (massage), "he said.

Massage or soaked in warm water to make your feet feel relaxed. Should the water used to soak or compress is not too hot, but about 40 degrees or lukewarm water only. Do it until the foot feels comfortable.

"So if the sore feet should compressed hot water, while the foot injury do not use hot water because it will further swelling," said Dr. Irfan.

Athletes generally understood procedures for handling foot injury and overcoming sore feet. For the hobbyist sports injury and do not know the procedures of handling can consult a sports physician.

"We can handle it with RICE. RICE itself includes Rest (resting the injured), Ice (ice pack delivery), Compression and Elevation (elevate the injured area higher than the heart), "he explained.

In addition to the healing process of the injury, the patient can take a multivitamin. While anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken only if it is prescribed by a doctor.

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