Friday, March 8, 2013

If athletes Smoking and drinking alcohol

If athletes Smoking and drinking alcohol. Major capital endurance athletes especially powerful is obtained from a healthy body. According to specialists sports dr Hario Tilarso, if athletes have a healthy lifestyle, it is definitely going to take a loss. What is an unhealthy lifestyle ? Some of them are smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

By eating cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, losses suffered by athletes is the hemoglobin in their bodies can not properly bind oxygen. Although alcohol can make a quiet, but its impact can not control the movement and can not focus, for example, the mileage for long distance running athletes. Hario also explained that in Indonesia there is no official regulation. Only the decision of the respective coaches. "If there are athletes who do like it, smoking and alcohol consumption, it was his coach, not discipline his players," he explained.

Abroad do not differ much in terms of regulation of the activity of smoking and alcohol consumption for athletes. Just outside the country are more disciplined. No smoking, alcohol consumption, but more because it's a lifestyle over there.

"Usually the athletes consume alcohol after a match," he explained.

While according recognition Triyatno lifters, athletes are not allowed to actually smoke. Triyatno admitted that indeed the rules of the trainer. "For their stamina will decrease and decrease, became short of breath," he said.

Nevertheless he acknowledged there are many athletes who smoke. Though the coach has been warned not to do so. "Most smoking quietly. So it all depends on the athletes themselves, "he added.

He continued that the behavior of athletes abroad and in Indonesia the same.

Footballers club Sriwijaya FC, Ahmad Jufriyanto say that alcohol and smoking, hard to separate from the lives of athletes. And not all clean athletes.

"While levels are not excessive, it did not matter," he explained.

From experience, if you consume alcohol and cigarettes at the same time, do not have a serious effect to the body.

"But in my experience, for players aged 30 years and over, if you play on the field will not be able to perform for 90 minutes. When the play was looks tired, "he added.

Only players who are clean, in the sense of free alcohol and cigarettes are still strong. They can still match the players were younger.

Regulatory policy in Indonesia, Jufriyanto see it are club or coach. "That's all the lifestyle of the individual," he explained.

In the foreign Jufriyanto said the same in Indonesia. "Athletes abroad also drinking, smoking, clubbing. But they did it after the fight, celebrate the victory, and then re-live a healthy life, "he concluded.

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