Friday, March 8, 2013

Happens When Sports in the Night

Happens When Sports in the Night. People living in urban areas have a limited time to exercise. Busy work and traffic jams make the time available to exercise is only available in the evenings and weekends. Be part of them choose to exercise at sunset. So does exercise in the evening is good for health or even making the body vulnerable to disease ?

For Putu Wiradamunggu, national Judo athlete, if you just jog at night in fact it is a good choice. It's just sports or exercise at night when not used to feel tired easily. But if it is possible, no problem. Putu told his experience, the advice usually given from coaches about training in the evening for the athletes, usually adjusted to match schedules. Given load is not too heavy. Likewise with exercise duration.

Usually if the maximum time again at night is 90 minutes. "I think the time to exercise in the morning until late afternoon is better," he said.

While boxer David Jordan said the exercise at night is fine. Especially for people who have to spend the morning until late for work.

"Exercise done at any time. About where, when in Jakarta, for example, should be done in the Senayan area, away from air pollution or emissions of motor vehicles, "he advised.

David revealed that he used to work in the morning or afternoon, as starting at 7. To run, he roam up to 7-8 kilometers. As with Putu, though he acknowledged that religions night will feel tired, even though the principle is the same.

"So the difference, the morning sports body condition was 100 percent, while the afternoon to evening endurance is not fit," he explained.

However, David admitted often choose to exercise at night time. He felt more relaxed, and can "hide" from the public view. That was the reason he chose the day of sports activities toward dark. But this is a personal choice, not a schedule of the coach.

While the suggestion of his coach that time practicing or playing, ie, when the morning or evening. "The coach is usually advocated in the morning and afternoon. If at night, due to the initiative of myself, "he said.

However, he also warned tips for people who exercise in the evening. "Having had a quick exercise break and eat a lot in order to fit back tomorrow morning," the message of David.

Hario Tilarso, sports physician, also gave an answer that made a choice to exercise at night is not a problem. "Exercise in the evening it was great because the weather is humid conditions and a little cool, so no problem," he explained.

But evening exercise has limitations. That is after or before 00:00 or midnight, activities must be stopped. "Go home, do not forget to shower, sleep and rest," he explained.

If anyone is injured while exercising at night, it happened not because of choice of time, but rather the type of exercise performed.

"They choose the type of exercise that do sudden movements, and explosive. Most of them the sport of futsal, tennis, basketball, "he said. This type of exercise as often require sudden and rapid movements.

Hario continue that exercise is healthy it has continued motion sequence.

"Especially if you have a history of heart disease, you should exercise like that. Running or jogging for a rare sport or who have a history of heart disease, "he said.

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