Sunday, March 10, 2013

How to Basic Research Paper ?

How to Basic Research Paper ? Do you know what it is basic research ? Basic research is a type of research by objective research. Before discussing more about basic research, you should first know the basic definitions are frequently used in basic research, such as the definition of research, research methods, and scientific manner.

Definition of Research

There is some understanding of the research expressed by the experts, are as follows.
  1. Research is a systematic process of inquiry aimed at providing information to solve problems (Cooper & Emory, 1995).
  2. Research is directed conscious effort to know or learn new facts as well as the distribution of the human desire to know (Suparmoko, 1991).
  3. The research is a method to find the truth which is also a critical a thinking (critical thinking).
  4. The research is a method of study through careful investigation and perfect for solving a problem in order to obtain the right to the problem (Hilway, 1956).
  5. Research is the search for something (inquiry) systematically to the problems that can be solved (Parson, 1946).
  6. Research is a scientific collaboration to develop science, technology and art in order to obtain information / findings / new products through a methodology that is closely related to one or several disciplines (MONE RI).
  7. Research is an objective fact-finding by a clear method to discover relationships and generate fact proposition or law (John, 1949).
  8. Research is the experiment carefully and critically to discover something new (Nazir, 1988).
Meanwhile, the scientific method of research is a great way to get the data with the purpose and specific uses. Scientific Method is a method based on the characteristics of science, including rational, empirical, and systematic.
  • Rational is a research carried out in ways that make sense so accessible to human reasoning.
  • Empirical methods used are observable with the human senses.
  • A systematic research process using the steps on something that is logical.
Types of Research
Once we know the definition of research, research methods and scientific way, then we will discuss the types of research can be grouped based
how to basic research paper ? Kind of objectives, approach, level of explanation and analysis, and data types.

Research by Destination

Research by the goal can be divided into two, as follows.
  • Applied research is research that is directed to obtain information that can be used to solve the problem.
  • Basic research or pure research is a research directed merely to understand the issue in depth in the organization (without wanting to apply the results). Basic research aims to develop a theory and not paying attention to the immediate practical usefulness. Thus, basic research or pure research with respect to the discovery and development of science.
Based on these species can be said that basic research is only used to discover new theories, regardless of the terms of usability. Basic research is very useful for developing theories that already exist into new theories.

According to Research Methods

This type of research-based methods, grouped into sections, as follows.
  1. Research Survey. Research conducted in large and small populations, but the data is studied data from samples taken from the population that found relative events, distribution, and relationships between variables sociological and psychological.
  2. Ex Post Fact is a research study to examine the events that have occurred and then trace backwards to determine the factors that may cause the incident.
  3. Experimental research is a study that seeks the effect of certain variables on the other variables in strictly controlled conditions. The independent variable manipulated by the researcher.
  4. Naturalistic research is research that is often referred to as qualitative methods, the research methods used to examine the condition of natural objects (as an opponent) in which the researcher is the key instrument. Example: Offerings to the success of the business.
  5. Policy Research is a process of research done on, or the analysis of social problems are fundamental so that findings can be recommended to policy makers to doing practical in solving problems.
  6. Action Research is a research that aims to develop the most efficient work methods so that production costs can be reduced and productivity can be improved institutions. The main purpose of this study, are as follows. (To change the situation, To change behavior, To change the structure of the organization including working mechanism, working climate, and institutions).
  7. Evaluation research is a part of the decision-making process, which is to compare an event, activity, and product and program standards that have been set.
  8. Historical research is a study related to the logical analysis of the events that took place in the past. Be the primary source of data, that is, those who were directly involved in the incident, or sources of documentation relating to the incident. The purpose of historical research is to reconstruct past events systematically and objectively, through the collection, evaluation, verification, and synthesis of the data obtained thus established the facts to make a conclusion.
According to the explanatory level research

The level of explanation is the level of explanation. Thus, according to the level of explanatory research is research that aims to explain the position of the studied variables and the relationship between one variable with another variable. According to the explanatory level of research are divided into several groups, as follows.
  1. Descriptive research is research conducted to determine the value of an independent variable, whether one or more variables (independent) without making comparisons, or connecting with other variables.
  2. Comparative research is a study that is comparing. Variables are the same as the independent variable research but to sample more than one, or in a different time.
  3. Research Associative / Relationships is a research that aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables. In this research, there will be built a theory that can serve to explain, predict, and control the symptoms.
Research by Type of Data and Analysis

The type of data and analysis in this study can be grouped into two, namely as follows.
  1. Qualitative data is data in the form of words, sentences, schematics and drawings.
  2. Quantitative data is data in the form of numbers or data.
Criteria for Good Research
There are some characteristics of a good scientific papers, among others, as follows.

1. Critical and analytical
2. Includes concepts and theories
3. Using the exact terms and definitions uniform.
4. Rational
5. Objective

Good research in addition to having the above characteristic, also have characteristics, as follows.
  • Objectives and research issues must be clearly delineated so as not to cause doubt to the reader.
  • Techniques and procedures in the study should be described in detail.
  • Objectivity must be maintained with the research showing evidence of the samples taken.
  • Deficiencies during the study must be informed in an honest and explain the impact of the shortage.
  • Validity and reliability of the data should be checked carefully.
  • The conclusions drawn should be based on matters relating to research data.
  • Object or phenomenon that should really be observed in accordance with the capabilities, experience, and strong motivation of the researcher.
  • Coherency, each latch hook between the one with the other, between paragraphs to one another, between one chapter to another chapter.
Thus the discussion on the definition of how to basic research paper ?, type of research and the criteria for good research. One of the types of research to be discussed is the basic research or pure research is a research that aims to develop and discover new theories. The results of basic research can be used for scientific reference of applied research.

Hopefully clarification on the definition, types and criteria of the study provides a thorough overview of the research, especially basic research. Hopefully useful.

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