Sunday, March 10, 2013

Factors Affecting Student Achievement

Factors Affecting Student Achievement. Learning achievement is derived from two words namely achievement and learning. Achievement of meaningful results or the value of a process. Value or yield may be abstract and can also be concrete. Achievement can be known through an appraisal process. While studying in Indonesian dictionary is defined as a process or activity to study to study.

So achievement is the result or the value obtained after passing the study. Therefore achievement is closely related to learning activities. Learning is a process must be passed in order to obtain the learning outcomes (achievement) is optimal. Learning achievement is influenced by many factors. In general, these factors are grouped into two major groups, namely external factors and factors internal. External factors related to the factors derived from the environment, while internal factors are factors that come from the student.

External Factors

Environmental factors and other things that are beyond self-learners are very positive effect on academic achievement obtained. Given learners are social creatures who very easily influenced by the surrounding environment. Family circumstances, school conditions, supporting the community and the environment are some of the major external factors that impact on academic achievement.
  • Family circumstances
The family is the environment in which the child first understand the process of learning. He became the first school for the children. The house is always in a learning atmosphere will motivate children to continue active learning. Then situation a safe, quiet and comfortable also will provide a positive impact on student achievement. Instead the state home away from studying the atmosphere will tend to make children lazy learning and this will lower academic achievement. Likewise, the home state of a noisy, uncomfortable will also have an impact on student achievement decline.
  • School conditions
State schools here, including faculty, curriculum, learning and overall school environment. As an institution of formal school education would have to learn the system that has been programmed. Learning systems performing well and truly done certainly will impact the progress of student achievement.
  • Communities
Communities is another neighborhood after a lot of family influence student achievement. Environment to teach them many things, especially the ability to interact with others (interpersonal intelligence sharpening). Community environment affect learning achievement of children through the process of interaction with peers and playing friends. When in the community when he met with children who love to learn, then he will come to learn is affected. And vice versa.

Internal factors

Simply put internal factor is the factor of the self-learners themselves that affect achievement. The internal factors include, namely: intelligence, aptitude, interest and motivation to learn.
  • Intelligence
Intelligence or intelligence is an aspect that plays an important role in the learning process and be in determining the success of the learning process. Students who have normal intelligence or above normal, will easily understand the subject matter. Students are very good achievement get potential in the learning process.
  • Talent
Talent is the basis of the potential possessed by humans. Talent is innate potential of human beings who have been born. There is also a mean to skill. As a potential basis he would develop if honed or trained continuously. Someone who has a great talent in a particular field will be easier to excel in the field is of a person who has limited talent.
  • Interest
The interest in the Indonesian dictionary meaningful attention to something or hobby. So the interest in learning is a trend or craze or the full attention of learners to participate in the learning process.
  • Motivation
Motivation is a strong push or a strong desire to continue to do something. Motivation to learn that is born of the self-learners is a big capital to improve academic achievement.

Learning achievement of students in the school did not come just like that. These achievements need at the input (input) is good and supports the teaching and learning process. Learning achievement is the result (output) of the input and process. If there is a problem in the input or the process of learning, then the output would be problematic.

Learning achievement is determined by two main factors, namely internal factors and external factors.

Internal Factors

Internal factors that determine academic achievement are :
  1. Physical factors (physiological factors)
  2. Psychological factors. Psychological factors, there are two types, namely intellectual factors (including intelligence, aptitude, and achievement that have been previously owned) as well as non-intellectual factors (including attitudes, interests, habits, needs, motivations, attitudes and other personality elements).
  3. Physical maturity and psychological factors.
External Factors
Apart determined by internal factors, academic achievement is determined by external factors such as :

  1. Social factors, including the environment of family, school, groups, and communities.
  2. Cultural factors, including the customs, science, technology, and art.
  3. Physical environmental factors, such as the amenities of home, school facilities, learning resources, and climate conditions.
  4. The spiritual and religious factors.
One school facilities play an important role in supporting student achievement is the library. The existence of a library in a school is mandatory. Once the importance of the library to the experts referred to as the heart of education (the heart of educational process).

But unfortunately, not all schools in Indonesia are lucky and able to have an adequate library. Even more unfortunately is a school that is able to conduct an adequate library but not committed serious or not actually use the library as a learning resource to support student achievement.

Libraries Supporting Student Achievement

In order for libraries to support student achievement, then the library :
  1. Must have a collection of books that are relatively complete and in accordance with the needs of students and teachers in the teaching-learning process.
  2. Novelty value (up to date) the contents of these books have also received attention because of the rapid development of science and technology.
  3. Must be supported by human resources (HR) is adequate. Ideally, human resources in the library is a librarian who does have the intellectual skills in the management of the library as a learning resource.
  4. But if not, the position of human resources in the library can be filled by teachers. Of course, you should choose an outstanding teacher and has a good reputation, not the teachers is problematic.
Logically, if the library as a learning resource managed by incompetent HR and achievement, how to encourage users to achieve ?

Should provide greater opportunities for students to make use of the library facilities. Libraries are self-contained but always locked will not provide any benefit for the students. Student achievement is not the responsibility of individuals or students solely. Student achievement is a shared responsibility.

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