Sunday, March 10, 2013

Factors that Affect Student Achievement

Factors that Affect Student Achievement. Who is it who does not like if the learning achievement of children in formal benches work well ? All of us, whether teachers, parents and the government would be happy if the achievement of Indonesian children able to boast the name of Indonesia. For it must be sought with the factors that affect student achievement.

For example, the national graduation exam, not a few students with depression and even suicide due to failure of the process of learning the many years he lived. But on the other hand, not infrequently also grateful to the expression of joy. It is highly expected by parents and teachers, have children who are able to carve a proud achievement.

The question now, many parents and teachers find it difficult to send their children to learn. Advances in technology play increasingly often make things worse, the kids would rather spend time to linger to play online games, to forget the main task as formal learners, namely learning.

To address this issue, the parties responsible for the education of a child, such as teachers and parents, must first know and understand the factors that affect student achievement. Both students' poor performance was influenced by many things. This is what is meant by these factors. Or in other words means that the factors that affect student achievement are the things that can give a good or bad influence on a student's learning outcomes, not only evidenced by the results in writing, but also science that could be accounted for by the student concerned.

Some of the factors that affect student achievement are as follows :

1. Ways of Thinking

Factors affecting student achievement is the first way of thinking. Everyone is doing everything in his life based on everything that comes into his mind. For example, there is someone who does not like to eat eggplant, then some time in telling by others that substances present in eggplant can help the digestive system of the human body one eggplant will facilitate defecation.

People at that time were experiencing difficult bowel disorder so try him to eat eggplant. With the suggestion that the eggplant will help to further smooth the bowel movement so he started to like eating eggplant. And finally he has a habit to eat eggplant when it is difficult to defecate.

This is what shows how great ideas that exist in a person's brain can change the behavior and attitudes of a person. Performance dislike eating eggplant thing turned into joy and habits in eating eggplant due to altered frame thinking about eggplant. After knowing that eggplant many benefit the body there arose eggplant would taste like this. This can be applied in the education of children to improve their academic achievement. If possible, as long as we as parents or teachers just told and told to children or students of our students are always learning and learning without giving any explanation or reason why should learn more about.

It may be children or students of our students will only be following us at a time when it is considered necessary to study and understanding of the importance of time to learn to walk away from him the desire to learn was also missing. So the planting of the importance of learning very important because if it is embedded understanding it without prompting for any learning they will learn self-awareness. And for most young people today are less keen to learn, we must begin by touching their thinking. Do not just be mere dogma to learn but give a thorough explanation of why they need to learn.

Learning is true it's our job as a human being. Learning to improve themselves and find that we have not mastered the science as is necessary in life sciences. One suggestion is to search for the science of learning. Most of the students or students currently studying only to get a fine. After getting a good value, what has been learned disappear without trace. It is likely to happen because the intention that there is just to find a good value only. This phenomenon exists. Even those able and willing to do anything to get good grades. '

So, we must change the way they think about learning. Learning is not just for looking good grades alone or meet the demands of the teacher or parent. Learning is true to themselves, as a preparation to lead a life more real when they have graduated from school and really dive into the community. By changing the way of thinking that is owned by them it will be easier for them to deliver real business, which comes from themselves to improve academic achievement. It became one of the factors that affect student achievement.

2. Motivation

The factors that affect student achievement the second is motivation. In doing so many things, we absolutely need a motivation. In any effort whatever, be it work, success, business, and so on. Included are learning. Motivation is encouragement to keep trying and trying to get what you want to achieve. A child needs to have a high motivation toward learning which he was engaged. This motivation can come from parents and the educators.

A simple example is the motivational words. Very simple, but it has great functionality. Both parents and educators ought always said sentences motivation towards their students. Not then scold the child is considered moron and stupid. An educator is someone who ideally patient and highly motivated in promoting academic achievement learners. Motivation is owned by parents and educators will be transmitted indirectly to the learners. Another simple form of motivation such as giving gifts to students who are considered to have achievement. Giving gifts can be made by teachers and parents.

Motivation is to be the factors that affect student achievement are telling. With strong motivation, can get or beating verything better again.

3. Environmental Conditions

The factors that affect student achievement the other is about the state of the neighborhood as well as student learning. A student who is in relatively urban areas have better achievement than students who live in rural areas. A student who attended target schools that have a frequency of higher learning, the relative would be smarter than students who attend schools that teachers rarely come. Once again about the environment.

Parents can actually provide beautiful solutions to this problem. Ie by creating conditions conducive learning environment and a pleasant home environment. Parents can take the role of teachers as being at home. The family is a school of life that will never be lived over by a child.

So as parents, we have to choose a good learning environment for our children. Environment will shape our children to be like what's there. The selection of this environment should be a primary concern for us. This environment is one of the factors that affect student achievement.

4. Interests and Talents

It should be noted that one of the things that make a child interested in learning a discipline may be because he had no interest in or talent for the discipline. Like the childhood of an Einstein, the genius of a child that could be hidden. And we will see it when he found discipline of interest. Here are some factors that affect student achievement. Many things, including the factors that affect student achievement. We as parents or teachers, should be able to see and optimism these factors so that the achievements gained by the child or educate our students can also be achieved with the optimal anyway.

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