Sunday, March 10, 2013

Overview of Math Olympiad

Overview of Math Olympiad. Math Olympiad is a championship that use race as a mathematical matter. This activity is held to determine the extent of understanding of mathematics, reasoning and communication of mathematics to solve mathematics problems.

Participants math Olympiad is usually derived from the high school students. Neither the first nor the medium school student high school. Usually the winner of the Olympic events, besides math prize, will also participate in similar activities at a higher level.

Operation of these maths Olympiad usually starts from the local level as between schools within a district. The winner of this contest district level, will now go forward to represent the local district competitions at the district level. And so on to the end will be obtained for the national champion who will represent the country in the international math Olympiad competition. Mathematical Olympiad is basically the same as other races many range of activities. Only, the material is tested for students to solve problems related to the material in math.

The questions were tested in math Olympiad is actually not a difficult matter to resolve. It's just a matter of it is made by combining some of the material so it looks complicated. That is why to do one about the Olympics takes a longer time while also requiring foresight and perseverance of the participants in the race to read about it.

The timing of the Mathematical Olympiad is usually started at the beginning of the new school year for the district level. Thus, these activities can be completed within one year to the national level. For schools who want to take part in this Math Olympics, should have to do special preparation. Therefore, the problems usually become an Olympic race matter is much more complicated than a matter of the subject matter in school.

To anticipate this, the school can take action by selecting the students who do have an interest and talent in mathematics. Normally, students who have the ability, more like face that is considered challenging math problems rather than solving ordinary lessons in the classroom.

The next step that can be done is to provide additional lessons specific to the student. The material provided in these activities can take extra lessons from Olympic issues that have gone before. Because, usually about Olympic style creation each year will not have much appreciable difference.

In this way, students will get used to math problems are complicated, as they will face in the real Olympics. In addition, students will also be used to solve math problems with limited time. So that they will learn to think quickly and find a speedy solution that the matter at hand.

Making Math Fun and enjoyable

Mathematics is often considered to be a complex and daunting subject. That is why many students are lazy and unwilling to follow the lesson. This is the challenge of educators, particularly Mathematics. In teaching, every educator should be able to find a method that is able grounded with the audience the students. Moreover, in the minds of many students already ingrained stigma that math is a subject that is not fun, boring and tend to be difficult to learn.

The task of the teacher should be the motivation for students to have a positive perception about math. Perception is important in the teaching process. Therefore, the perception is the basis of the early creation of a process-related attitudes and behavior measures.

Even though in the business world, perception is the main thing in determining the success of a product in the market. Expert marketing, Jack Trout and Al Rise stated that marketing is basically a battle of perceptions. Who can instill the perception of a product to the consumer then he would win the competition in the market.

Educators must be able to instill a positive perception to students, both in the teacher's perception of itself and the subjects taught. Related mathematics, it is more challenging in the growing process of perception. Therefore, since tens of years ago the perception of mathematics is a difficult subject and less enjoyable it is so deeply embedded in the brains of students.

With the perception, the task of teachers as educators who should be able to change it. Perception is learning math difficult, stressful and difficult to understand should be changed. Among the create methods of teaching that can stimulate the enthusiasm of students in the course.

One of them is the method of insertion in the middle of the lesson story. Of course the story is not given in the form of classic stories such as the collection of legends. However, the story related to the information that is contemporary or current. And giving this story did not take place in the feel one way, but it can also be packed into a dialogue with the students.

No need to talk too long, because if it is too long it will take time lesson itself. Anyway, the story material is a kind intermezzo for students to relax while receiving course materials maths. If students can be conditioned to relax, be growing psychological tranquility in abundance within the student. Student atmosphere will make it easier to accept given the subject matter.

On the other hand, by creating a relaxed atmosphere to the students in the class would result in a positive perception on the subject often considered intimidating them. This became the start for educators to be able to optimize the delivery of the material being taught.

By using this method of storytelling, will get some benefits for students and teachers. One of them will bring fluidity of communication, so that when problems arise will be addressed immediately to look for a way out. Melting of communication is one of the means of the creation of successful teaching and learning process.

During this time, many teachers are still applying the concept of one-way teaching. It is certainly not appropriate because it would create a single authority Unexplained. Where teachers and students into a single actor could only watch on what the teacher.

In addition to the creation of fluidity of communication between teachers and students, there are other things that can be used as the positive impact of this storytelling method. That is, teachers must be motivated to boost creativity and trying to find the latest information developed outside of school.

It is so absolute. Given no track information outside of school, teachers will run the story materials that will be delivered to students. In fact, to keep track of the latest information is a key determinant of the quality of a teacher. Teachers who rely on the knowledge that have been obtained in the past, certainly not a qualified teacher.

With so many treasures of knowledge, teachers will adjust easily to establish communication with students. Moreover, it will foster harmony between what is a knowledge among students with what is known teachers. So that the teacher is not a stutter on the ignorance of Western trend among students.

Thus, the stigma that math is known as a boring subject that should be changed. Teachers should have the creativity to be able to create a fun learning conditions in the classroom. Therefore, the pleasant conditions will bring a positive psychological conditions for students. And that is the entrance to the course material can be accepted and understood by the students or not. Stigma, that mathematics is a friendly lessons. That is to be instilled in students.

Mathematical Olympiad - Tracing the History and Achievements of Indonesian Children

Mathematics by most children like a very scary monster. Because through this lesson they have to memorize a lot of formulas as algebraic equations, logarithms and other formulas. What about math Olympiad ? Skills needed to master these formulas must be the main thing that is required.

In the minds of some formulas school was very difficult because they have to memorize one by one formula which there are hundreds if not thousands, not to mention the questions are filled with numbers that make them dizzy, had thought desperately to solve highly complex problems such as like a puzzle. To follow the math Olympiad, is precisely the formula must be memorized by rote.

But make no mistake, even though it was well-known formula is quite difficult, children with abilities that much, really. Even they can scent the country when competing in math Olympiad. No exception is also the children of Indonesia.

Christa, Indonesia Children Achievement in Mathematics Olympiad
Indonesia's performance in maths Olympiad can be spelled out very well because it has a lot of Indonesian children who became Olympic champion in this Math. One of the most outstanding child is Christa Lorenzia Soesanto, not only as a world champion but he also managed to break the record for his achievements were many.

Crista is a son of Edy Soesanto Prawirohardjo and Eliane Rahaejo Betsy who was born in Jakarta on October 21, 1996. Already since October 2008 Christa managed to make a new record in the Mathematics Olympiad, at the time he could four individual gold medals and two gold medals for the team. And this is the first record for the children of Indonesian.

The successful accomplishment he achieved because of the small he is in love with math, so that as a child her parents to enter him in an institution of courses in mathematics and eventually Christa graduated when he was 8 years old.

Christa achievement since I was in grade 1 SD Tirta Marta CPC Sower Pondok Indah. Initially he followed Kumon Math Competition 2004 held in Jakarta and won first prize and a prize for a walk to Malaysia with his family. So when in 2007 he became a member of Math Olympiad Team Indonesia with 9 other best students.

Christa smart because in addition to learning and diligently follow the math courses so that he can be very good in the lesson, but also because Christa intelligent and has an IQ of 150. But make no mistake, not only did she mastered mathematics but also computer lessons.

Want to know what accomplishments already achieved Christa, see below :
  1. The Best Theory "National Mathematics and Science Olympiad", 2007.
  2. The Best Overall "National Mathematics and Science Olympiad (Olympic National Math and Science), 2007.
  3. Gold Medal "IMSO", 2007 Jakarta.
  4. Gold Medals Singapore and Asean School Mathematics Olympiad (SASMO) (School Mathematics Olympiad Singapore and Asean, Singapore July 2008
  5. Math Olympics Gold Medal in Australia, Jakarta in August 2008.
  6. Gold Medal in the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad Junior Section, First Round Singapore in June 2008.
  7. Best Overall Performance Indonesia Team I "Po Leung Kuk Primary Mathematics World Contest" (PMWC), 2008 in Hong Kong.
  8. First Class Honour with Perfect Score "Po Leung Kuk Primary Mathematics World Contest", 2008 in Hong Kong.
  9. International Mathematics Competition gold medal for Team Competition October 2008, Chiang Mai - Thailand.
  10. Gold medal International Mathematics Competition for Individual Competition in October 2008.
  11. Gold medal National Open Computer Competition 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Nations Children Achievement in Mathematics Olympiad event

Besides Christa Indonesia there are many more children who managed to win the International Mathematics Olympics. As occurred in children below that make Indonesia as the overall champion in the Mathematics Olympiad, followed by the state of China, Philippines, Thailand, South Africa and India.

Here's a list of names of students who had triumphed in the Champions math Olympiad, is :

1. Gold Medal Winner in Mathematics Olympiad event
  • Gian Cordana Sanjaya
  • William Brian Antoni
2. Silver Medal winner at the event Mathematical Olympiad
  • Gita ASsyifa Firdaus
  •  Cristiana
  •  Rizky Sultan Madjid Hikmawan
  •  R. Lord Maheswara Adrianzka
  •  Nadira Salsabila
3. Bronze Medal winner at the event Mathematical Olympiad
  • Dhia Fairuz Shabrina
  • Steven Kusuman
  • Rifki Akmal Tsakif
  • Fauzan Hanandito
  • Keyla Cahya Athalia
  • I Gede Anjastara Bandem
  • Attallah Raihansyah Adrian
  • Muhammad
  • Pavita Ardhani Augiharto Daughter
Implementation of the International Mathematical Olympiad
International Mathematical Olympiad or the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is a competition for high school students in math which is the oldest international mathematics
Olympiad. Mathematical Olympiad was first held in Romania in 1959.

Each year there are about 90 countries that participated and the team send most 6 people. Requirements to become a participant in math
Olympiad is must be aged under 20 years and have never been educated again after high school.

There are some rules that apply to this math
Olympiad. Conditions are of course to be followed. History of mathematics Olympiad became the forerunner of the ongoing Olympic-Olympic mathematics that took place today.

Along the way math
Olympiad, many smart children's names were engraved the winner. They are the children of achievement, especially in the areas of arithmetic and memorizing formulas. The formula is actually difficult to be a friend to children math Olympiad participants.

Usually about the time of the Olympics given six problems to be solved and correct any problems given the value 7. Exams will be held over two days, one day they have to complete 3 problems and given time of 270 minutes, or about four and a half hours duration. The oldest Mathematical Olympiad has been held 53 times in various countries following list :
  1. Brasov and Bucharest, Romania 23-31 July 1959
  2. Sinaia, Romania 18-25 July 1960
  3. Veszprem, Hungary 6-16 July 1961
  4. Jovice, Czechoslovakia 7-15 July 1962
  5. Warsaw and Wroclaw, Poland 5-13 July 1963
  6. Moscow, Soviet Union 30 June to 10 July 1964
  7. Berlin 3-13 July 1965
  8. Sofia, Bulgaria 3-13 July 1966
  9. Cetinje, Yugoslavia, 2-13 July 1967
  10. Moscow, USSR 5-18 July 1968
  11. Bucharest, Romania 5-20 July 1969
  12. Keszthely, Hungary 8-22 July 1970
  13. Ilina, Czechoslovakia 10-21 July 1971
  14. ToruÅ ", Poland 5-17 July 1972
  15. Moscow, USSR 5-16 July 1973
  16. Erfurt and East Berlin, RDJ 4-17 July 1974
  17. Burgas and Sofia, Bulgaria 3-16 July 1975
  18. Linz, Austria 7-21 July 1976
  19. Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1-13 July 1977
  20. Bucharest, Romania 3-10 July 1978
  21. London, United Kingdom June 30-July 9, 1979
  22. Washington, DC, USA 8-20 July 1981
  23. Budapest, Hungary 5-14 July 1982
  24. Paris, France 1-12 July 1983
  25. Prague, Czechoslovakia 29 June to 10 July 1984
  26. Joutsa, Finland 29 June to 11 July 1985
  27. Warsaw, Poland 4-15 July 1986
  28. Havana, Cuba, 5-16 July 1987
  29. Sydney and Canberra, Australia 9-21 July 1988
  30. Brunswick, RFJ 13-24 July 1989
  31. Beijing, People's Republic of China 8-19 July 1990
  32. Sigtuna, Sweden 12-23 July 1991
  33. Moscow, Russia 10-21 July 1992
  34. Istanbul, Turkey 13-24 July 1993
  35. Hong Kong 8-20 July 1994
  36. Toronto, Canada 13-25 July 1995
  37. Mumbai, India 5-17 July 1996
  38. Mar del Plata, Argentina 18-31 July 1997
  39. Taipei, Taiwan 10-21 July 1998
  40. Bucharest, Romania 10-22 July 1999
  41. Daejeon, South Korea 13-25 July 2000
  42. Washington, DC, USA 1-14 July 2001
  43. Glasgow, United Kingdom 19-30 July 2002
  44. Tokyo, Japan 7-19 July 2003
  45. Athens, Greece 6-18 July 2004
  46. Mérida, Mexico 8-19 July 2005
  47. Ljubljana, Slovenia 6-18 July 2006
  48. Hanoi, Vietnam 19-31 July 2007
  49. Madrid, Spain 10-22 July 2008
  50. Bremen, Germany 10-22 July 2009
  51. Astana, Kazakhstan 2-15 July 2010
  52. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 16-24 July 2011
  53. Argentina 2012

Olympiad mathematics is still a prestigious event for children with exceptional ability in the field of exact sciences. Counting, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers is their main abilities. The event is at the same time can be used as a measure how far countries are participating in educating the children of his people.

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