Sunday, March 10, 2013

Know Chemical Reactions

Know Chemical Reactions. Scientists believe that the old chemistry chemical reaction of a substance will continue to be divided into parts that are smaller in size to some of these substances can not be subdivided. Hypotheses about the actual atom have been advanced by the ancient Greek philosophers. Noted, a Greek philosopher Democritus had suggested the idea of the existence of material "mini" that make up a substance that we encounter everyday.
  • Introduction to Chemical Reactions
  • Combustion Reaction
  • Reaction Merger
  • Decomposition Reaction
  • Replacement Reaction
  • Metathesis Reaction
  • Knowing the benefits of Chemical Reactions
John Dalton became the first scientist to bring the old idea of the atom to the international world. John Dalton was a substance believed to be formed from particles of air. Atom, which comes from the root word atomos, consists of two words, namely "a" meaning not and "Tomos" which means split.

According to him, these particles can not be subdivided into smaller parts. The term describes the nature of the atom itself is. Atom, which comes from the root word atomos, consists of two words, namely "a" meaning not and "Tomos" which means split.

Opinion Dalton had received some time related to the existence of atoms as forming any materials. However, Rutherford later suggests that the atoms themselves are composed of the smaller parts, namely the nucleus or nuclei of atoms and particles surrounding the nucleus.

Later, other chemical scientists managed to uncover the mystery of the atom forming. Scientists believed that atoms must be formed from the positive charge (positron), the charge neutral (neutron), and a negative charge (electrons surrounding the atomic nucleus). Instead of being replaced by a new term, the word atom is maintained until today.

[Atomic model] Scientists believe the role subatomic particles in a chemical reaction.

Electron rated as the most "responsible" to the survival of a chemical reaction. Electrons have characteristics such as moving from one orbital to another orbital and thus generate or require a certain energy.

In addition, electrons can also "friends" with electrons from other atoms, forming a bond of harmony called between atom or chemical bonding. Then, the question that arises then, what is the chemical reaction and how a chemical reaction occurs ?

Introduction to Chemical Reactions 
  • Replacement Reaction
  • Replacement reaction is a reaction to the replacement of an element in a compound by another element.
  • As the name suggests, this reaction involves two compound elements bertukur each compound.
  • However, unlike its name, too, the reaction is not as easy as imagined.
  • Not just "move" the place, this reaction can take place when the energy basis for forming reactions are met.
  • Here is an example of the replacement reaction (substitution)
  • Ag + Cu +> Ag + Cu 2 +
Did you know that the chemical reactions taking place in the body even when you're reading this article. Interaction and complex relationship existing turf in your body due to the interaction and mutual between atom react.

The reaction that occurs can be called a chemical reaction. Surely, you will wonder, what exactly is a chemical reaction ? Why are chemical reactions that are important to know ?

Simply put, the chemical reaction can be defined as the process of formation of new substances resulting from the interaction between the constituent substances called reactants. Chemical reactions are usually characterized by the presence of several symptoms that accompany the reaction.

These symptoms are changes in temperature, precipitation formation, the formation of gas, and it changes color. In the event of any of these symptoms, it is likely going chemical reactions. However, an important concept to grasp is the chemical reaction must involve reactants and thus produce new substances.

According to the understanding, chemical reactions can be classified into several types as shown below :

1. Combustion Reaction

Combustion reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which a compound together with oxygen react with each other resulting in the formation of a new compound consisting of oxygen.

The main distinctive feature of this reaction is the role of oxygen is large enough. As already known, the availability of oxygen is a necessary condition of a combustion reaction occurs. Here is an example of propane combustion reactions that produce new substances CO2 and water.

C3H8 + O2> CO2 + H2O

2. Reaction Merger

Incorporation reaction is a type of chemical reaction occurs forming a new substance that consists of substances forming substance. Reaction merger also called reaction formation. The main concept of this reaction is a new substance that is formed should be derived from the reaction between the substances that make up the substance. For more details, please sample the water formation reaction below :

H2 + O2> H2O

Examples of the above reaction is a reaction formation of water from its constituent substances, namely hydrogen and oxygen. At room temperature and under normal circumstances, the water forming substances can not be found in the form of monatomic elements (elements formed from only one atom). In normal circumstances, elements such as hydrogen and oxygen consists of two atoms are called diatomic elements.

3. Decomposition Reaction

Decomposition reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs in which substances are larger and more complex described back into their constituent substances. When observed, the type of chemical reaction is the reverse reaction of incorporation or formation. For more details can be seen in the example below :

HCl> H2 + Cl2

As well as the formation reaction, substances that are formed from the decomposition reaction should also be formed into stable substances of constituent elements. In the example above the decomposition reaction, HCl substances decomposed into its constituent substances consisting of hydrogen gas and chlorine gas.

Hydrogen gas must form diatomic compounds. Meanwhile, gas heat also from of binding two Cl atoms (diatomic elements) as elements of the group halides (VII A) other.

5. Metathesis Reaction

Metatesi reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which there is an exchange between two different reactions. Moreover, this reaction could be considered as an exchange reaction. Metathesis reaction is an ion exchange reaction forming two electrolyte solutions of certain salts.

The reaction can happen when one reaction products are expected to have a low solubility in water (solvent). In other words, this reaction can occur if there are deposits as a result of the end of the reaction. Here's contoih metathesis reaction.

NaCl + AgNO3> AgCl + NaNO3

Both react (left side arrows) is a solution of electrolyte salt. Both salts are then mixed so that the reaction occurs in the form of exchange in which positive and negative ions of each reagent. As noted above, this reaction can occur if the reaction products are expected to have low solubility.

For the case of the above reaction, AgCl is a compound that has a low solubility in water. As soon as the reaction occurs, the compound AgCl will precipitate in the form of a white precipitate. White precipitate AgCl will then form a balance between AgCl compound and its constituent ions (Ag + and Cl-).
Knowing the benefits of Chemical Reactions

As a learner, of course, we will wonder what is gained when we study chemical reactions. Why do chemical reactions need to be studied. These questions are fair enough to put forward. Some of the reasons a person needs to know about chemical reaction :
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