Saturday, March 16, 2013

Completeness of Scientific Writing Framework

Completeness of Scientific Writing Framework. It is not a student if you are familiar with writing scientific papers. He, he, he, felt ya ya .... After all, a scientific paper or in any other form that has been recognized by science, technology or the arts are arranged according to scientific procedures and is based on scientific guidelines and conventions that have been established.

Thus, the complete skeleton of writing scientific papers in a college may be different from the completeness of the framework of scientific writing in other universities. Nonetheless, it does not mean you just simply struggling in terms of writing scientific papers that have been set in your college course. Remember, the more information you receive, and the more often you confront something, the more clever you OK.... :)

Scientific Writing Framework - Framing Scientific Work
Actually, the complete skeleton of writing this paper need to be tailored to the type of research that has been done. The types of research itself can be categorized as quantitative research, qualitative research, research literature, and research development work. But in general, the issues and outline of the framework remains the same writing scientific papers.

Framework for writing scientific papers is needed when going to make a scientific paper. Basically we do not need to create a framework of scientific writing itself, because it has no rules or systematic framework that applies scientific writing. We just follow the framework of writing scientific papers that already apply it. Why create a framework when writing scientific papers to make this very important scientific work ? The main thing is to allow authors to ideas and ideas in scientific work.

A scientific paper contains some important concepts about a particular scientific field. Of course, the translation of concepts, ideas, applications in the field should be made in such a way that is easily understood by the reader. Framework for writing scientific papers here act makes it easy for authors of scientific papers describe it in paper form. Framework for writing scientific papers were also instrumental in chronicling logic of the overall content of scientific work. That is, the discussion raised is logically organized, making it more systematic.

Like we are going to visit a place we have never visited before. We definitely need a map to guide us to find the place. Similarly, the scientific work, to be able to make a scientific paper is good and right, and in accordance with the rules of writing Indonesian language enhanced framework needed writing scientific papers. It is applied in the writing of scientific papers in order to distinguish between scientific work with non-scientific essay.

Framework for Writing Scientific - Scientific Work Preparation Phase

Before we make a scientific paper based on the framework of scientific writing, we should make the preparation stages of scientific work. Make stage scientific work needs to be done to facilitate the writing of scientific papers develop materials that will be made. Similarly, when we are going to write an essay or story, of course we made earlier stages such as preparation, data collection or material and so on.

By making the preparation stages of this paper, what would be developed through a framework of scientific writing easier, regularly and systematically, so that is easily understood by the reader. It also makes the preparation stages of scientific work before it was committed to using the framework of scientific writing, saving time, because we are just following the line in stages.

So what are the stages in the preparation of this paper ? Here are a few stages of the preparation of the scientific work :
  • Preparatory Phase. In the preparation phase, we chose an issue or topic, and consider, the topic will be selected must be available around the writer. Topics in use should be the most exciting topic from the topic at hand. The discussion should be focused on a narrow and limited in terms of scope. Having the data and facts in an objective and adequate. You must know the principles of scientific though little, and have a source of reference or bibliography of materials that can be used as a reference. Then make a determination of title or topic restrictions. Furthermore, making the outline or outline.
  • Writing Data Stage. This phase is to search information from book reading or reference, gathering information from those who know the issues that will be the theme of the scientific work. In addition, direct observation (observation) to the object to be studied and used as the theme of the scientific work. Experimenting last at laboratory or testing data in the field.
  • Organizing and the Concept Phase. This stage did the grouping of materials to organize parts which will be including in scientific papers, selected data has been collected and re-grouped according to the type, nature and form data. Drafting scientific work was performed in accordance with the order within a predetermined outline.
  • Examination phase. This stage is complete the data is still not. Remove and edit the data were deemed irrelevant and does not match the subject of scientific papers, and edit any of the words in scientific work to avoid presenting material repeatedly or overlap between writing one script to another. Last edit any of the languages on the scientific work to avoid using language that is less effective, for example in the preparation and choice of words, sentence adjustment, adjusting paragraphs, and appropriate application of spelling rules.

Examples of Scientific Writing Framework
Due to limited space and so forth, this time we will see the complete skeleton of writing scientific papers from the basic quantitative results first. Why are the results of quantitative research ? Since most of the students who will draft thesis S1, ideally, their use of quantitative research on the type of research.
  • Cover Page
  • Logo Sheet
  • Title page
  • Approval Sheet ( Sheet Approval of Thesis Supervisor, Approval Sheet Thesis Simultaneously Endorsement)
  • Abstract
  • Foreword
  • Table of contents
  • List of Tables
  • List of Figures
  • List of Attachments

A. Background Issues
B. Problem Formulation
C. Research Objectives
D. Research Hypothesis
E. Usability Research Research Assumptions
F. Research Scope and Limitations
G. Definition of Terms

A. ..........................
B. ..........................
C. ..........................
D. ..........................
E. Etc.


A. Research Design
B. Population and Sample
C. Research Instrument
D. Data Collection
E. Data Analysis


A. Description of Data
B. Hypothesis Testing

A. ...........................
B. ...........................
C. ..........................
D. ...........................
E. Etc.


A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion

List of References
Statement of Authenticity Posts

Some Things to Look For in the Framework for Scientific Writing

Even if you already know the outlines of a scientific framework, the following seems a shame to keep you miss ....
  1. Cover page. On the page was a cover, included a full thesis title, the thesis, the name and identification number of students, college logo, followed by the full name of the college, department or program of study and time (month-year) passed the exam.
  2. Title page. The title page consists of two pieces. The first page is the page format and content similar to the cover page.
  3. While the second page is the page that contains (1) a complete thesis title, (2) text that reads Thesis submitted to the University ........... to meet one of the requirements in completing the degree program ....., (3) the names and student identification numbers, (4) the full name colleges and majors, and (5) months and years pass.
  4. Consent form. Consent form consists of two pieces. The first page is a page approval of the thesis supervisor. Here, it should be noted (1) that reads text thesis by ..... This has agreement to be tested, and (2) the full name of the supervisor as well as academic degree.
  5. Table of Contents. Table of contents includes chapter titles, section titles and section headings children, followed by the appropriate page number routed in the thesis.
  6. Biography. Life history should be written in narrative style with a third person perspective. In this memoir contains the author's full name, place and date of birth, educational history, saving organization, author of both accomplishment and achievement ever in the can during the lecture or while still in elementary school through junior and senior high schools. For thesis writers who are married, can too add name of husband or wife as well as children.

Well, it looks like the writing of a scientific framework above can be said to come on full. By the way, Is your head getting dizzy after reading this article ? Do not worry, once you wake up dizzy in the head will be much reduced.

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